Jade's Recipe Exchange.

New-Fashioned Corn Pudding


Yes, they can be if you put vegetables like mushrooms, peppers, onions and spices in them. They're much lower in calories, for sure.

And cholesterol too. I use ground turkey in recipes where it mixes in with the other ingredients. Stuff like spaghetti meat sauce (and meatballs too), chili, goulash, etc.
I have the same problem!When I lived in Toledo,there was a large Jewish population!
But down here in Corn country,no deli's!

One can get Thai, Indian, japanese, Mexican until the cows come home here, but in my opinion people here do not realize what they are missing given the dearth of Jewish delis. When I mention half sour dills people here give me a blank look!

i am not sure how or why the cultural chauvinism connected to asian and latin cuisine started, but I think we really need some more variety around here!
One can get Thai, Indian, japanese, Mexican until the cows come home here, but in my opinion people here do not realize what they are missing given the dearth of Jewish delis. When I mention half sour dills people here give me a blank look!

i am not sure how or why the cultural chauvinism connected to asian and latin cuisine started, but I think we really need some more variety around here!
Yep, I miss those, we have nothing like it around here....... Hell, I don't even like pickles much, but those are a different animal, as they say..
IS THERE ANYTHING, SAVORY, THAT BLUE CHEESE ISN'T AWESOME ON?? Assuming of course you love blue cheese/Roquefort..