Jade's Recipe Exchange.

NO A/C?? Fans work pretty well....

In your area do they have varied elec rates for certain times of the day/days on the weekend?

No, we have an electric co-op; same rates all the time. I think commercial customers pay different rates than we do. Fans work to a point but when it's in the 80s inside and humid (from the Lake), it's pretty icky. Usually by noon the winds switch to on-shore, with the Lake acting as a huge swamp cooler. The temp will fall as much as 10 degrees in just a few minutes. It takes the house longer to cool off though. We really need to get blinds for the big windows. It's like a greenhouse in here on a sunny day.

The center windows are ~12 ft high; 22 ft altogether. Blinds gonna cost some coin.

No, we have an electric co-op; same rates all the time. I think commercial customers pay different rates than we do. Fans work to a point but when it's in the 80s inside and humid (from the Lake), it's pretty icky. Usually by noon the winds switch to on-shore, with the Lake acting as a huge swamp cooler. The temp will fall as much as 10 degrees in just a few minutes. It takes the house longer to cool off though. We really need to get blinds for the big windows. It's like a greenhouse in here on a sunny day.

The center windows are ~12 ft high; 22 ft altogether. Blinds gonna cost some coin.


Beautiful windows & view.. (Do any neighbors have whole house fans??)

Yea, w/ humidity it's not as good but better than nothing..

We pay different amounts based on the time of day- which seems to work well for ppl that know about it & can be flexible..
Beautiful windows & view.. (Do any neighbors have whole house fans??)

Thanks! I don't know; mostly we don't tend to have attics here so probably not. We do have ceiling fans. The closest neighbors put in central a/c this spring. They were lucky that their cabin has ductwork. Most of us have hot water heat so installing central air would be super pricey.

We pay different amounts based on the time of day- which seems to work well for ppl that know about it & can be flexible..

Is that meant to help conserve usage? When are the rates the highest?
Thanks! I don't know; mostly we don't tend to have attics here so probably not. We do have ceiling fans. The closest neighbors put in central a/c this spring. They were lucky that their cabin has ductwork. Most of us have hot water heat so installing central air would be super pricey.

Is that meant to help conserve usage? When are the rates the highest?

Discourage, especially @ the elec companies higher price times-they also pay more for it @ high/peak demands..

So I try to cool it as much as possible in the AM (before noon) & it is much cheaper.. 5-8 when everyone comes home is the highest rate, more than 2X cost..

Yea, w/out an attic, a whole house is prob not an option..
Yep... SO it can be good if you work w/ it..

I asked what ours was, Mr. Owl says we pay $25/month just to belong to the co-op and have service. Then it is $0.15/kWhr. We cut down our usage just by removing all the incandescents that came with the house, and switching them to either LEDs or those curly thingies. We saw another decent drop when the old fridge passed away and was replaced in June with a much more energy-efficient one. Our avg. bill is <$100/month which is lower than it was in STL even though rates were lower there overall.

Got any good tips on how to cut down even further?
I asked what ours was, Mr. Owl says we pay $25/month just to belong to the co-op and have service. Then it is $0.15/kWhr. We cut down our usage just by removing all the incandescents that came with the house, and switching them to either LEDs or those curly thingies. We saw another decent drop when the old fridge passed away and was replaced in June with a much more energy-efficient one. Our avg. bill is <$100/month which is lower than it was in STL even though rates were lower there overall.

Got any good tips on how to cut down even further?
You're lucky. My bill was $390 last month and will be nearly the same this month.
You're lucky. My bill was $390 last month and will be nearly the same this month.

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's horrible!!!!!!! All of our utilities combined -- including satellite and cell service -- don't total that much. Has it always been that way? Do you think updating appliances might help?