Jade's Recipe Exchange.

Lucky wife! You must live in a somewhat warmer place than we do. It's -2F right now and blowing snow. No grilling. No smoking. It's okay, we feasted on ham and turkey and sides and pie.

I have an insulated blanket that I purchased with my smoker. It really helps to hold temp. My regular grill is a 4 burner Weber that I can get hotter than hell.

Not bad today, although I've been out a couple times with the snow blower. Looks like snow is done for the forseeable future and highs enough to melt.

Here's a cool one from the north part of the state. An ice crystal rainbow.

ice crystal rainbow.jpg
I have an insulated blanket that I purchased with my smoker. It really helps to hold temp. My regular grill is a 4 burner Weber that I can get hotter than hell.

Not bad today, although I've been out a couple times with the snow blower. Looks like snow is done for the forseeable future and highs enough to melt.

Here's a cool one from the north part of the state. An ice crystal rainbow.

View attachment 5462


Here that is called giizis oogiishootawagewinan -- the Sun's earmuffs!
The habanero was purchased at a nursery. The plant was healthy and lush, loaded with blossoms, but only set four tiny pitiful fruits. Next year we'll keep him in the hoop house. Plus the magnesium.

When you buy nursery stock, it's good to do the following when you plant them, despite it not sounding like it is. You want to remove any blossoms started on them, so it can focus energy on root expenditure, rather than expend it on the flowers. they will return in no time. Also try not to disturb the roots too much, and lay a special black tarp, around the plants to keep heat in after they get situated. Just leave them open enough for water though. ask your local nursery owner about it. Even with all this it still not worth in my mind, we just don't have a long enough warm growing season. Not to mention you're about 100-150 miles north of me, so it's even more difficult. You don't put transplants out until nights don't get colder than 50 degrees. It was about June when I was able to get them in. It just makes more sense to grow indoors. Just keep the birdies away. They can't taste the heat, and will lovingly eat the peppers. They even put hot peppers in suet to keep squirrels away.
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When you buy nursery stock, your good to do the following when you plant them despite it not sounding like it is. You want to remove any blossoms started on them, so it can focus energy on root expenditure, rather than expend it on the flowers. they will return in no time. Also try not to disturb the roots too much, and lay a special black tarp, around the plants to keep heat in after they get situated. Just leave them open enough for water though. ask your local nursery owner about it. Even with all this it still not worth in my mind, we just don't have a long enough warm growing season. Not to mention you're about 100 150 miles north of me, so it's even more difficult. You don't put transplants out until nights don't get colder than 50 degrees. It was about June when I was able to get them in. It just makes more sense to grow indoors. Just keep the birdies away. They can't taste the heat and will lovingly eat the peppers. The even put hot peppers in suet to keep squirrels away.

Yep. I've even been told that if the nursery plants have small peppers on them, remove that first set.
When you buy nursery stock, your good to do the following when you plant them despite it not sounding like it is. You want to remove any blossoms started on them, so it can focus energy on root expenditure, rather than expend it on the flowers. they will return in no time. Also try not to disturb the roots too much, and lay a special black tarp, around the plants to keep heat in after they get situated. Just leave them open enough for water though. ask your local nursery owner about it. Even with all this it still not worth in my mind, we just don't have a long enough warm growing season. Not to mention you're about 100 150 miles north of me, so it's even more difficult. You don't put transplants out until nights don't get colder than 50 degrees. It was about June when I was able to get them in. It just makes more sense to grow indoors. Just keep the birdies away. They can't taste the heat and will lovingly eat the peppers. The even put hot peppers in suet to keep squirrels away.

You're so right -- these birds *love* them some hot peppers! Green peppers though.... meh. lol Great advice, Jade, thanks! We didn't put out the tomatoes and peppers till June as well. Peas, onions, potatoes, and herbs went in in May. Planted sweet corn at the end of June. Do you think habaneros will do well in the hoop house? The jalapenos did great in there. If we get a harvest next year you'll have to tell me how to preserve them.

