Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?

4 Completely Different Versions of the Story of Moses ...

Detail; Moses and the tablets of law. Source: Public Domain . Manetho: Moses, Leper King and War Criminal . The Egyptians told the story of Moses, too, but in their version, he wasn’t a miracle-working hero with god-given powers.


The story of Moses doesn’t just show up in the Bible. In the ancient world, nearly every culture had their own version of what happened. The Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans all had their own way of explaining why thousands of people left Egypt to live in Jerusalem.

The Moses you know, who performed miracles and freed the Jewish slaves from Egypt, is just one version of the story. There are others – and they paint a completely different picture from the one you’ve heard.
lol, your lies are so sad.....
Moses, according to Manetho, was an Egyptian priest named Osarsiph who tried to take over Egypt. The pharaoh had quarantined everyone with leprosy into a city called Avaris, and Osarsiph used them to stage a revolt. He made himself the ruler of the lepers, changed his named to Moses, and turned them against the pharaoh

so, just who is the biblical scholar who authored your OP...
Mark Oliver
I am a writer, a teacher and a father, with 5 years of experience writing online.

I have written for a number of major history parenting and comedy websites.

My writing has appeared on the front pages of Yahoo, The Onion, and Fatherly and has been shared all over the internet.

among his other works "The Coconut Crab May Have Eaten Amelia Earhardt"

omiogorsh.....he's written for the Onion......I'll bet he was peer reviewed......

seriously, you need to stop posting your bogus are embarrassing yourself with these absurd lies........
With all of the real, serious problems in this shit-stained universe, how do people have time for this shit?

How is all that praying working out?

If I were going to believe in a mystical being, I think that I'd back one who could actually get the job done.

Here you go.

lol, your lies are so sad.....

so, just who is the biblical scholar who authored your OP...

among his other works "The Coconut Crab May Have Eaten Amelia Earhardt"

omiogorsh.....he's written for the Onion......I'll bet he was peer reviewed......

seriously, you need to stop posting your bogus are embarrassing yourself with these absurd lies........

The Egyptian myth of Osarseph, who freed a group of enslaved lepers, is incredibly similar to the Exodus story.

One day, King Amenophis of Egypt decided that he wanted to see the gods with his own eyes. He called on one of the kingdom's sages and asked him how he could make his wish come true. The wise man replied that the king could do so if he were to cleanse Egypt of lepers and other impure people.

The king took immediate action. He gathered all the people with disabilities and diseases and expelled them all to the stone quarries east of the Nile, to endure hard labor and be separated from the rest of the population.

When the sage saw the king's acts of cruelty, which were committed because of his prophecy, he feared the rage of the gods and the destructive consequences of his act, and killed himself.

The Egyptian myth of Osarseph, who freed a group of enslaved lepers, is incredibly similar to the Exodus story.

One day, King Amenophis of Egypt decided that he wanted to see the gods with his own eyes. He called on one of the kingdom's sages and asked him how he could make his wish come true. The wise man replied that the king could do so if he were to cleanse Egypt of lepers and other impure people.

The king took immediate action. He gathered all the people with disabilities and diseases and expelled them all to the stone quarries east of the Nile, to endure hard labor and be separated from the rest of the population.

When the sage saw the king's acts of cruelty, which were committed because of his prophecy, he feared the rage of the gods and the destructive consequences of his act, and killed himself.

The Moses myth is also one of many like it. Have you ever read Joseph Campbell or seen the PBS special with Bill Moyer?