There is no way he caves now Frankie Fuckwad. Not a chance. His Presidency would be over and his base would abandon him. It would be his "read my new taxes" moment. Of course that is why democrats like you want him to cave. Say what you want about Trump, but he has very keen political skills. He is an expert marketer and today that is what politics has become whether you like it or not.
There are only two ways this plays out in my opinion
1) Democrats cave and give him his $5 billion - unlikely
2) The Party of Failure in the Senate caves to media pressure and passes a bill and then overrides a veto.
#2 is the most likely scenario in my view and even though it will be seen as a loss by the media and leftists, Trump will have won. I have to admit I am surprised that the GOP in the Senate hasn't caved yet. I figured they would have by now.
I love me a good shut down. My life is still not being impacted. I will let you know if it is. But, even if it is, i would still suck it up for the greater good.
The really good news is that we are only five more days from Trump being able to actually lay these people off for good. Now that is really good fucking news if you ask me. Talk about shrinking gobblement? I just gave myself a hard on