Joan of Arc and Nine Other "Queer" Saints

You have to be kidding. Calling someone a faggot/queer is enough to show you have absolutely NO respect for the individual and that you have an insane level of hatred towards them. It is just the same as running around calling black people the n word or Asian people the g word etc... it is a sign of bigotry and hate (or fear or both)

First of all, I typically don't use the word "faggot", but I do use the word "queer" to describe gays because they themselves have deemed it acceptable. Secondly, my hatred of Poet is due to the same reason why I hate maineman, because he attacked my family.
Which kind? The kind that condones pedophilia perpetrated by priests, or the kind that would bomb abortion clinics and assassinate doctors who perform legal abortions?
I have no respect for the Catholic Church, whatsoever...why do you?

The Catholic Church condones terrorist attacks on abortion clinics?

Have a link?

I agree that their attempt to hide pedophiles rather than turn them in immediately was a horrific act causing them to be complicit in the molestation of many children. I disagree that they ever condoned abortion clinic bombers.
First of all, I typically don't use the word "faggot", but I do use the word "queer" to describe gays because they themselves have deemed it acceptable. Secondly, my hatred of Poet is due to the same reason why I hate maineman, because he attacked my family.

Liar. I only attacked your family after you attacked my race, my sexual orientation, and my political affiliation. You had to have gone off the deep end for me to go after your family. You started, but I finished. And I bask in the glow of your hate.
But, you just said how you'd like to fuck my father. Ass-rape of elderly men is apparently your fantasy.

It wouldn't be rape. You dad is queer, remember....just like you. You can't rape the willing. And all of it is predicate on you and your father "attempting" to "kick my ass". You take no responsibility for anything. Not even your own words.
Liar. I only attacked your family after you attacked my race, my sexual orientation, and my political affiliation. You had to have gone off the deep end for me to go after your family. You started, but I finished. And I bask in the glow of your hate.

I never attacked your race, queer. :D
It wouldn't be rape. You dad is queer, remember....just like you. You can't rape the willing. And all of it is predicate on you and your father "attempting" to "kick my ass". You take no responsibility for anything. Not even your own words.
Nope, the only queer here is you. Kinda funny how you use it as an insult towards me and my family though.

And as usual, you've got it backwards. My Dad would kick your ass after you attempted to molest him.
Nope, the only queer here is you. Kinda funny how you use it as an insult towards me and my family though.

And as usual, you've got it backwards. My Dad would kick your ass after you attempted to molest him.

Whatever, DY. You started this whole insult thing....and now your panties are in a wad, when it's flung back at you. It's an insult, only because you perceive it to be. I consider it honorable, and uniquely, and singularly a maverick brand. It's your worst nightmare, and my joy.
Your dad, no doubt is an older version of the POS you are. How else did you get to be so racist, bigoted and Neanderthalic, if not by way of him?
The whole deal was predicated on you or him "kicking my ass". That ain't never gon' happen. And so both him and you are spared an ass fucking. Everybody wins.
Whatever, DY. You started this whole insult thing....and now your panties are in a wad, when it's flung back at you. It's an insult, only because you perceive it to be. I consider it honorable, and uniquely, and singularly a maverick brand. It's your worst nightmare, and my joy.
Your dad, no doubt is an older version of the POS you are. How else did you get to be so racist, bigoted and Neanderthalic, if not by way of him?
The whole deal was predicated on you or him "kicking my ass". That ain't never gon' happen. And so both him and you are spared an ass fucking. Everybody wins.

Actually, you started the insult-fest, queer. I let you get off on that for many posts before retorting back.

I'm guessing that your daddy disowned you when you turned gay, if not well before that, like 10 seconds after he ejaculated you.
Epic pwnage of Poet by me here.


lol. What's really funny is he quoted his own post earlier in this thread, this is rich. Man, you are a nut. That's funny and stuff. Oh, and I forgot to repeat. No, I am not "liable" for them...

It's like you think I'm afraid to read the word or something. The board's been here a while I've seen it before, and if that was what he meant I wouldn't be saying otherwise.

Thank you. And coming from a moderator it carries "weight".
Actually, you started the insult-fest, queer. I let you get off on that for many posts before retorting back.

I'm guessing that your daddy disowned you when you turned gay, if not well before that, like 10 seconds after he ejaculated you.

07-21-2011 12:03 PM

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Join Date: Oct 2008Posts: 8,500Thanks: 711Thanked 527 Times in 407 PostsGroans: 51Groaned 46 Times in 43 Posts

Originally Posted by WinterBorn

Maybe you could chat with SouthernMan.

Or any of the rest of the posters who throw their gay slurs around as a slam against each other

posted before I knew who you were here.

Your first post to me that I could find

Originally Posted by Damn Yankee

I believe that you'd vote for him if he condoned Nazism. Because he's liberal. Dem. Black.

My response:
Liberals don't condone Nazism. Democrats don't condone Nazism. Blacks don't condone Nazism. Apparently Republicans and conservatives do.

Your third post to me:

Originally Posted by poet

Where is the evidence for nazism being the "natural outgrowth of socialism"? Links? Sources? Evidence?
And you don't know me. Your point is full of shit. How can you say what I'd do, who'd I support, and under what conditions? Who the fuck are you? A bagger. He's my guy, right now...for lack of anything better.
Nazi stands for national socialist party. Look it up.

