Israel Just Bombed Lebanon Again ... Because They Get To Just Bomb Whomever They Please

nearly 10,000 missiles have been fired into Israel from Lebanon over the last eleven you think that Canada would react if 10,000 missiles were fired from Washington into British Columbia over a year and the US did nothing to stop it?.....
There has only been on war across that border, known as the Pig War. The only casualty was the pig.
Quantity is irrelevant. One is unacceptable.

If Israel began bombing Ft. Worth indiscriminantly, announcing that they have "intelligence" that some Hezbollah are hiding out in the US, would you cheer and applaud? Would you applaud the women and children who are killed when their apartment building is destroyed?
Ft Worth isn't launching rockets into Israel, dude. Attempted proof by contrivance.
Quantity is irrelevant. One is unacceptable.

If Israel began bombing Ft. Worth indiscriminantly, announcing that they have "intelligence" that some Hezbollah are hiding out in the US, would you cheer and applaud? Would you applaud the women and children who are killed when their apartment building is destroyed?
that is something I might expect of Iran......not Israel.......
The War of 1812? The American Revolution? The French and Indian War?
They're all dismissed as non-existent in ' ITN world '
He cancels everything that identifies him as an idiot.

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
"There is no "weaponization of the dollar"
"Covid does not kill ."
"It is not possible to have a variant of a variant. "(Subvariants do not exist )

Dumbass or troll ?

Both sides are fighting for their god, dude.

There is no genocide,
Yes there is.

even though Hezbollah wants it.
If the IDF could wipe all the Arabs off the face of the earth, they would do so in a heartbeat.

Arab civilians killed in Gaza: 40,000+
Arab prisoners taken: 0

Arab civilians killed in Lebanon two days ago: ~500 (~40 children)
Arab prisoners taken: 0

Israel has the right to defend itself.
Perpetrating ethnic cleansing on civilian Arab noncombatants is not "defending oneself."

Victims of Hezbollah.
Victims of indiscriminate Israeli bombing. Israelis are fully to blame for the deaths they caused.

The war is not thousands of years old.
The war is thousands of years old and you don't know who started it.

It is not about racism, dude.
Israel is currently demonstrating that Israelis collectively are the single most racist group of people on the planet, i.e. racist enough to perpetrate a genocide. Team Israel is demonstrating that they are the single most evil group of people on the planet, i.e. encouraging and cheering on the deaths of children and of other civilian noncombatants who happen to be Arab.

Hezbollah has no justification, since they started the war.
Israel has no justification, since they started the war.

Yet you seem to support it.
Show me a link to where I have supported any killing.
It is Hezbollah that uses children and civilians as shields, dude.
It's the gullible and the evil who cheer on Israel's terrorism and killing of innocent civilians who never had anyone hiding behind them. It's the gullible and the evil who parrot whatever narrative Israel orders them to believe and to regurgitate.

There are no "human shields." The civilian noncombatants are the targets. Indiscriminant bombing of civilian population centers is illegal everywhere. Airstrikes into civilian population centers are illegal everywhere.

Israel DOES have the right to defend itself,

Lebanon has a right to exist. Israel has no right to kill Lebanese children, regardless of how many Team Israel marionettes blame others for Israel's war crimes.

even if that means invading the enemy to do it.
Lebanon is not the enemy and the Lebanese people have a right to live.
It is completely relevant. YOU brought it up!
Yes there is.
There is no genocide.
If the IDF could wipe all the Arabs off the face of the earth, they would do so in a heartbeat.
That has already been shown to be false.
Arab civilians killed in Gaza: 40,000+
Arab prisoners taken: 0

Arab civilians killed in Lebanon two days ago: ~500 (~40 children)
Arab prisoners taken: 0
Argument from randU fallacy.
Perpetrating ethnic cleansing on civilian Arab noncombatants is not "defending oneself."
There is no 'ethnic cleansing'.
Victims of indiscriminate Israeli bombing. Israelis are fully to blame for the deaths they caused.
Don't try to blame Hezbollah using civilians as shields on Israel!
The war is thousands of years old and you don't know who started it.
The war is not 'thousands of years old'.
Israel is currently demonstrating that Israelis collectively are the single most racist group of people on the planet,
No, the Japanese are.
i.e. racist enough to perpetrate a genocide.
There is no genocide.
Team Israel is demonstrating that they are the single most evil group of people on the planet, i.e. encouraging and cheering on the deaths of children and of other civilian noncombatants who happen to be Arab.
You are describing Hezbollah.
Israel has no justification, since they started the war.
Israel did not start the war.
Show me a link to where I have supported any killing.
Your own posts.
It's the gullible and the evil who cheer on Israel's terrorism and killing of innocent civilians who never had anyone hiding behind them.
No, dude. It's Hezbollah and Hamas.
It's the gullible and the evil who parrot whatever narrative Israel orders them to believe and to regurgitate.
Israel gives me no orders, dude.
There are no "human shields."
Blatant lie.
The civilian noncombatants are the targets.
No, they are not. Blatant lie.
Indiscriminant bombing of civilian population centers is illegal everywhere.
No, it isn't. See the bombings of most of WW2, and the bombing of Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
Airstrikes into civilian population centers are illegal everywhere.
No, it isn't. See above.
Well at least we agree on something.
Lebanon has a right to exist.
True. I never said otherwise.
Israel has no right to kill Lebanese children, regardless of how many Team Israel marionettes blame others for Israel's war crimes.
I take no orders from Israel.
Lebanon is not the enemy and the Lebanese people have a right to live.
Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran are the enemy. They use civilians and children as human shields. THAT's a war crime. DON'T TRY TO BLAME THE ENEMY'S WAR CRIMES ON ISRAEL! That's an inversion fallacy.