It's -4F here now.... brrr. Have a stack of seed catalogs in my den upstairs waiting. We're heading down to the Lou tomorrow for a few days. Looking forward when we get back to plotting out next year's veggies and herbs and flowers. Funny how they never turn out looking like the catalog photos though, isn't it? lol
You're so right -- these birds *love* them some hot peppers! Green peppers though.... meh. lol Great advice, Jade, thanks! We didn't put out the tomatoes and peppers till June as well. Peas, onions, potatoes, and herbs went in in May. Planted sweet corn at the end of June. Do you think habaneros will do well in the hoop house? The jalapenos did great in there. If we get a harvest next year you'll have to tell me how to preserve them.

It's -4F here now.... brrr. Have a stack of seed catalogs in my den upstairs waiting. We're heading down to the Lou tomorrow for a few days. Looking forward when we get back to plotting out next year's veggies and herbs and flowers. Funny how they never turn out looking like the catalog photos though, isn't it? lol

I think they should do fine. For preservation, you need to dry them, or pickle them. If you need a place to find good pepper seeds, a couple of good places are on Ebay.

These are the seeds I purchased, and they sell plenty of variety with free shippping on their ebay pages: https://www.ebay.com/itm/25-7-Pot-P...667263?hash=item5b415d72ff:g:x3MAAOSw3KFWdO7I


I recommend you buy the hubby some Congo black peppers. They are basically a habanero, and they're types I tried, and got good seedlings from. Didn't have enough warmth, but I still ended up with a few peppers growing them outside.

Well look at that, I found a place in Michigan selling the seed.

I think they should do fine. For preservation, you need to dry them, or pickle them. If you need a place to find good pepper seeds, a couple of good places are on Ebay.

These are the seeds I purchased, and they sell plenty of variety with free shippping on their ebay pages: https://www.ebay.com/itm/25-7-Pot-P...667263?hash=item5b415d72ff:g:x3MAAOSw3KFWdO7I


I recommend you buy the hubby some Congo black peppers. They are basically a habanero, and they're types I tried, and got good seedlings from. Didn't have enough warmth, but I still ended up with a few peppers growing them outside.

Well look at that, I found a place in Michigan selling the seed.


Awesome... just ordered them. Thanks!

I pickle the jalapenos. Same deal with the uber hotties? I'm gonna need thicker gloves......
I had to post this from earlier today, while we were having Christmas with our friends/neighbors. LMAO

Me to veggie-hating husband: Are you sure you don't want some of this squash? It's delicious!
Him: No, thanks. Besides, what a terrible name.
Me: What, squash?
Him: Yeah, no one wants to eat something called "squash." If they named it "pleasure gourd," then everyone would want some.
I had to post this from earlier today, while we were having Christmas with our friends/neighbors. LMAO

Me to veggie-hating husband: Are you sure you don't want some of this squash? It's delicious!
Him: No, thanks. Besides, what a terrible name.
Me: What, squash?
Him: Yeah, no one wants to eat something called "squash." If they named it "pleasure gourd," then everyone would want some.

I googled pleasure gourd for kicks, and got this gourd art.

Oooh, it's a balmy -10F out there. Sounds like a good time to escape to STL where it's currently a toasty 17F. lol

Have a great week, everyone.
Sunshine, the spirit and memories of a loved one lost never die. They have been a true inspiration to me at life's darkest hours. You keep your mothers spirit going and pass it along to your children. It becomes never ending and that is a really good thing. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks, the same to you and yours
Why would you have WiFi in a BBQ, is Gomer attempting humour?

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So one can monitor and change cooking temperatures without actually being there

Don’t have a programmable thermostat at home? Too fucking stupid to operate one, huh? I use mine frequently.
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So one can monitor and change cooking temperatures without actually being there

Don’t have a programmable thermostat at home? Too fucking stupid to operate one, huh? I use mine frequently.
Sounds like an incredibly expensive gimmick without much practical use. You're obviously attracted to useless bells and whistles.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
Come on Domer, and Shape Shifter, this is a thread minus the obnoxious banter. Please don't derail things