Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?

I'm sincere,I would rather know then not know!
If I was in your situation,I would be searching for truth.
This is condescending. This is also the statement people like you make when people like myself do not believe as you do. You act like we don’t study. The opposite is the truth, I have studied and continue to study, my studies have just lead me to a different conclusion than you. The difference is I respect your beliefs. You seem threatened by mine.
This is condescending. This is also the statement people like you make when people like myself do not believe as you do. You act like we don’t study. The opposite is the truth, I have studied and continue to study, my studies have just lead me to a different conclusion than you. The difference is I respect your beliefs. You seem threatened by mine.

You're assuming,with that silly threaten line.
Believe what you want,I could care less.
Honest answer,if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God,the Messiah,the Passover Lamb of God.
Then the Holy Spirit can't live in you.
Obviously you wouldn't believe my Epiphany!
St Thomas Aquinas said,Jesus was either.

“Beware the man of a single book.”
― Thomas Aquinas