Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?

Honest answer,if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God,the Messiah,the Passover Lamb of God.
Then the Holy Spirit can't live in you.

That's no great loss in my opinion. I was born right the first time and am in no need of the "salvation" and other goodies promised to Christians.
Language is a poor way to communicate,but desperate times call for desperate measures!
If my nasty language turns one lost soul around,it's worth it!
Jesus has more than enough nice talking suit and tie wearing servants!
He only has one of me to do the dirty work!
Forward your complaints to Jesus!
Ask him why on Earth did you chose that outrageous nasty Michael Mason(What day is Michaelmas on?)as a servant!?

The fact is your jesus said very little of anything,if anything , it was the inventor of Christianity Paul who said jesus said

in your mind you are convinced, which is not knowing, as you cannot demonstrate objectively your knowledge of the thing to be true. There are people all over the world with different beliefs who claim that they KNOW, which in essence is they, as you, believe.,
Good luck,I'm not doing your research for you!
That is unfortunate, one should backs up their claims with substantiated evidence. If Aquinas really said it, you would think it could be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia or on numerous site online.
in your mind you are convinced, which is not knowing, as you cannot demonstrate objectively your knowledge of the thing to be true. There are people all over the world with different beliefs who claim that they KNOW, which in essence is they, as you, believe.,

Thank you Dr Freud
That is unfortunate, one should backs up their claims with substantiated evidence. If Aquinas really said it, you would think it could be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia or on numerous site online.

I quoted Thomas Aquinas,believe it,don't believe it.
Up to you!
With all of the real, serious problems in this shit-stained universe, how do people have time for this shit?

How is all that praying working out?

If I were going to believe in a mystical being, I think that I'd back one who could actually get the job done.