Is God evil?

Is God evil?

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I will think of retards like you wasting your lives, seriously hoping a child's fairytale is real...
That way I will die with a big fucking smile on my face.


Then why are so concerned about us "wasting" our lives??

Are you trying to convince us or yourself? :dunno:
Just like Yaya, you have no concept of circular reasoning, even though you are the greatest abuser on this forum.

You use scripture to prove the truth of the scripture. Classic circularity, moron. You're a blind ignoramus, pal, and pathetically laughable as well.

Satan is my father? Priceless!

Match wits with your god? Hilarious!

Disprove a virgin birth, man walking on water, raising people from the dead, coming back to life after being dead 3 days? You were homeschooled and Mommy skipped critical reasoning skills and science, didn't she?

You are really something, Ralphie. One of the most willfully ignorant somethings I've ever encountered.

Hey, tell me about that big boat with all the animals on it. I've always enjoyed that "truth". LOL are a son of this world, the secular and you cannot hear the word of God, Jesus makes it clear,

"If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me.
Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell the do not believe Me. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell you the truth, why do you not believe Me?


Next lets consider your baseless charge that accepting the Bible as truth is circular in nature. Why do you make such a charge? You claim the Bible is not allowed to testify in its own defense....yet you use it to make secular charges against it by quoting from it? Really? You can quote from it in an attempt to prosecute its content, but the content therein is not allowed to defend against your accusations because you claim its circular logic? Really? Consider the facts.

First the Bible is not ONE BOOK with one secular author, its many books drafted by at least 30 different inspired authors....form many walks of life, from Kings to sheep herders, physicians to slaves, etc., all agreeing in perfect harmony over a 3500 year period of which the Books were drafted....from different nations on earth.

The flaw to your logic of charging CIRCULAR REASONING OR LOGIC? When you make the charge you are confessing to a great truth....the UNITY of the entire Bible is real as you charge it with being one source when its many different sources.

Example if Matthew cannot be used to verify anything about Luke, or the opposite Luke used to verify something presented as truth by Matthew, then the assumption is made, whether you consider it or not, THEY ARE UNIFIED IN A WAY THAT NEGATES ONE FROM TESTIFYING FOR THE OTHER. Its nice of you to admit to such unification of the entire Bible.

Truth: Neither Matthew or Luke sit down and worked in collusion or union in order to deceive anyone. They are separate works from separate authors covering the same witnessed testimony.

Another truth: The Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written in the 1st century and they were never complied into a single unit until some time 3 or 4 centuries later...that complied work is called the Cannon.

Your logic would be like putting or placing several different news articles into one binding, from the Times, the Post, Tribune...etc., and saying You can't allow these stories to test for truth as they are in one binder. It simply does not float.

SECOND: No one is using the Bible's claim of being the inspired word of God to claim that the Bible indeed is the inspired word of God. A believer is told to TEST ALL THINGS.

One starts by looking at the testable portions of the scriptures, those parts that can be tested and validated by outside sources....unlike the claims of the supernatural which cannot be tested via physical science or history because its SUPER to nature...i.e. superior, the natural has no method to test the supernatural.

When one tests the scriptures just like one would test a news article from the New York Times or any other work by man.....and the work bears out to be documented by other sources, then truth is derived via the application of prima facie evidence.

Luke the physician even explains the method of testing things for truth before sitting them to print, "Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us (the apostles), just as they have been handed down to us from the beginning were EYEWITNESSES and servants of the WORD (Jesus), it seemed fitting for me as well, HAVING INVESTIGATED EVERYTHING CAREFULLY FROM THE BEGINNING TO WRITE IT DOWN FOR YOU IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER (unlike some of the other gospels that were random records not in the order of event)........"

Thus when you say, one portion of the Bible cannot be used to confirm other portions of the Bible you are attempting to silence the very fabric of due are saying, you can't use the testimony of one witness to confirm the testimony of demand to prosecute your accusations void of allowing any type of self defense testimony...because you claim the witnesses are engaged in circular reasoning when they verify one another's account.

