Israel Just Bombed Lebanon Again ... Because They Get To Just Bomb Whomever They Please

Israel didn't bomb Hezbollah. Israel bombed Beirut.

Where Hezbollah has infrastructure, some of its members live, etc...
Why is it OK for Israel to bomb civilians in Lebanon but not OK for Hezbollah to bomb civilians in Israel?

Israel didn't deliberately target civilians and randomly bomb anything in Lebanon. That is exactly what Hezbollah does when it tries to attack Israel. Densely packed Middle Eastern cities make collateral damage and some civilian casualties a given in warfare.
This wouldn't be more of your special pleading fallacy, would it?

Nope, since I have used one.
Whether it's the IDF, the Mossad or another Israeli terror group, Arabs have a right to defend themselves.

And the Arabs do a really shitty job of it.
Do you think these Israeli terrorist groups have learned a lesson? I don't.

Of course, the Israelis have learned a lesson. Putting explosives in the enemy's communications gear works brilliantly. You get a very specifically targeted strike on enemy combatants with a minimum of collateral damage by blowing them up that way.
Israel didn't bomb Hezbollah. Israel bombed Beirut.

Why is it OK for Israel to bomb civilians in Lebanon but not OK for Hezbollah to bomb civilians in Israel?

This wouldn't be more of your special pleading fallacy, would it?
"Israel didn't bomb Hezbollah. Israel bombed Beirut"

.....because that's where Hezbollah members are located. :rolleyes:

And, as always, Israel gives people warnings to get out...

Israel launches deadly strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon, warns people in Beirut and elsewhere to evacuate

Missiles slammed into southern Lebanon, shattering the early-morning silence Monday and reportedly killing more than 550 people as Israel said it was targeting Hezbollah weapons hidden in residential buildings. The explosions came as Israel heralded a new wave of attacks on the Iran-backed group in Lebanon, warning civilians to flee from any buildings or areas where the organization had weapons or fighters positioned.

Lebanon's health ministry said the strikes killed at least 558 people, including dozens of children and women, and wounded more than 1,600 people, The Associated Press reported. Monday marked the deadliest day of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah since 2006. The death toll also surpassed the deaths from the 2020 explosion at the Port of Beirut that killed nearly 200 people, injured thousands and devastated entire neighborhoods in the Lebanese capital.

Israel's military said at least 35 more rockets or drones were fired from Lebanon at northern Israel, many of which fell in open areas or were intercepted. Israeli media said at least one man was injured amid the barrage.

The new crossfire came as Israel warned people in Lebanon — via automated phone calls, text messages and reportedly even Lebanese radio stations hacked into by its military — to avoid buildings used by Hezbollah.

The IDF shared images online of what it said were secondary explosions following some of its strikes Monday in southern Lebanon, showing, it said, "Hezbollah's weapons exploding inside homes."

"Every house that we strike contains weapons — rockets, missiles, UAVs — that are intended to kill Israeli civilians," the IDF said. It said 300 separate Hezbollah targets were hit in its Monday morning airstrikes in Lebanon.

President Joe Biden said on Monday that the U.S. was trying to calm the situation in Lebanon.


In a video posted on social media, Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Avichay Adraee said Monday morning that raids on homes and other buildings being used by Hezbollah to hide and launch weapons in Lebanon would "begin soon," warning residents to follow orders from the Israeli army to evacuate.

"The raids will begin soon. Evacuate the houses where #Hezbollah has hidden weapons immediately," Adraee said in the video, speaking Arabic. "Hezbollah is lying to you and sacrificing you."

"We are deepening our attacks in Lebanon, the actions will continue until we achieve our goal to return the northern residents safely to their homes," Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said in his own video message, warning his nation of "days ahead of us when the public will have to show composure."
Hezbollah asked Iran to attack Israel, Israeli and Western officials say

Hezbollah urged Iran in recent days to launch an attack against Israel as fighting between the Lebanese militant group and the Israeli military dramatically escalated, but Iran has so far refrained, two Israeli officials and one Western diplomat told Axios.

Why it matters: A direct Iranian attack against Israel would dramatically destabilize the region even further and likely draw the U.S. into more active fighting.
  • Two Israeli officials said Iranian officials told their Hezbollah counterparts that "the timing isn't right" for launching an attack against Israel because the Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian is currently in New York for the UN General Assembly.
  • In a briefing with reporters on Monday in New York, Pezeshkian said Israel is the party seeking a wider war in the region and stressed that Iran doesn't want to fall into this "trap."
  • A senior Israeli official said the security cabinet directive to Israel Defense Forces is to avoid steps the would give Iran a reason or a pretext to join the fighting.
  • The Iranian mission to the UN and a spokesperson for Hezbollah didn't respond to a request for comment.

Driving the news: Israel and Hezbollah over the last two weeks engaged in the most intense fighting between them since the 2006 war in Lebanon.
  • Israeli attacks have killed hundreds of people, many of them civilians, and injured thousands of others in Lebanon. Tens of thousands of people have fled southern Lebanon.
  • On Tuesday, the IDF conducted an airstrike in Beirut that the Israeli military claimed killed the head of Hezbollah's rocket and missile force Ibrahim Qabisi. The Lebanese press reported five people were killed in the strike.
  • More than one million people in Israel — from the Haifa area to the border with Lebanon — have experienced the most wide-ranging rocket and drone attacks Hezbollah has launched against Israel. Most have been intercepted but several people were injured.
  • Hezbollah suffered massive loses with many of its top military commanders killed and its communications systems compromised. Israeli officials said Israel destroyed a large portion of the militant group's rocket and missile arsenal over the last few days.

