Dear Frankie Fuckwad
You asked for proof of Nazi Pelousy saying what I claimed she said. I provided proof. You didn't like the source. I provided yet ANOTHER source that showed the same exact thing word for word. You still didn't like the source. I know the game you democrats like to play. Whenever you are proved wrong or facts are presented to you that fuck with your distorted worldview, you immediately resort to criticizing the source. As if doing that will make what is true untrue.
I never expected you to apologize Frankie Fuckwad. To do so would mean you possess a level of self awareness and character that I know you do not possess. You proved that by trying to project onto me.
I hope you get stage 4 inoperable prostate cancer and it spreads to your bones and there is a nationwide shortage of opioids. I hope you have to resort to street heroin for relief and become addicted and then in an act of desperation purchase a laced hit of heroin from your buddy Deshtard that kills you dead.
That is what I hope for you Frankie Fuckwad. Why? Not because I don't like you Frankie Fuckwad. But, because I pity you and I want you put out of your misery
You have NOT given me a credible account of her saying she will give ZERO to Trump.
But it is fun watching you pretend you have.
I have more character in my pinky than you have in your entire body.
I have shown the character to apologize when wrong. My guess is, you haven't. But I am willing to re-offer the challenge. Show a link to you apologizing for being wrong...and I will offer two in return. Then you can offer another...and I will link to two more.
BUT YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT...A BIG MOUTH and nothing more.
As for your hateful "wishes"...shove them up your ass...if your asshole is not busy with other things.