Jade's Recipe Exchange.

My recipe site is back up. When I was going out west, we were too tired to go to this Hungarian restaurant in Radium Hot Springs. Since we missed out, I found this slow cooker recipe to make for Christmas. http://manitobachicken.ca/recipe/sl...gn=yummly&utm_medium=yummly&utm_source=yummly

I'm also going to make a roast beef again, since the neighbors loved it. Just slather up a top round roast with this seasoning, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GHHMOO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and roast.

Had some Hungarian goulash at the Weinkeller Restaurant (this hand dug wine cellar about 50 miles outside Fort Smith, Arkansas) with German potatoes and this dark homemade bread. Very good plus awesome surroundings. I felt like I was in some Bavarian Tavern with a bunch of happy and loud talking German families. It was intense. You deliberately ate slowly just to stay immersed in the warm and inviting environment.


(has some cool photos of what it looks like)
Made a simple boiled dinner cabbage,potatoes,carrots,onions,garlic,brats,and leftover pork roast!
Simple but good!

That sounds delicious! Do you do it in the crockpot or stove top?

Well, this semester is officially over! In lieu of finals we had to do special projects and present them, which happened today/this evening. Then husband took me out for steak n lobster to celebrate.

Hope everyone's doing well, and your holiday preparations are going well too.

That looks delicious too; loves me some chocolate mint chip ice cream so maybe that would be similar? I just wish so many fudge recipes didn't include that yucky marshmallow creme. Found the cooked fudge recipe my mom used to make; going to whip that up this weekend to include in the Yule Delights gifts sent to everyone. The Hersheys chocolate guys say that it is challenging to make, and they're right. Cook it too hot and you get chocolate brittle; cook it too cool and you get thickened chocolate syrup (which is still good on ice cream if you don't want to throw that mess away). Then there's the beatings at the end. lol

For you brave souls out there:

Hershey’s Cocoa Fudge


3 cups sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Line 8-or 9-inch square pan with foil, extending foil over edges of pan. Butter foil.

2. Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in heavy 4-quart saucepan; stir in milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to full rolling boil. Boil, without stirring, until mixture reaches 234°F on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water, forms a soft ball which flattens when removed from water. (Bulb of candy thermometer should not rest on bottom of saucepan.)

3. Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla. DO NOT STIR. Cool at room temperature to 110°F (lukewarm). Beat with wooden spoon until fudge thickens and just begins to lose some of its gloss (about 7 minutes). Quickly spread in prepared pan; cool completely. Cut into squares. Store in tightly covered container at room temperature. About 64 pieces or 1-3/4 pounds.

NOTE: For best results, do not double this recipe. This is one of our most requested recipes, but also one of our most difficult. The directions must be followed exactly. Beat too little and the fudge is too soft. Beat too long and it becomes hard and sugary.

NUTTY RICH COCOA FUDGE: Beat cooked fudge as directed. Immediately stir in 1 cup chopped almonds, pecans or walnuts and spread quickly in prepared pan.
That sounds delicious! Do you do it in the crockpot or stove top?

Well, this semester is officially over! In lieu of finals we had to do special projects and present them, which happened today/this evening. Then husband took me out for steak n lobster to celebrate.

Hope everyone's doing well, and your holiday preparations are going well too.

Stove top
Stove top

Couple of weeks ago I thawed out a saved ham-bone with ham bits, filled up the cast iron dutch oven with that, 15 bean soup beans + the Cajun seasoning it came with, chopped onions, home-made beef broth, and garlic -- and let it simmer on the wood stove all day. You'd think that all those beans would have stunk up the house something terrible, but it actually smelled great. Tasted even better!

(Just don't ask how the house smelled the day after. lol)
Here's a recipe for a non-food item. Food for the spirit?

Comet Joy

1 clear dark night sky, after weeks of relenting cloudiness
1 Canon digital camera
1 green comet at perihelion

Directions: Find comet location on https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20181213_18_100. Step out into dark night with camera on tripod. Locate Pleiades in eastern sky over Lake. Set exposure for 15 seconds, commence snapping pics, counting down in 5 second intervals. Bring camera in, download photos, rejoice that you found it -- your first comet photo!

Comet P46/Wirtanen, in this photo looking due east, is below and slightly to the right of the Pleiades asterism. Even with a digital camera it's at best a fuzzy green sphere. If you have good binocs or a small telescope, you'll get an even better view.

