Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?

You sound like a atheist,not one thing you say make s me believe your are a Spirit filled believer.
I don't understand why you care when I stop jerking off?


Get your head out of your ass...or out of the ass of that idiotic holy spirit...and start to think.



Get your head out of your ass...or out of the ass of that idiotic holy spirit...and start to think.



The one unforgivable sin is, "sin against the Holy Spirit"!
Nice knowing you dickhead!Paging Apollyon!You have a customer!
The one unforgivable sin is, "sin against the Holy Spirit"!
Nice knowing you dickhead!Paging Apollyon!You have a customer!

Fuck you, your "holy spirit", your bullshit, your notion of "sin"...and most especially...your god.

Nice knowing you, too.

I guess our relationship has been a bit shaky lately.
The one unforgivable sin is, "sin against the Holy Spirit"!
Nice knowing you dickhead!Paging Apollyon!You have a customer!
I am perplexed by you and others who claim to have a deep faith, yet use the language that you do. It is not what I was taught about how Christians act and talk.
Fuck you, your "holy spirit", your bullshit, your notion of "sin"...and most especially...your god.

Nice knowing you, too.

I guess our relationship has been a bit shaky lately.

Like to help you,but your actions have turned your case over to Apollyon!
Pack a lunch,Apollyon doesn't serve lunch.Adios
I am perplexed by you and others who claim to have a deep faith, yet use the language that you do. It is not what I was taught about how Christians act and talk.

I don't know who taught you what!
But Christian 101,all Christians are fuck ups who's actions,caused the Crucifixion of Christ!
Even if only I was the only worthless fuck up.
Jesus still would have gone to the cross,just to save me.
When I was chosen,Nov.1 1975 at Midnight,I pointed out what a rotten sinner I was,and suggested there must be millions of better candidates to serve the Lord,and promptly turned in my resignation!
Jesus wouldn't except my resignation,sent the Holy Spirit to teach me the scriptures.
God employees people like me!
Good help is hard to get!
But the strength of my Faith is I know I was chosen,because it certainly wasn't my idea!
I wanted to keep pissing away my time in South Toledo!
"Many are called few are chosen"!
I don't know who taught you what!
But Christian 101,all Christians are fuck ups who's actions,caused the Crucifixion of Christ!
Even if only I was the only worthless fuck up.
Jesus still would have gone to the cross,just to save me.
When I was chosen,Nov.1 1975 at Midnight,I pointed out what a rotten sinner I was,and suggested there must be millions of better candidates to serve the Lord,and promptly turned in my resignation!
Jesus wouldn't except my resignation,sent the Holy Spirit to teach me the scriptures.
God employees people like me!
Good help is hard to get!
But the strength of my Faith is I know I was chosen,because it certainly wasn't my idea!
I wanted to keep pissing away my time in South Toledo!
"Many are called few are chosen"!
It’s unfortunate you use the language you do, it’s a turn off. I was taught that once you truly accept Jesus into your life, you shed the old and embrace the new. It seems treating others respectfully would be the new. Scripture is full of this example. It talks about the traits of a follower of Jesus. Perhaps, you should learn those verses.
It’s unfortunate you use the language you do, it’s a turn off. I was taught that once you truly accept Jesus into your life, you shed the old and embrace the new. It seems treating others respectfully would be the new. Scripture is full of this example. It talks about the traits of a follower of Jesus. Perhaps, you should learn those verses.

Absolutely nothing wrong with the teachings of Jesus. In fact, they are, for the most part, edifying. I personally hold them in high esteem.

I just wish more present day Christians were followers of those teachings.

Most seem to travel in the opposite direction.
It’s unfortunate you use the language you do, it’s a turn off. I was taught that once you truly accept Jesus into your life, you shed the old and embrace the new. It seems treating others respectfully would be the new. Scripture is full of this example. It talks about the traits of a follower of Jesus. Perhaps, you should learn those verses.

Language is a poor way to communicate,but desperate times call for desperate measures!
If my nasty language turns one lost soul around,it's worth it!
Jesus has more than enough nice talking suit and tie wearing servants!
He only has one of me to do the dirty work!
Forward your complaints to Jesus!
Ask him why on Earth did you chose that outrageous nasty Michael Mason(What day is Michaelmas on?)as a servant!?
Language is a poor way to communicate,but desperate times call for desperate measures!
If my nasty language turns one lost soul around,it's worth it!
Jesus has more than enough nice talking suit and tie wearing servants!
He only has one of me to do the dirty work!
Forward your complaints to Jesus!
Ask him why on Earth did you chose that outrageous nasty Michael Mason(What day is Michaelmas on?)as a servant!?
I don’t believe he chose you, sorry. I don’t believe Jesus was anything but an intinerant preacher whose life was mythologized.
I don’t believe he chose you, sorry. I don’t believe Jesus was anything but an intinerant preacher whose life was mythologized.

Honest answer,if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God,the Messiah,the Passover Lamb of God.
Then the Holy Spirit can't live in you.
Obviously you wouldn't believe my Epiphany!
St Thomas Aquinas said,Jesus was either.
Honest answer,if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God,the Messiah,the Passover Lamb of God.
Then the Holy Spirit can't live in you.
Obviously you wouldn't believe my Epiphany!
St Thomas Aquinas said,Jesus was either.
Aquinas is entitled to his opinion as are you. I respect your right to believe as you chose.

I don’t need the spirit to live in me. I believe, that you believe you had an Epiphany. I respect that. I just think according to your scripture, you have a little more work to do.
Aquinas is entitled to his opinion as are you. I respect your right to believe as you chose.

I don’t need the spirit to live in me. I believe, that you believe you had an Epiphany. I respect that. I just think according to your scripture, you have a little more work to do.

But you're not a Christian,so you can't possibly understand Chrstianity!
Do you believe in God?YHWH?Allah?
I here PC language but no beliefs?
But you're not a Christian,so you can't possibly understand Chrstianity!
Do you believe in God?YHWH?Allah?
I here PC language but no beliefs?
I was a Christian for 40, it is because I studied that I began to question. I now follow no religion, but am not an atheist. I have no proof there is a god or there is no god, to quote Iris DeMint, “ I let the mystery be”
Honest answer,if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God,the Messiah,the Passover Lamb of God.
Then the Holy Spirit can't live in you.
Obviously you wouldn't believe my Epiphany!
St Thomas Aquinas said,Jesus was either.

Wow. It's always amazing to see that people still trot out that tired old false dilemma.

Aquinas was quite mistaken. There are innumerable things this Jesus could have been.

C.S Lewis tried to breath new life into that fallacy as well and failed.