Israel Just Bombed Lebanon Again ... Because They Get To Just Bomb Whomever They Please

So do Jews.
Agreed. At issue is the double standard and the special pleading fallacy. Apparently, terrorism, genocide and war crimes are perfectly acceptable if Israel is the perpetrator because it is therefore sanctioned by God for all to applaud and cheer.

I find terrorism, genocide and war crimes to be reprehensible, regardless of the perpetrator and I will not engage in any special pleading fallacies.

40+ Arab children are dead who were alive and well two days ago, victims of IDF terrorism, not because anyone was somehow hiding behind them.

Hezbollah attacked Israel and started the war, dude.
False. No one remains alive to say with any authority who really started the war thousands of years ago, only that we can all see that it is still ongoing.

If your double standard is based in your religion, i.e. the Israelites are the chosen children of God, always outnumbered, always the VICTIM, but always the triumphant protagonists of the story, while the Philistines are the eternal bad guys who are rejected by God who personally oversees their defeat .. OK, I get it, but I can't hang with you in justifying Israel's routine slaughter of innocent civilians on an almost daily basis, out of purely racist hatred.

Either it's wrong for Israel or it's justified and acceptable for Hezbollah, Al Qassam and Islamic Jihad.

I hope that you will someday join me in declaring all such terrorism to be wrong.
Hezbollah is in Beirut, dude. Israel was bombing Hezbollah targets.
Israel is not empowered to enter sovereign countries and bomb civilians therein. I don't care where Hezbollah might be, Lebanon did not attack Israel and Lebanese civilians have every right to remain alive. Your position is that because there are Hezbollah in the United States, Israel can bomb my children. Absurd.
Israel is not empowered to enter sovereign countries and bomb civilians therein. I don't care where Hezbollah might be, Lebanon did not attack Israel and Lebanese civilians have every right to remain alive. Your position is that because there are Hezbollah in the United States, Israel can bomb my children. Absurd.
nearly 10,000 missiles have been fired into Israel from Lebanon over the last eleven you think that Canada would react if 10,000 missiles were fired from Washington into British Columbia over a year and the US did nothing to stop it?.....
nearly 10,000 missiles have been fired into Israel from Lebanon over the last eleven months.
Quantity is irrelevant. One is unacceptable. you think that Canada would react if 10,000 missiles were fired from Washington into British Columbia over a year and the US did nothing to stop it?.....
If Israel began bombing Ft. Worth indiscriminantly, announcing that they have "intelligence" that some Hezbollah are hiding out in the US, would you cheer and applaud? Would you applaud the women and children who are killed when their apartment building is destroyed?
Israel is not empowered to enter sovereign countries and bomb civilians therein. I don't care where Hezbollah might be, Lebanon did not attack Israel and Lebanese civilians have every right to remain alive. Your position is that because there are Hezbollah in the United States, Israel can bomb my children. Absurd.
Is Genocide Joe going to supply the genocidal Jews with weapons to kill the people that are opposing Israel's genocide in Gaza ?
Is Genocide Joe going to supply the genocidal Jews with weapons to kill the people that are opposing Israel's genocide in Gaza ?
Biden will not be engaging in anything more than torpedoing Kriminala's campaign.

I wonder if Trump has considered approaching Joe Biden with a proposition: "Joe, you endorse me two weeks ahead of the elections and I will ensure Hunter isn't ever bothered."
I am getting to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore!

Let em' kill each other until they are all dead.

I see it like this- either do what we have advised you to do- OR DON'T EXPECT US TO HELP YOU ANYMORE!

That's all I got anymore for either side!

Claim....Agree 1000%. Natty is starting all these wars with these Muslims knowing the US got their damned backs. Bottom line, to date nobody has ever won anything fighting these damn ignorant backwards Arabs, many have tried, all have failed. There's a billion plus of these motherfuckers. Unless the world is ready to go nuke on the bitches, its a lost cause.​

Agreed. At issue is the double standard and the special pleading fallacy. Apparently, terrorism, genocide and war crimes are perfectly acceptable if Israel is the perpetrator because it is therefore sanctioned by God for all to applaud and cheer.
Both sides are fighting for their god, dude. There is no genocide, even though Hezbollah wants it. Fallacy fallacy.
I find terrorism, genocide and war crimes to be reprehensible, regardless of the perpetrator and I will not engage in any special pleading fallacies.
Fallacy fallacy. Israel has the right to defend itself.
40+ Arab children are dead who were alive and well two days ago, victims of IDF terrorism, not because anyone was somehow hiding behind them.
Nope. Victims of Hezbollah.
False. No one remains alive to say with any authority who really started the war thousands of years ago, only that we can all see that it is still ongoing.
The war is not thousands of years old.
If your double standard is based in your religion,
Fallacy fallacy. Pivot fallacy.
i.e. the Israelites are the chosen children of God, always outnumbered, always the VICTIM, but always the triumphant protagonists of the story, while the Philistines are the eternal bad guys who are rejected by God who personally oversees their defeat .. OK, I get it, but I can't hang with you in justifying Israel's routine slaughter of innocent civilians on an almost daily basis, out of purely racist hatred.
Fallacy fallacy. It is not about racism, dude. Both sides are fighting for their god.
Either it's wrong for Israel or it's justified and acceptable for Hezbollah, Al Qassam and Islamic Jihad.
Hezbollah has no justification, since they started the war.
I hope that you will someday join me in declaring all such terrorism to be wrong.
Yet you seem to support it.
Israel is not empowered to enter sovereign countries and bomb civilians therein.
It is Hezbollah that uses children and civilians as shields, dude. Israel DOES have the right to defend itself, even if that means invading the enemy to do it.
I don't care where Hezbollah might be, Lebanon did not attack Israel
It did, dude. Hezbollah is in Lebanon.
and Lebanese civilians have every right to remain alive.
Go gripe to Hezbollah that uses them as shields, dude.
Your position is that because there are Hezbollah in the United States, Israel can bomb my children. Absurd.
Mantra 30a (tmiddles attack).