Jade's Recipe Exchange.


Chef's Notes

1994 Recipe Hall of Fame

I would have these beans with cornbread pancakes!



I've never had cornbread pancakes... thanks for the idea!
Just braised a New Zealand lamb leg the other day. We've been eating gyros for the last several days. Here's how I did the lamb.

In a metal braising dish, I added two jars of our homemade veggie stock. Basically your average jamming jar size.

Added one beer for sweetness and slight bite from the hops. https://www.beeroftheday.com/beer/dragonmead_castlebrite_apricot_wheat

Added a handful of black trumpet mushrooms, a package of blushing belle mini potatoes, and 4 small black garlic bulbs cut in quarters. It was all seasoned with truffle salt.

I smothered the lamb in Greek seasoning and a little truffle salt. https://www.spicehunter.com/products/greek-seasoning-blend/

It was roasted it in the oven at 470 for about 26 minutes flipping once. Then it was placed in the middle of the braising container. https://smile.amazon.com/antiatasco...GARXAR6B2XV&psc=1&refRID=13Y653GWB35TH0RM7GT2 You want the liquid a little below or about halfway up the meat so move anything in its way. It was double foil topped and braised low and slow for 6 - 8 hours at 325 - 350. It depends how quickly you want it done. Flip it once halfway through and cover again before returning.
Love how you've embraced the black trumpets. Found my first ever trumpets close to our home, a couple weeks ago. We have had a huge harvest of chanterelles, oysters, lobsters, and honey. Still desperately searching for COW (chicken of the woods aka Laetiporus sulphureus).
Love how you've embraced the black trumpets. Found my first ever trumpets close to our home, a couple weeks ago. We have had a huge harvest of chanterelles, oysters, lobsters, and honey. Still desperately searching for COW (chicken of the woods aka Laetiporus sulphureus).

I use to think I hated mushrooms but it turns out I don't like the button mushrooms they use most often. I had a dish that had a shiitake cream sauce though and found out they were pretty good. I decided to try others and the descriptions led me to Black Trumpets.
I use to think I hated mushrooms but it turns out I don't like the button mushrooms they use most often. I had a dish that had a shiitake cream sauce though and found out they were pretty good. I decided to try others and the descriptions led me to Black Trumpets.

Aren't they wonderful? You would love chanterelles too. Wish I could figure out a way to send you some. They don't dry well so I saute them in butter, pack them in jars when halfway cooked, add some white wine, and freeze. They are just like fresh when you thaw them out. The trumpets I found were amazing! Walked right by them, thought they were a pile of bear poop. On the return trip the lighting was different and I realized that they were the coveted trumps! Used them in a pot roast gravy. Mmmm!
I tried this quesadilla cake from the Delish cookbook today. It turned out really well. I made it exactly as the recipe called for, but all you better cooks could probably tweak it.

Edit: after looking at the video I forgot to put a tortilla on top for the last layer. It was still tasty, though. :D


I looked at that recipe. Way too much cumin for way too little chili powder. A small amount of cumin goes a long way. It needs several times the amount of chili powder put in. Also, you can vary the type of chili powder to get different flavors. I would also say if you want a bit more zing in it, add some actual chilies finely chopped to it. I'd recommend Serrano chilies myself, I find Jalapeno's a little salty and like the flavor of Serrano chilies better.
I looked at that recipe. Way too much cumin for way too little chili powder. A small amount of cumin goes a long way. It needs several times the amount of chili powder put in. Also, you can vary the type of chili powder to get different flavors. I would also say if you want a bit more zing in it, add some actual chilies finely chopped to it. I'd recommend Serrano chilies myself, I find Jalapeno's a little salty and like the flavor of Serrano chilies better.

I'm good without the hotter chilies but will try out your suggestion of less cumin and more chili powder the next time I make it.
Not exactly a recipe, but at least tangential.

People are always buying me vodka , probably because they assume because of my ethnic heritage I like to drink it

I almost never drink, but this is the best bloody vodka I ever tasted: Żubrówka vodka infused with bison grass from the Białowieża Forest

Bison Grass Vodka Is the Stuff of Bartenders’ Dreams

Meet the only bartender-approved "flavored" vodka.

My mom and g-ma were master class bakers. Me, not so much although I do bake essential breads n cookies. The third in a long line of artistan bakers... my middle daughter! She's a vet tech, new mom, artisan baker (has her own business even), and she created this beautiful Buche de Noel. :loveu:

My mom and g-ma were master class bakers. Me, not so much although I do bake essential breads n cookies. The third in a long line of artistan bakers... my middle daughter! She's a vet tech, new mom, artisan baker (has her own business even), and she created this beautiful Buche de Noel. :loveu:


I have the chops for baking, the energy and drive though, not so much. I've had untreated sleep apnea for so long it's catching up with me. I finally try to treat it and my appointments were moved back several months. Maybe it was a good thing since COVID might have been lurking even as early as February. I'm not going till this crazy shit is corralled.
I have the chops for baking, the energy and drive though, not so much. I've had untreated sleep apnea for so long it's catching up with me. I finally try to treat it and my appointments were moved back several months. Maybe it was a good thing since COVID might have been lurking even as early as February. I'm not going till this crazy shit is corralled.

Don't blame you. Esp. now that the more contagious variant is on the loose. Up here we got it under control again, with the restrictions from the health dept. and college/schools letting out. NMU's last week was the week of Thanksgiving. New cases have declined drastically since then. Not sure if January will cause another spike, or what. I want to take my classes in person next semester, but Mr. Owl doesn't think it's a good idea.
Anyone one here use a juicer?

We purchased one recently and have been using the hell out of it. A centrifugal unit. We laugh because we’re thinking we’ll have orange skin soon. Juicing lots of carrots and sweet potatoes.

The wife’s favorite seems to be carrots or sweet potatoes, apples and a thumb sized piece of ginger.

I don’t drink the juice I make for myself directly. I use it as a base for my fruit smoothies. I’ll juice the carrots, apples, sweet potatoes, beets, cukes and celery. The celery is a bit strong, so I go easy on those. Then toss that in with frozen fruits in a blender for smoothies.

The centrifugal unit doesn’t do leafy veggies very well, so I toss those in the blender when I make smoothies.

Any favorites out there?
Anyone one here use a juicer?

We purchased one recently and have been using the hell out of it. A centrifugal unit. We laugh because we’re thinking we’ll have orange skin soon. Juicing lots of carrots and sweet potatoes.

The wife’s favorite seems to be carrots or sweet potatoes, apples and a thumb sized piece of ginger.

I don’t drink the juice I make for myself directly. I use it as a base for my fruit smoothies. I’ll juice the carrots, apples, sweet potatoes, beets, cukes and celery. The celery is a bit strong, so I go easy on those. Then toss that in with frozen fruits in a blender for smoothies.

The centrifugal unit doesn’t do leafy veggies very well, so I toss those in the blender when I make smoothies.

Any favorites out there?

Sorry, other than the hand-operated orange-squasher my mom made fresh OJ with, I've never used one. Gave this to two of my daughters for Yule, one with new baby and one expecting soon. What a cool idea -- blend up your foods, then heat/cook it, all in one gizmo.
