Jade's Recipe Exchange.

I decided to make my family, and friends cookies, and homemade soap this year for Christmas. Owls can say if they're any good, but I'll leave the recipes.


With this recipe I messed up a little, and the butter melted slightly. It had all the flavor but lost a little bulk, from churned butter: https://www.galonamission.com/andes...gn=yummly&utm_medium=yummly&utm_source=yummly


With this recipe I used my own extracts, and doubled the amount. I made one each with Jasmine, Spearmint, and coffee (with added half, and half, and Monin macadamia nut syrup). I also made one with a black cherry flavor oil: https://javacupcake.com/2015/05/kaleidoscope-cookies/

They're outstanding! Thank you so much. I have to hide them now from you-know-who. lol
Sorry but that's bullshit.


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No it's not. A tablespoon of Shrimp paste has around 200 mg of Cholesterol. Most of that though is the HDL version, which is good and it also has quite a bit of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as, EPA and DHA which are all conducive to cardiovascular and neurological health. So if you don't have high cholesterol it shouldn't be a concern in regards to cholesterol. However the fermentation process converts salts into monosodium glutamate which gives shrimp paste it's salty flavor and it's umami flavor enhancing properties when heated. It's the MSG that concerns me more than the cholesterol, so I use it in small doses. Same with fish sauce which I love.
No it's not. A tablespoon of Shrimp paste has around 200 mg of Cholesterol. Most of that though is the HDL version, which is good and it also has quite a bit of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as, EPA and DHA which are all conducive to cardiovascular and neurological health. So if you don't have high cholesterol it shouldn't be a concern in regards to cholesterol. However the fermentation process converts salts into monosodium glutamate which gives shrimp paste it's salty flavor and it's umami flavor enhancing properties when heated. It's the MSG that concerns me more than the cholesterol, so I use it in small doses. Same with fish sauce which I love.

Good grief, give me a break. When you consider how many Americans eat total shit like KFC, Mickey D and Pizza Hut! How much cholesterol do you think is in a 12 inch pizza?
Good grief, give me a break. When you consider how many Americans eat total shit like KFC, Mickey D and Pizza Hut! How much cholesterol do you think is in a 12 inch pizza?
I don’t eat those often either. Generally speaking I don’t eat fast food or junk food often. I eat red meat about twice a week and fried food once a week which is usually a bag of crisps or some chips. I have a serious weakness for chips. Must be my Scotch-Irish heritage.
I don’t eat those often either. Generally speaking I don’t eat fast food or junk food often. I eat red meat about twice a week and fried food once a week which is usually a bag of crisps or some chips. I have a serious weakness for chips. Must be my Scotch-Irish heritage.
My weakness is Fritos Scoops and salsa, must be my Scotch Irish heritage, too.
I don’t eat those often either. Generally speaking I don’t eat fast food or junk food often. I eat red meat about twice a week and fried food once a week which is usually a bag of crisps or some chips. I have a serious weakness for chips. Must be my Scotch-Irish heritage.
By the way, Scotch is the drink and Scots is the people.

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So we had bunches of carrots and I saw some rendered duck fat in the fridge. I julienned the carrots, sauteed them in the fat, seasoned with cumin salt and pepper, and we ate it with rice pilaf. It was very yummy.
We had the neighbors over for Yule/Winter Solstice dinner tonight. Fixed prime rib. Here's the roast beast before it went into the oven. Man, was it good. Merry Yule, you all.

prime rib roast 12-21-17.jpg