Is Taco Bell worth paying for?

I change the wood with the meat...but chicken will take a lot of salt as as well a robust wood.

You soak legs and thighs 12 hours, you do not cook them 12 hours....did you get confused?

I try different wood with every piece of meat, cherry, apple, hickory, maple, oak, the only one I haven't is mesquite.

That is strong, even when I combined it with hickory, I don't even bother with mesquite any more.
I try different wood with every piece of meat, cherry, apple, hickory, maple, oak, the only one I haven't is mesquite.

That is strong, even when I combined it with hickory, I don't even bother with mesquite any more.

Ya I am not a huge fan of Mesquite....but on the other hand one of the best steaks I have ever had was in Arizona, cooked over 100% Mesquite.

It was served with these amazing Ranch beans and a salad, if you can imagine that.

I get the idea that you and I can do business!
Ya I am not a huge fan of Mesquite....but on the other hand one of the best steaks I have ever had was in Arizona, cooked over 100% Mesquite.

It was served with these amazing Ranch beans and a salad, if you can imagine that.

I get the idea that you and I can do business!

That is interesting, never tried grilling a steak with wood.

Hard wood charcoal, yes.
Taco Bell in Lakewood has never let me down, but all of the ones in Oly/Lacey have.

This is a very sad story.

I am spoiled of course.
I'll take your word for it, too many better woods out there for me.

Some Royal Oak hardwood charcoal, your choice of wood and protein, I'm good.

Now that we have bonded over wood to cook meats over do you agree that we can do business together going forwards?

A lot of fucks here have disappointed me, I am desperate for people my speed to talk to.
Rockford Il had both a Taco Bell and a Taco Johns before we had either a McDonalds or a Burger King.....I was smart enough to know that Taco Johns was in an entirely different league.
Now that we have bonded over wood to cook meats over do you agree that we can do business together going forwards?

A lot of fucks here have disappointed me, I am desperate for people my speed to talk to.

Politics, likely not.

Grilling and BBQ, yes, you have some good/excellent ideas, which I find interesting.

Fair enough?
Got breast, gonna fry them with green peppers, onions and add lettuce and tomato.

The three different restaurants that carried Quesadilla's were chicken.

Looking for something else, meatwise.

Tried steak, that was pretty good.
Try skirt steak, if you can find it....marinated...
I have a Berkshire Butt in the freezer.

My Grandpa raised prized Berkshires, often the best in Michigan.

I bought two, at great expense, the other one was out of sight!!
Bought some Berkshire ribs from OSU one time...they were Awesome....