Laughable. Just like all things secular YOU want your cake after you have just consumed it....with only one way to digest it again by consuming the defecated product thereof. :good4u:
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Then why are so concerned about us "wasting" our lives??

Are you trying to convince us or yourself? :dunno:

I don't feel wasted, do you? me, the waste is all the effort some folks put into starting threads and posting arguments trying to justify their decision to despise something they insist they don't believe in........I for example don't believe in liberal integrity, do you see me starting threads about it?......
I don't feel wasted, do you? me, the waste is all the effort some folks put into starting threads and posting arguments trying to justify their decision to despise something they insist they don't believe in........I for example don't believe in liberal integrity, do you see me starting threads about it?......

Exactly the point. :good4u:
Exactly the point. :good4u:

Despise a mythical being? Damn funny! Kinda like despising the unicorn.

What IS despicable is ignorance and bigotry.

An idiot like Granule lecturing me about Sodom and Gomorrah and using that as justification for his bigotry and shit on his neighbor.

Or some prick telling me that because, after using my brain and logic, have rejected his theology, that I'm bound for eternal damnation, regardless of the lifestyle I have chosen. Guess what pricks of that mindset? Gandhi is in hell.

That, somehow, their theology is the only true one. Christians, I hate to tell you this, but yours is just another iteration of any number of various fairy tales. Virgin birth. God-son. Trials and tribulations against evil. Death and resurrection. Heaven and hell. YAWN. Nothing new on this run-of-the-mill story.

Run along children. Like your savior suggested, practice your religion in private and we're all fine. But don't try to sell me on your bullshit in a public forum by using lame circular arguments. I'll call you on that garbage every time.
Despise a mythical being? Damn funny! Kinda like despising the unicorn.

What IS despicable is ignorance and bigotry.

An idiot like Granule lecturing me about Sodom and Gomorrah and using that as justification for his bigotry and shit on his neighbor.

Or some prick telling me that because, after using my brain and logic, have rejected his theology, that I'm bound for eternal damnation, regardless of the lifestyle I have chosen. Guess what pricks of that mindset? Gandhi is in hell.

That, somehow, their theology is the only true one. Christians, I hate to tell you this, but yours is just another iteration of any number of various fairy tales. Virgin birth. God-son. Trials and tribulations against evil. Death and resurrection. Heaven and hell. YAWN. Nothing new on this run-of-the-mill story.

Run along children. Like your savior suggested, practice your religion in private and we're all fine. But don't try to sell me on your bullshit in a public forum by using lame circular arguments. I'll call you on that garbage every time.

And yet, you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on something that you say isn't true.


But like I said:
If when I die, I find out that I'm wrong; then I've just wasted my time.


When you die and if you're wrong; well then, you're just wasted.

What IS despicable is ignorance and bigotry.

I know, right?......but here you still are.....

Gandhi is in hell.
perhaps....I have no idea what he believed at the time of his death.......but if so, what is your point?.....that even if he didn't believe God existed he should get to spend eternity in God's paradise?......because he was a nice guy?......does that make a difference for you?'re not're just another dick......

But don't try to sell me on your bullshit in a public forum

lol, dipwad....this thread wasn't started by Christians trying to sell THEIR bullshit.....there was a different flavor of bullshit being offered......
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I love it when the topic is so scary to liberals, that they have to change the focus to vocabulary; but then, it is what they've been taught.
It was your own ignorance that shifted the focus to your bad grammar...
Pure projection.
I am not scared of dying...
I can accept my fate ...
I don't have to pretend that some supernatural magic will give me never-ending life so I can make it through the next day without pissing my pants with fear of my own mortality...
That is for weak minded scared little fools like you and the Pastor...
Now get down on your knees and mumble some magic incantations to your imaginary lord before you wet your drawers, shitstain...
And yet, you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on something that you say isn't true.


But like I said:
If when I die, I find out that I'm wrong; then I've just wasted my time.


