Israel Just Bombed Lebanon Again ... Because They Get To Just Bomb Whomever They Please

Great Britain created a real clusterfuck didn’t they?
Why does everyone not mention how Britain GOT the mandate in the first place?

They won it from the Ottomans in WWI, who won it from the Christians, who won it from the Arabs, who won it from the Romans, who won it from the Jews.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Israel. They are indigenous to Arabia.
Even though they were out-gunned by the enemy, the Polish army in 1939, the South Korean army in 1950, and the Ukranian army in 2022 deployed out on the field of battle and tried to keep the enemy away from their civilian populations. The way Hama uses their own civilians as shields is obviously a war crime.
You prosemitic bigots are stuck in a rut of your own manufacture;

Israeli high court bans military use of Palestinians as human shields

IDF’s ethics guru slams High Court ban on human shields




Two soldiers forced Palestinian child to open bags, feared to have been booby trapped,

Israeli High Court: Israeli Soldiers Used Palestinians as Human Shields 1,200 Times

The IDF admitted to using Palestinians as human shields at least 1,200 times during the Second Intifada (2000-2005). Despite the fact that the practice was banned by the Israeli High Court in 2005, it continued during the 2008-2009 war in Gaza (Operation Cast Lead). Following the war, the UN Human Rights Council condemned Israel's use of Palestinians as human shields.

According to defense officials, the Israel Defense Forces made use of the ‘human shield’ procedure on 1,200 occasions over the last five years,

It seems unlikely that a Hamas fighter could find a Palestinian that didn't have an IOF asshole hiding behind him already.

Haw, haw.....................................................haw.
I used to support a 2SS but I don't anymore because the protests convinced me that the Palestinians and their supporters will never recognize Israel's right to exist.

So I actually think that all Palestinians should be deported to Arabia since that's where they're from.
Yes, some of the Palestinian protests of late were pathetic. But were not really all Palestinians, if any. Many of them were just anti-Biden troublemakers and TRUMPTARDED shit-stirring idiots.
Where Hezbollah has infrastructure, some of its members live, etc...
Probably not. It looks like the IDF just wanted to kill some more Arab children and they kind of ran out in Gaza. If Israel were going after military targets, there wouldn't be children dying by the score in every attack.

Israel didn't deliberately target civilians
Yes they did.

and randomly bomb anything in Lebanon.
That's all they do. They launch illegal air strikes into civilian population centers everywhere they go. It's like the IDF goes out of its way to avoid military targets and just maximize the number of Arab civilian noncombatant deaths.

That is exactly what Hezbollah does when it tries to attack Israel.
So, is it wrong for the IDF or is it perfectly acceptable for Hezbollah, Al Qassam and Islamic Jihad?

Densely packed Middle Eastern cities make collateral damage and some civilian casualties a given in warfare.
The IDF is engaged in terrorism, regardless of whether they claim to be "at war." Either we need to declare the IDF a terrorist organization or we need to remove Hezbollah, Al Qassam and Islamic Jihad from the list.

No special pleading fallacies.
Like Hamas, Hezbollah also hides among civilians.
Just as Democrats call everyone a RACIST!, Israel claims that all the children they attack are enemies that are "hiding behind human shields."

At a certain point, rational adults realize that Israel is only attacking civilian noncombatants that are naturally mixed in with other civilian noncombatants.
The IDF bombed children, not Hezbollah. The IDF is a terrorist organization.

First, no they don't. Second, it's totally irrelevant. Warnings are not a license to commit terrorism and murder.
Hezbollah uses civilians just like Hamas did. Israel sends warnings to civilians - I heard an interview with a Lebanese civilian who read the message. Unfortunately, being a martyr is what many would-be terrorists strive for because it guarantees them an eternity of bliss. No amount of warnings from Israel is going to convince someone who wants to die.

