Jade's Recipe Exchange.

If you do, please tell us more about it.
For now, I bookmark recipes, and if we like one, I print it out and add it to my collection.

I copy mine to Word .docx and save them in a folder on the computer. It's backed up daily in the cloud. It's nice to pull them up on the phone or tablet when cooking and have them right there on the kitchen counter, then close them up when done.
Here's a recipe for starting a beautiful day. The stars were so loud they woke me up at 5am. Even though it's -4F out, I dragged the camera and tripod out to the deck anyways. It was worth it.


One huge dark sky
One huge lake
No clouds
A dash of insomnia

Add ingredients to camera and click.

Bloody brilliant photo! Thank you for the share....

Are not all normal humans drawn to the night sky, to the subdued, remote light of the stars?

Your photo has reminded me.....if the Buddhists are correct about reincarnation, in my next three lives I want to be an astronomer, a historian, and a philosopher...precisely in that order.

"Everything passes away - suffering, pain, blood, hunger, pestilence. The sword will pass away too, but the stars will remain when the shadows of our presence and our deeds have vanished from the Earth. There is no man who does not know that. Why, then, will we not turn our eyes toward the stars? Why?? -- Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
I copy mine to Word .docx and save them in a folder on the computer. It's backed up daily in the cloud. It's nice to pull them up on the phone or tablet when cooking and have them right there on the kitchen counter, then close them up when done.

I do have a separate file of word recipes on the Cloud. This organizer, though, makes it so easy to add ingredients, amounts, etc., because when you start typing “asp”, for instance, asparagus comes up in a dropdown and you just choose it. For a slow typist like me, it’s great.

I don’t use the function, but based on ingredients and amounts, it will provide nutrional info.
I do have a separate file of word recipes on the Cloud. This organizer, though, makes it so easy to add ingredients, amounts, etc., because when you start typing “asp”, for instance, asparagus comes up in a dropdown and you just choose it. For a slow typist like me, it’s great.
I don’t use the function, but based on ingredients and amounts, it will provide nutrional info.

Sometimes it's better not to know that stuff. lol

Is this it?

I copy mine to Word .docx and save them in a folder on the computer. It's backed up daily in the cloud. It's nice to pull them up on the phone or tablet when cooking and have them right there on the kitchen counter, then close them up when done.

I did that originally, and it still works fine. To enter recipes, for me, this works great. But I will look around for a cloud version.
Sad little stalking limey.

Yeah, another little attn whore. Our gracious host has added Shit Shaper to the thread-ban list to try to make it a little more pleasant around here. He keeps posting crap at me as well but it's unread, -- his pointy head is mounted on the Wall of Ignore along with the rest of the tard collection. lol
Yeah, another little attn whore. Our gracious host has added Shit Shaper to the thread-ban list to try to make it a little more pleasant around here. He keeps posting crap at me as well but it's unread, -- his pointy head is mounted on the Wall of Ignore along with the rest of the tard collection. lol

Yep. I added him. Life is too short....
Says the 2015 version is $35. Hmm, will think about this for a while. lol

Yeah, I saw that. If I upgrade, it's still $20. I'm fine with the older version.

This thread has kinda gotten me going on getting our old, worn out family cookbook into that software. Tedious process, but will be worth it when done. 156 recipes so far.
Bought a chicken throne for beer can chicken on the smoker. Wide on the bottom, so the bird doesn't tip over.

Anyone done a beer can chicken? Does the type of beer make a difference? To brine or not to brine?
Bought a chicken throne for beer can chicken on the smoker. Wide on the bottom, so the bird doesn't tip over.

Anyone done a beer can chicken? Does the type of beer make a difference? To brine or not to brine?
I have, it doesn’t make a difference in how moist your chicken is just taste preference, I’ve used a Budweiser, an Alaskan Amber and a Sassoon, all were delicious, a dark is next. No need to brine, but I do use a dry rub! The chicken is so moist and tender. It’s one of my favorite ways to do chicken!

I didn’t know there were thrones! Mine always stay up on their own.
Bought a chicken throne for beer can chicken on the smoker. Wide on the bottom, so the bird doesn't tip over.

Anyone done a beer can chicken? Does the type of beer make a difference? To brine or not to brine?
Thanks, domer, I just ordered one on Amazon, quite nifty!
I have, it doesn’t make a difference in how moist your chicken is just taste preference, I’ve used a Budweiser, an Alaskan Amber and a Sassoon, all were delicious, a dark is next. No need to brine, but I do use a dry rub! The chicken is so moist and tender. It’s one of my favorite ways to do chicken!

I didn’t know there were thrones! Mine always stay up on their own.

How long do you usually cook it, and at what temp? I like to try a Guinness chicken.
Yeah, I saw that. If I upgrade, it's still $20. I'm fine with the older version.
This thread has kinda gotten me going on getting our old, worn out family cookbook into that software. Tedious process, but will be worth it when done. 156 recipes so far.

I don't know if you have kids or siblings, but wouldn't having that printed out and made into an actual book make a wonderful gift?
Usually 1.5 hours for a 4 lb chicken, regular gas grill on medium till chicken is 160 degrees

Yum! One more reason to look forward to spring. I bet you could do it on a charcoal grill as well, indirect heat method. Have any of you ever tried that?
I don't know if you have kids or siblings, but wouldn't having that printed out and made into an actual book make a wonderful gift?
I made a cookbook for my kids, Groupon for one of those photo books, put pictures of family members who gave me recipe or the people whose favorite it was, like my dad and peanut brittle.