Addition: The light streaks are Geminids. The light at the horizon in center at bottom is a lighthouse out on the Lake. To its left you can see rising the three stars of Orion's belt. The bright red star to the belt's left and above it is Betelgeuse.
I thought this was a Food Recipe Thread?

She's lucky she wasn't banned for posting in the wrong Forum!

Just don't start anything Jack. It's early, I'm up for a bite, and I'm going back to bed. I don't want any surprises, when I check in later.
Just don't start anything Jack. It's early, I'm up for a bite, and I'm going back to bed. I don't want any surprises, when I check in later.

I was only trying to help. Sometimes (and I won't mention any names here) some people try and derail a thread. When I see this type of activity, I immediately contact Miss Phantasmal. She's usually on top of this with a "Failure To Comply' order. I hope this lack of response wasn't due to Favoritism, THAT would be depressing. :(
I was only trying to help. Sometimes (and I won't mention any names here) some people try and derail a thread. When I see this type of activity, I immediately contact Miss Phantasmal. She's usually on top of this with a "Failure To Comply' order. I hope this lack of response wasn't due to Favoritism, THAT would be depressing. :(

I've always allowed that kind of stuff. You just can't snip at each other, or bring up inappropriate things. If anything you've gotten a bit of special treatment. When it was Yurt, I banned him after a couple warnings. He basically took my warnings, and gave them the finger though.
I've always allowed that kind of stuff. You just can't snip at each other, or bring up inappropriate things. If anything you've gotten a bit of special treatment. When it was Yurt, I banned him after a couple warnings. He basically took my warnings, and gave them the finger though.

I try to stay with the recipes on a Recipe thread. Like tonight, I'm going to fry up a hot dog (maybe two?), cut it down the middle, let it brown on both sides, then chop up this green onion that's been in a glass of water for, mmmmm, about a week and starting to wilt. I've got this cool 'Chopping device' that really chops stuff up (comes in real handy with garlic) so I'm going to use that and smother the hot dog(s) with the green onion and mustard on this bread. Or, ... I might go get something at this Chinese Restaurant that's less than a mile away. (?)
Made cookies for gifts this year, but I think I got my Mom hooked on a cookie. http://www.rockrecipes.com/toffee-p...gn=yummly&utm_medium=yummly&utm_source=yummly

Wanted you to see this..

Reese Witherspoon's Chicken Pot Pie Casserole tasteofhome.com
2 eggs
2 cups frozen shredded hash browns
2 teaspoons salt, divided
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper, divided*
1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup carrots, diced
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup frozen peas
1 cup cooked chicken, diced
1 (10.75 oz) can cream of mushroom soup
1 sheet frozen puff pastry

* Note: The filling is super peppery. If you aren’t a huge fan of pepper front and center, I recommend reducing the amount of pepper in the filling or halving the pepper across the board in the recipe. For example, only 1/2 teaspoon each in the crust and the filling.

Step 1: Make the Crispy Hash Brown Crust
I mixed the eggs with half of the salt and pepper, then blended the hash browns into the mixture, carefully coating them in egg. I pressed the hash brown “crust” into a well-buttered 9-inch square casserole dish and baked at 400º F for 15 minutes.

(Use the rest of your frozen hash browns to make breakfast.)

Step 2: Create a Delicious Pot Pie Filling
While the crust cooked away, I sauteed the fresh vegetables in an olive oiled skillet over medium-high heat. Then, I took the mixture off the stovetop and stirred in the frozen peas. At this point it looked just like the inside of a chicken pot pie—I was super excited to eat this thing!

I then emptied the skillet into a large bowl and added the chicken, cream of mushroom soup and remaining salt and pepper. Here, Reese shared a good trick: Pour about 1/4 cup of water into the can, swirl around to remove any remaining soup and add to the bowl. I mixed the ingredients well and poured everything over the cooked hash browns.

Step 3: Top It with a Fluffy Pastry
Finally, I placed the sheet of puff pastry over the top of the dish. It took about 35 minutes of baking, but the puff pastry turned golden brown and the inside of the pot pie was bubbling deliciousness. (I recommend putting a cookie sheet on the bottom rack to catch any of the tasty goodness that might escape during cooking. It will prevent you having to clean the oven later. You’re welcome!)