Lebanese official media: Israel sending phone warnings to evacuate
Beirut (Lebanon) (AFP) – Lebanese official media said Monday people were receiving Israeli phone warnings telling them to evacuate, and Information Minister Ziad Makary's office told AFP it had received one of the messages.

It called the phone warnings "part of the psychological war that the enemy has adopted".

Minister Makary's office, located in Beirut near several other ministries, said it received a landline call and when staff responded, a "recorded message" told them to evacuate the building in order to avoid strikes.

Others in Lebanon reported receiving mobile phone text messages with similar warnings from a sender whose number was not displayed.

Exactly, i.e. not at all. This does not stop the IDF from claiming that the civilian noncombatants they were targeting were somehow merely colateral damage.

You are chanting. The IDF does not send "warnings" and it wouldn't make their genocide any more plausible if they were to do so.
"The IDF does not send "warnings""

As usual, you deny anything that goes against what you want to believe.

Israel Just Bombed Lebanon Again ... Because They Get To Just Bomb Whomever They Please​

It is worth remembering that Hezbollah attacked Israeli civilians first, and consistently. Israel is not starting wars here.

After nearly a year of constant Hezbollah attacks, it is bizarre to claim that Israel is bombing whomever they want.
It is worth remembering that Hezbollah attacked Israeli civilians first, and consistently.
Always remembered.

QUESTION: Why are Israelis applauded for targeting Arab civilian population centers and killing many women and children, but Arabs are decried and condemned for targeting Israeli civilian population centers and killing far fewer women and children?
QUESTION: Why are Israelis applauded for targeting Arab civilian population centers and killing many women and children, but Arabs are decried and condemned for targeting Israeli civilian population centers and killing far fewer women and children?
Shani Louk was a German girl who went to a music festival in Israel. Hamas broke into Israel, raped, tortured, murdered, and dragged her body through the streets. The wall did nothing to prevent that.

Hamas targeted civilians, avoiding soldiers as much as possible. Hezbollah has also targeted civilians with their rockets. The only reason Hezbollah has killed so few civilians is they are very incompetent, not very moral.

If you argue that Israel has not done enough to avoid civilian deaths, you will get some agreement out of me. But this argument that Israel does not have a right to strike back against terrorists that target civilians is just silly.
After nearly a year of constant Hezbollah attacks,
Remember what you are writing, i.e. HEZBOLLAH attacks. This necessitates Israel attacking HEZBOLLAH, not groups that are not HEZBOLLAH.

it is bizarre to claim that Israel is bombing whomever they want.
Israel is bombing Lebanon, not bombing HEZBOLLAH. Israel does not get to claim that all Lebonese deaths in the civilian noncombatant population centers they targeted, including over 400 adult mena dn women and about 40 children, are somehow totally justified because Israel was attacked by HEZBOLLAH.

Israel cannot rightly enter a country and start killing the civilians just because Israel was attacked by Hezbollah. It seems that Team Israel is saying that Israel could enter the United States and just start killing civilians because, hey, Israel was attacked by Hezbollah.

After all, that is exactly Team Israel's special pleading fallacy, i.e. Israel can do whatever it wants, even if it would be totally illegal if perpetrated by anyone else.
Remember what you are writing, i.e. HEZBOLLAH attacks. This necessitates Israel attacking HEZBOLLAH, not groups that are not HEZBOLLAH.
There is no way to attack Hezbollah without also hitting those around Hezbollah. If your complaint is Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian deaths, you might get some agreement out of me. But even there, it is worth remembering that Hezbollah intentionally targets civilians.

But, there is no defense for claiming Israel should not strike back at Hezbollah.
Israel is bombing Lebanon, not bombing HEZBOLLAH.
Untrue. Israel is bombing Hezbollah is Lebanon. The target here is Hezbollah. Parts of Lebanon without Hezbollah are not being bombed at all.

This has always been how war works. Israel is allowed to strike back at the forces that struck it.

