Is God evil?

Is God evil?

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No, this is a discussion about the nature of good and evil. Certainly free will plays a part in morality and ethics but that does not change the fact that god and evil exist independently of free will.

Not necessarily; because everyone has the free will to commit good or evil.
It's just that the majority CHOOSE not to commit evil.
No, stupid fuck. I just pointed out two of your failed attempts and they both went over your head.

First, you used a pitiful version of the debunked and ridiculous Pascal's Wager. Failure number 1.

Second, your god was supposed to give you a brain to use logic and reason. The concept of this master of the universe in the sky defies all logic and reason. Just as much as the Roman and Greek gods or a god of the sun. But, YOUR particular god, according to you, will punish you for using that very brain he supposedly gave you. And will reward you for unquestioningly accepting the absurd.

As I said, a particularly insecure and vindictive motherfucker, isn't he?

But you haven't debunked it; because neither of us are dead yet. :D

I'm truly sorry that you're so afraid of that which you choose to not believe in.
So, you don't know how we are created in his image, fair enough, I've never received an sufficient answer to
thatfrom anyone.

An image is a part of someone, but not someone. It is a reflection but not the knowledge or the intelligence.
Deserving has nothing to do with it; because it's not part of the equation.
Nice try though.

But does this mean that you believe a fetus DESERVES to be aborted?

A fetus does not deserve anything. Its not about deserving anything.
Not necessarily; because everyone has the free will to commit good or evil.
It's just that the majority CHOOSE not to commit evil.

What you consider evil, might be considered good by another person. Do you think your judgement of what is good and evil is equivalent to God on the matter?
But you haven't debunked it; because neither of us are dead yet. :D

I'm truly sorry that you're so afraid of that which you choose to not believe in.


His logic is severely flawed, idiot. I see your god declined to provide you that brain I referred to.

I have no fear, moron. That's why I don't require, as you do, a deity to allay those fears. That's how your Christianity got a foothold. Fear.

One cannot equate "truth" and "justice" with evil. God certainly is not evil, nor did He make mankind evil, man chooses to be evil or righteous, God simply delivers the law, no law makes anyone evil or good, it defines what society believes to be good or evil.

God is incapable of lying -- Titus 1:2 Its not the nature of God to lie, He always presents truth.

That's why all scripture which derived from inspiration of God is good for doctrine, teaching, and correction. -- 2 Tim. 3:16

What do the scriptures say about God and lying? "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each is tempted when when he draws away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown brings forth death." -- James 1:12-15:)
One cannot equate "truth" and "justice" with evil. God certainly is not evil, nor did He make mankind evil, man chooses to be evil or righteous, God simply delivers the law, no law makes anyone evil or good, it defines what society believes to be good or evil.

God is incapable of lying -- Titus 1:2 Its not the nature of God to lie, He always presents truth.

That's why all scripture which derived from inspiration of God is good for doctrine, teaching, and correction. -- 2 Tim. 3:16

What do the scriptures say about God and lying? "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each is tempted when when he draws away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown brings forth death." -- James 1:12-15:)

Hey, Yaya, you want your fucking circular reasoning? Well, pal, here's your classic example.

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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What you consider evil, might be considered good by another person. Do you think your judgement of what is good and evil is equivalent to God on the matter?

If you will reread the thread, I've already mentioned that the idea of evil is subjective.

But back to your comment; society is the one who determines that parameters of what is evil, not the individual.

His logic is severely flawed, idiot. I see your god declined to provide you that brain I referred to.

I have no fear, moron. That's why I don't require, as you do, a deity to allay those fears. That's how your Christianity got a foothold. Fear.

So, rather then attempt to rescue your misconception and presentation that you refuted something; you instead, just fall back on your standard behavior and go for the diversion. :good4u:
So, rather then attempt to rescue your misconception and presentation that you refuted something; you instead, just fall back on your standard behavior and go for the diversion. :good4u:


This is just going WAY over your head, pal. Pathetic.

YOU invoked that weak version of Pascal's Wager, not me. I merely pointed it out and correctly stated that logic is fatally flawed. You have no response to that. Want to debate the validity of Pascal's little parlor game? Fine, we can do that. If not, maybe a good cup of shut the fuck up might be appropriate for you.

Then, you made the absurd comment about something I fear. What orifice did you pull that from? The same one you pull the existence of your mythical deity?

This is just going WAY over your head, pal. Pathetic.

YOU invoked that weak version of Pascal's Wager, not me. I merely pointed it out and correctly stated that logic is fatally flawed. You have no response to that. Want to debate the validity of Pascal's little parlor game? Fine, we can do that. If not, maybe a good cup of shut the fuck up might be appropriate for you.

Then, you made the absurd comment about something I fear. What orifice did you pull that from? The same one you pull the existence of your mythical deity?

You want me to respond to you SAYING that my presentation was flawed, all without you providing anything of substance; except for your FEELS.


Your fear permeates your posts.

You want me to respond to you SAYING that my presentation was flawed, all without you providing anything of substance; except for your FEELS.


Your fear permeates your posts.



YOUR post #75, loser. Nothing but a pathetic version of Pascal's Wager, which is a shitty argument in itself. THAT'S the substance, pally boy. Feelings? The irony is thick on that statement! FEELINGS, pal, are what YOU are expressing here, not me. I'm merely pointing out your flawed logic. One which you are avoiding to defend.
Hey, Yaya, you want your fucking circular reasoning? Well, pal, here's your classic example.

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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Simply disprove any truth presented in scripture. You cannot. The circular reasoning is have attempted many times to find untruths within scripture and you have failed time and time again. A Christian believes because the scriptures can be tested. Of course if you love evil.....and not God, you have already been cast aside by God. Thus your continuous attempts at deceit. Satan, your father, is a liar and the father of the lie.

Apples don't fall far from the tree. Your words prove one don't have a righteous bone in your body. :) Evil is as evil does. Perhaps when you grow up you might find hope.

As far a defending the word of have been handed your ass on more than one occasion previously when you attempted to match wits with the God that inspired the scriptures.