When you die and if you're wrong; well then, you're just wasted.


This is just way over your head, it? Want to believe fairy tales? Great. Want to make your belief in children's stories public? Great. I'll do just what I am doing. Pointing out, with amusement, what a fool you are.

Still clinging to the absurd Pascal thing I see.

Pathetic non-thinker
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I know, right?......but here you still are.....

perhaps....I have no idea what he believed at the time of his death.......but if so, what is your point?.....that even if he didn't believe God existed he should get to spend eternity in God's paradise?......because he was a nice guy?......does that make a difference for you?'re not're just another dick......

lol, dipwad....this thread wasn't started by Christians trying to sell THEIR bullshit.....there was a different flavor of bullshit being offered......

I thought you were a John fan, shitweasel. You avoid the issue, pussyfart. John says he is condemned. Do you just pick and choose what parts suit your need? Obviously.

I don't give a shit who started it. When people like Granule, you, Freedom start to peddle your childish horseshit is when I step in.

You said you put me on ignore, cunt. Lying there, too.
It was your own ignorance that shifted the focus to your bad grammar...
Pure projection.
I am not scared of dying...
I can accept my fate ...
I don't have to pretend that some supernatural magic will give me never-ending life so I can make it through the next day without pissing my pants with fear of my own mortality...
That is for weak minded scared little fools like you and the Pastor...
Now get down on your knees and mumble some magic incantations to your imaginary lord before you wet your drawers, shitstain...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - did my little revelation, regarding your fear, cause you to be upset?? :D

Some say ignorance is bliss, whereas you obviously have decided to make it your lifelong achievement.

This is just way over your head, it? Want to believe fairy tales? Great. Want to make your belief in children's stories public? Great. I'll do just what I am doing. Pointing out, with amusement, what a fool you are.

Still clinging to the absurd Pascsl thing I see.

Pathetic non-thinker

Other then you wailing that you're correct, you've still not provided a single thing that refutes what I've presented.

But then, your fear is what's probably interfering with you being able to arrive at a cognitive thought. :D
I thought you were a John fan, shitweasel. You avoid the issue, pussyfart. John says he is condemned. Do you just pick and choose what parts suit your need? Obviously.

I don't give a shit who started it. When people like Granule, you, Freedom start to peddle your childish horseshit is when I step in.

You said you put me on ignore, cunt. Lying there, too.

So now you're protecting yourself by saying that someone responding to a post, that was started by someone else, means their "pedaling" a belief.

You really suck at this, just to let you know. :D
Quote Originally Posted by domer76 View Post
I thought you were a John fan, shitweasel. You avoid the issue, pussyfart. John says he is condemned. Do you just pick and choose what parts suit your need? Obviously.

You said you put me on ignore, cunt. Lying there, too.

apparently gomer isn't smart enough to realize that if USF quotes him I can see what he posts even though I have him on ignore........he also isn't smart enough to know John says we're only condemned by what we believe.......I'm not sure of Gomer knows what Ghandi believed when he died, but I certainly don't........

I don't give a shit who started it. When people like Granule, you, Freedom start to peddle your childish horseshit is when I step in...... peddle your own childish horseshit?........
Other then you wailing that you're correct, you've still not provided a single thing that refutes what I've presented.

But then, your fear is what's probably interfering with you being able to arrive at a cognitive thought. :D


Your Jesus is god and god is Daddy and Mommy is a virgin because you have a book that says so. That book is true because god says so. And we know god says so because it's in the book.

Checkmate, fool.
apparently gomer isn't smart enough to realize that if USF quotes him I can see what he posts even though I have him on ignore........he also isn't smart enough to know John says we're only condemned by what we believe.......I'm not sure of Gomer knows what Ghandi believed when he died, but I certainly don't........ peddle your own childish horseshit?........


Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the word "ignore".

Yet, you felt the need to respond to me. Stupid reply, anyway. You have yet to adequately respond to anything.

Flail away, John fool.
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