The only way Lebanon can avoid this is by removing Hezbollah themselves.
Shani Louk was a German girl who went to a music festival in Israel. Hamas broke into Israel, raped, tortured, murdered, and dragged her body through the streets. The wall did nothing to prevent that.
Nope. That wasn't Hamas. That was Al Qassam. Hamas is nothing but a political party with no army, no money and no weapons.

[Al Qassam] targeted civilians [and Israel knows this], avoiding soldiers as much as possible.
FTFY. Israel should have attacked Iran who was ultimately responsible for the October 7th attack. There were no Gazans who attacked Israel. Israel simply wanted to slaughter Arabs, not Persians.

Hezbollah has also targeted civilians with their rockets.
Were Hezbollah right to do what they did, or is the IDF wrong for doing what they do? It's all terrorism. Saying that it's OK for the IDF but somehow not OK for Hezbollah is a special pleading fallacy.

The only reason Hezbollah has killed so few civilians is they are very incompetent, not very moral.
Immaterial. Is Hezbollah morally justified in what they do, or is the IDF a heinous terrorist organization?

If you argue that Israel has not done enough to avoid civilian deaths, you will get some agreement out of me.
Poor wording on your part. Israel targets civilians. What they do is completely against the Geneva Conventions to which they are signatories.

But this argument that Israel does not have a right to strike back against terrorists that target civilians is just silly.
Who is making this argument?

The issue is Team Israel's special pleading fallacy, i.e. Terrorism and genocide on the part of Israel isn't terrorism and genocide, it's always righteous justice dispensed by God's chosen people and is to be celebrated.
Nope. That wasn't Hamas. That was Al Qassam. Hamas is nothing but a political party with no army, no money and no weapons.
Hamas is a government, and Al Qassam is a military force within that government. It would be like arguing that the US Government does not have responsibility for the US Marines.
Hamas is a government,
Nope. Gaza isn't a country. Hamas is a political party that is providing leadership, and that's all.

and Al Qassam is a military force within that government.
False. Al Qassam is funded by, and answers to Iran, just as Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.

It would be like arguing that the US Government does not have responsibility for the US Marines.
It's like arguing that the DNC does not have responsibility for the Russian Navy.
There is no way to attack Hezbollah without also hitting those around Hezbollah.

If your complaint is Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian deaths, you might get some agreement out of me.
Israel is targeting civilians; Israelis HATE Arabs and are intent on just exterminating the lot of them.

But even there, it is worth remembering that Hezbollah intentionally targets civilians.
It is worth remembering that Hezbollah's terrorism does not justify Israel's terrorism. Israel has killed thousands of Arab children and claimed to gullible audiences that they were actually targeting others who were never present to begin with.

But, there is no defense for claiming Israel should not strike back at Hezbollah.
There is no defense for claiming that Israel gets to attack whomever they please as long as they were attacked by Hezbollah.

Untrue. Israel is bombing Hezbollah is Lebanon.
It is false to claim that Israel isn't targeting civilians.

The target here is Hezbollah.
The targets are Arab Semites. The objective is to rid the world of the Arabs they HATE.

Parts of Lebanon without Hezbollah are not being bombed at all.
Parts of Lebanon without Hezbollah, but nonetheless loaded with civilian noncombatants, have been bombed heavily, and those civilian noncombatants were blown to pieces. Israel had every moral and legal obligation under the Geneva Conventions to protect every single civilian noncombatant. Instead, the IDF actively targeted them. War crimes.

This has always been how war works.
Nope. Israel is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. They have to follow the international agreements. They don't get a choice in the matter.

Israel is allowed to strike back at the forces that struck it.
Israel is never allowed to launch air strikes into civilian population centers. They have every obligation to protect all civilian noncombatants. The IDF has every obligation to protect homes and personal property.

The IDF is a bunch of war criminal terrorists. If it's wrong for Hezbollah it is wrong for the IDF.

The only way Lebanon can avoid this is by removing Hezbollah themselves.
False. You obviously need to read the Geneva Conventions.