I know you as someone who would support The Obama no matter what. Because hes black. Liberal. Democrat. And he's your guy, unless someone more black. Liberal. Democrat. comes along.

Here you are trying to garner personal information, which would be a violation of the TOS:

Originally Posted by usaloyal2theend

This "man" is a legend in his own mind. Obviously he ran out of asphalt on the "other board" and is now trying to lay a hot mess here.

That he is black and gay isn't what his problem is; That he is a pretentious asshole is.

Troll means he isn't stupid enough to know better. Troll he remains.

Posted by Damn Yankee
Yeah I forget what his other moniker was though. Do you remember?

A lie:


Loyal to the end

Originally Posted by Return of Dune

Don't worry Damp Hankee, he's never been with you.
He's been on boards with me before and was completely pwned and demoralized.

Loyal to the end

Originally Posted by poet

I know a few posters from other forums. But what business is that of yours? I don't know you. Fess up? What are you? Straight off the farm? LOL.
Yeah, straight off the farm. LOL

Do you hate farmers, or is that a slap against former slaves?

Yep. So there is no question that you started with the insults, from the very beginning. And that I was warned about you, before you even first posted to me. There. Proved you as a liar, and a racist and bigot, from the beginning.
07-21-2011 12:03 PM

Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008Posts: 8,500Thanks: 711Thanked 527 Times in 407 PostsGroans: 51Groaned 46 Times in 43 Posts

Originally Posted by WinterBorn

Or any of the rest of the posters who throw their gay slurs around as a slam against each other

posted before I knew who you were here.

Your first post to me that I could find

Originally Posted by Damn Yankee

I believe that you'd vote for him if he condoned Nazism. Because he's liberal. Dem. Black.

My response:
Liberals don't condone Nazism. Democrats don't condone Nazism. Blacks don't condone Nazism. Apparently Republicans and conservatives do.

Your third post to me:

Originally Posted by poet

Nazi stands for national socialist party. Look it up.

I know you as someone who would support The Obama no matter what. Because hes black. Liberal. Democrat. And he's your guy, unless someone more black. Liberal. Democrat. comes along.

Here you are trying to garner personal information, which would be a violation of the TOS:

Originally Posted by usaloyal2theend

Posted by Damn Yankee
Yeah I forget what his other moniker was though. Do you remember?

A lie:


Loyal to the end

Originally Posted by Return of Dune

He's been on boards with me before and was completely pwned and demoralized.

Loyal to the end

Originally Posted by poet

Do you hate farmers, or is that a slap against former slaves?

Yep. So there is no question that you started with the insults, from the very beginning. And that I was warned about you, before you even first posted to me. There. Proved you as a liar, and a racist and bigot, from the beginning.

Your careful documentation proves that the opposite of what you claim is true. You apparently began the insults by calling me a "bagger", then ramped it up by calling me a racist.
Really? Remember our dance with the "n-word", which you wanted to portray as "nincompoop"? Nice try, but no one believed that one, least of all, me.

And you keep talking about your daddy. I'm gay.

It wasn't an issue of "believe", you pretended you had him on ignore so that you couldn't see the actual word that he referred to in the other posts. Of course we all know all it takes to see what he actually said in the first post while you had him on "ignore" was to click a link, and once you had removed him from IA the several links made to the post in the threads made it clear what he had said because it was written there.

Now that doesn't mean I am on his side in this particular little "your daddy" game, it just means that it was clear to everybody what the man actually said, because it had been typed and he even spelled nincompoop correctly.
Your careful documentation proves that the opposite of what you claim is true. You apparently began the insults by calling me a "bagger", then ramped it up by calling me a racist.

No, bitch, that's not how it went, as I documented.

Your first post to me:

Originally Posted by Damn Yankee

"I believe that you'd vote for him (Obama) if he condoned Nazism. Because he's liberal. Dem. Black.

Uh, that's a whole lot of insinuation and hyperbole. Instead of asking my position, you assumed the preposterous. After the Jews the Nazis were intent on exterminating "blacks" for you to suggest that I could support "Nazism" from anyone, on any grounds is highly insulting. And you assumed that I voted for Barack Obama because he was liberal, a Democrat, and/or "black". Yes. And? Problem?

I called you a "bagger" and a racist, after you proved yourself to be such. You were accused of being such as Southern Man, on other forums that we shared. I called you out then, as I do now. Nothing has changed, except forums and ID's.
It wasn't an issue of "believe", you pretended you had him on ignore so that you couldn't see the actual word that he referred to in the other posts. Of course we all know all it takes to see what he actually said in the first post while you had him on "ignore" was to click a link, and once you had removed him from IA the several links made to the post in the threads made it clear what he had said because it was written there.

Now that doesn't mean I am on his side in this particular little "your daddy" game, it just means that it was clear to everybody what the man actually said, because it had been typed and he even spelled nincompoop correctly.

Really? Everyone knows what he was referring to when he made the "n-word" reference, and it wasn't "nincompoop", and you and I and everyone here knows it. You can masturbate with him to your heart's delight...I'm clear. You're the one that refuses to make a positive ruling on the use of the n-word, and all other racial pejoratives. It's called "the lack of leadership". Or cowardice.