Behind the scenes: Two Israeli officials and one Western diplomat told Axios that Israeli and U.S. intelligence indicates Hezbollah reached out to the Iran in recent days and urged the Iranians to help by conducting an attack in retaliation for the Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran two months ago.
  • Iran has vowed to retaliate for Haniyeh's assassination. The U.S. and Israel at the time said they were concerned Iran would conduct another missile and drone attack against Israel, similar to the attack in April. But two months later, the Iranians still haven't retaliated.
No such dude. Jews were never in Egypt. The Old Testament is myth. You are an AIPAC monkey

' This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells. '

Palestinians didn't get to the Southern Levant until 3000 years after the Jews got there.

Palestinians do not speak any of the indigenous languages, hold any of the indigenous customs, or worship any of the indigenous Gods.

Palestinians are Muslim Arabs whose religion, culture, and language all come from Arabia.

Jews are the only people who still speak the same language as it was spoken during antiquity, hold the same customs as was held during antiquity, and worship the same God as they did during antiquity.

Palestinians have no claims like that because they stole the land from Jews and this is the proof:


Muslim Arabs built a mosque directly on top of the temple of Jerusalem.

Naughty Jews are going to jail.

Right, it's not about Israel for you, it's about Jews.

It's not about Palestinians for you, it's about Jews.

You want Jews to return to a time pre-1948 where you scumfucks could pogrom them and never face consequences for that.

Well, it's not Tsarist Russia don't get to just kill Jews and live now.

You don't get to hide among civilians and live anymore if you choose the pogrom or launch thousands of rockets. Thousands of rockets paid for with money that should have gone to the Palestinian people.

So not only does Hezbollah and Hamas hide among civilians, they also steal from them. Because they are gangs. Like the Mafia.+
I don't get why Hezbollah keeps fucking with israel. Lebanon is or could be a nice country.
Because they have corrupt leaders who use religion to run dictatorships

And Israel has a criminal leader who cheated in elections to win the presidency so he could stay out of prison for his crimes

Just like trump
Palestinians didn't get to the Southern Levant until 3000 years after the Jews got there.

Palestinians do not speak any of the indigenous languages, hold any of the indigenous customs, or worship any of the indigenous Gods.

Palestinians are Muslim Arabs whose religion, culture, and language all come from Arabia.

Jews are the only people who still speak the same language as it was spoken during antiquity, hold the same customs as was held during antiquity, and worship the same God as they did during antiquity.

Palestinians have no claims like that because they stole the land from Jews and this is the proof:


Muslim Arabs built a mosque directly on top of the temple of Jerusalem.

You're an AIPAC monkey too.

Americans must see through these deceits that have been foisted upon them by the Israel Lobby and recognize- once more- that Zionism is racist.

The return of the accusation that ‘Zionism is Racism’​

Forty-six years after the infamous UN resolution 3379, the accusation of “Zionism is racism” is alive and well in America.​

Like Hamas, Hezbollah also hides among civilians.

Which is a war crime, by the way.
Even though they were out-gunned by the enemy, the Polish army in 1939, the South Korean army in 1950, and the Ukranian army in 2022 deployed out on the field of battle and tried to keep the enemy away from their civilian populations. The way Hama uses their own civilians as shields is obviously a war crime.
The return of the accusation that ‘Zionism is Racism

Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right of self determination in their ancestral homeland.

If you don't think that, then you are antisemitic because you think Jews should live at the pleasure of whoever happens to be in charge.
Even though they were out-gunned by the enemy, the Polish army in 1939, the South Korean army in 1950, and the Ukranian army in 2022 deployed out on the field of battle and tried to keep the enemy away from their civilian populations. The way Hama uses their own civilians as shields is obviously a war crime.

Hamas is only in it for Hamas. They are not a political party, resistance, or bureaucrats. They are a gang of thugs, like the Mafia. They steal from their own people. They kill their own people. They traffic their own people.

The Palestinians in Gaza would see their lives improve dramatically if they got rid of Hamas themselves.

A..The Muslims and the Jews have been fighting for how many fuckin decades if not centuries??? Yet MSM and journalist all around the nation are demanding that the Harris campaign provide solutions on ending something that no country around the world has been able to solve. Two corrupt countries, Israel and the Palestinians all are expect the US to solve thier problems, get the fuck outta here.​

I am getting to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore!

Let em' kill each other until they are all dead.

I see it like this- either do what we have advised you to do- OR DON'T EXPECT US TO HELP YOU ANYMORE!

That's all I got anymore for either side!
I am getting to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore!

Let em' kill each other until they are all dead.

I see it like this- either do what we have advised you to do- OR DON'T EXPECT US TO HELP YOU ANYMORE!

That's all I got anymore for either side!
I used to support a 2SS but I don't anymore because the protests convinced me that the Palestinians and their supporters will never recognize Israel's right to exist.

So I actually think that all Palestinians should be deported to Arabia since that's where they're from.