Jade's Recipe Exchange.

Pasties remind me of pirozhki, which is kind of why I like them. But I admit to being the first person who has an affinity for hearty but bland food. I could eat potato pancakes and kasha till the cows come home!

I can eat bland food a lot, which is good since that's mostly what I had to diet on lately. I could eat a whole loaf of Ciabatta, heaps of homemade mashed potatoes, plenty of plain pasta, or rice, with some seasoning, etc.
I can eat bland food a lot, which is good since that's mostly what I had to diet on lately. I could eat a whole loaf of Ciabatta, heaps of homemade mashed potatoes, plenty of plain pasta, or rice, with some seasoning, etc.

Delicious. Man, I love the carbohydrates too. If I let myself, I could live off bread, pasta, and potatoes!

Unfortunately, at my age and my metabolism, if I have any hope of maintaining a relatively lithe physique and reasonable weight, I have to take measures to avoid excessive carbohydrates and processed sugar.
I tell you what I really miss though --- being able to stuff my face with a big heaping plate of lasagna!
To much sugar!Starch turns to sugar!

That's most of what I can eat right now, being on a bit of a bland diet. I've been squeezing in a few things, that probably weren't that great an idea. It's eating all the filler that allows me to eat the richer stuff, without racing to the restroom. The one rich meal out, is what sent me to the ER. I tried the filler routine, but the breadsticks were rich with olive oil, and grated Parmesan.
That's most of what I can eat right now, being on a bit of a bland diet. I've been squeezing in a few things, that probably weren't that great an idea. It's eating all the filler that allows me to eat the richer stuff, without racing to the restroom. The one rich meal out, is what sent me to the ER. I tried the filler routine, but the breadsticks were rich with olive oil, and grated Parmesan.

Does protein cause a bad reaction?
I wonder if it would help if you focused on proteins like fish, chicken, cheeses, lean meat, etc.?

Cheese is way too fatty, to have more then a sprinkle on a salad, or something. I also can't stand fish smell, so I can't even try it. Other then that I'm already doing the skinless chicken breast, just marinated, and oven roasted, or pork tenderloin
I can eat bland food a lot, which is good since that's mostly what I had to diet on lately. I could eat a whole loaf of Ciabatta, heaps of homemade mashed potatoes, plenty of plain pasta, or rice, with some seasoning, etc.

Barley soup in chicken broth?? hulled or unhulled..
That's most of what I can eat right now, being on a bit of a bland diet. I've been squeezing in a few things, that probably weren't that great an idea. It's eating all the filler that allows me to eat the richer stuff, without racing to the restroom. The one rich meal out, is what sent me to the ER. I tried the filler routine, but the breadsticks were rich with olive oil, and grated Parmesan.

I understand,but you don't want to add sugar problems,on Top of your other GI issues!
Yes, the processed food producers spend millions working out the right combinations of sugar, salt and fat, to keep us eating their poisons.

Last night I saw commercials for Cheetos breaded chicken sandwiches from KFC.
Only if they are fried in Transfat cooking oil! LOL!

I don't necessarily want to live till I'm drooling on myself!

I have a coworkers that says that all the time/similar-when we kid him about the crap he eats-he replies I wasn't planning on living for ever....lol He'll be lucky to crack 50....
I have a coworkers that says that all the time/similar-when we kid him about the crap he eats-he replies I wasn't planning on living for ever....lol He'll be lucky to crack 50....

I was just trying to say that I am human! And we all know how Humans tend to err!

I am actually a health Food fanatic- and not because I want to live forever!

I just happen to like all of the healthy choices we have. But, I am also a sucker for a Bar-B-Q beef brisket sandwich with some great long cut fries cooked in peanut oil! And I'm willing to shave off a few years of precious life if that is the case, because it is worth it to me..

How can you enjoy life if you don't feel good! And health foods make me feel good- and they taste good to me.
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Barley soup in chicken broth?? hulled or unhulled..

I don't do too many soups. I'd have to spend a good portion of time just making them, since most canned soups are horrible with salt. I have made up some ramen though, by just seasoning the low sodium Swanson broth.