Is Taco Bell worth paying for?

You've probably never had good chorizo, just that Mexican garbage.

That stuff's pretty bad. :eek:

What? I've had Chorizo in Mexico, in a US restaurant and I've made it at home. All for breakfast but a friend did bring something like you described. I really don't remember. I like it better with eggs and potatoes.
Exactly. But then again, when you're drunk-posting at 12am, you're probably not going to want to get out all the ingredients and start cooking something good. Easier to hit the closest fast food drive-through. :laugh:

No. I put a pizza in one night after a good night of drinking, passed out and when I woke up the house was filled with smoke and that pizza was, well, burnt (being an understatement). It was the drive-thru after that. Since I don't drink anymore, I haven't burnt a pizza since.
No. I put a pizza in one night after a good night of drinking, passed out and when I woke up the house was filled with smoke and that pizza was, well, burnt (being an understatement). It was the drive-thru after that. Since I don't drink anymore, I haven't burnt a pizza since.


In my 20s, I once drove home blackout drunk. Not a fucking clue how I got home. Car was parked in the street, everything looked normal, but it got my attention. This was back when DUI was more "Boys will be Boys" than a perp walk but still not good to be busted over.

In my 20s, I once drove home blackout drunk. Not a fucking clue how I got home. Car was parked in the street, everything looked normal, but it got my attention. This was back when DUI was more "Boys will be Boys" than a perp walk but still not good to be busted over.

My '70 Torino GT had autopilot. It got me home on nights I couldn't walk. Good times, clouded memories.
As I just proved for the 693th time tonight what they do can be done very easily and fast with much much better quality at home.

How does paying the people who own Taco Bell(s) what they want make sense?

Note: I am still bitter about some really low quality food.

Too often they just dont give a fuck.

It was in the early 90's.
I have one scar on each arm to prove that I was a Taco Bell fryer. :D

I have a 2.5 inch scar inside my arm teaching me how not to use a box knife opening a case of goods for Skaggs Drugs store about 1975 or 76.

13 stitches, the most I ever had at one time.
This one didn't change much I think. Same as always. Good.

Damn man.

Didn't feel a thing. It was a brand new razor blade. I was slicing the top of the box with one hand and steadying it with the opposite. I felt the touch and looked down to see I'd sliced cleanly through the top 1/8th or less of the skin. Hardly any blood.
Didn't feel a thing. It was a brand new razor blade. I was slicing the top of the box with one hand and steadying it with the opposite. I felt the touch and looked down to see I'd sliced cleanly through the top 1/8th or less of the skin. Hardly any blood.

I lifted a big vat of hot oil to replace the fryer with filtered oil and apparently I felt a hot stinging sensation on both of my arms. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGH!!!
Lasagna is one thing that takes much time to prepare, and so little time to eat it. But damn, is it good :D

Not a big fan of Italian food, but I do love a good, meaty lasagna. Lots of mozzarella and ricotta cheese too.
Not a big fan of Italian food, but I do love a good, meaty lasagna. Lots of mozzarella and ricotta cheese too.

Yep. And the noodles have to be cooked just right. My mother and the GF both make a killer lasagna, although the GF adds more ground beef.
I lifted a big vat of hot oil to replace the fryer with filtered oil and apparently I felt a hot stinging sensation on both of my arms. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGH!!!

Being a machinist, I have more burn scars from hot flying chips that I look like I was a welder who never wore leathers. I had one burn fast to my nose and it left a nasty scar.