Joan of Arc and Nine Other "Queer" Saints

Two things came to mind reading this last page of posts.

First is a line from Sweeney Todd in the song "Have a Little Priest".
Haven't you got poet, or something like that?
No, y'see, the trouble with poet is
'Ow do you know it's deceased?"

And the second is that I can easily imagine DY hold one of those signs, protesting at a military funeral yelling "God Hate Fags".
Admire? Like what a beautiful woman that is....unlike "she's hot", which is "lustful", rather than admirable. What a dummie. Your mama was a queer. I'm gay.

"Hot" is open to interpretation. We're describing a woman who defies convention, not your "Playboy bunny type" that turned you gay. Yet you try to judge me as lustful. As usual, you fail.
"Hot" is open to interpretation. We're describing a woman who defies convention, not your "Playboy bunny type" that turned you gay. Yet you try to judge me as lustful. As usual, you fail.

Defies convention? Playboy bunny type? That turned me gay? When you start making sense, I'll let you know. Please. Didn't you have an anime female "jiggling her boobs", as an avatar? It's clear women are mere sex objects to you, and that you're a poster child misogynist. Posing as a Christian. A fake Christian.
Defies convention? Playboy bunny type? That turned me gay? When you start making sense, I'll let you know. Please. Didn't you have an anime female "jiggling her boobs", as an avatar? It's clear women are mere sex objects to you, and that you're a poster child misogynist. Posing as a Christian. A fake Christian.

Or I like to torment you with what you can't have. Glad to see that it's working. :D
Or I like to torment you with what you can't have. Glad to see that it's working. :D

Torment me? With what I can't have? An avatar, a comment, or a woman? Ms. Thing, I'm gay. I've been with women in the past, purely out of curiosity. Even some white women. It was ok, but didn't blow up my skirt. Ok? That means that some women, somewhere, found me sexually it's not like I couldn't have anything. But you seem to think this is some kind of contest, and that you win, because you get or got the women. And as I said before, men that are obsessed with "all things gay", or publicly "hate on" gays, are hiding something.....usually "a past", "envy", or a "double" or "secret life". Men that are confident in their sexuality are not bothered or moved by gays and/or you already gave yourself away, a long long time ago. I like to point it out, to torment you.
What? We already established that "I'm packing". You're the one that's white. Pencil.

What we've established is that you're not able to satisfy a woman and therefore chose dicks. The obvious conclusion is that you are packing very little.
What we've established is that you're not able to satisfy a woman and therefore chose dicks. The obvious conclusion is that you are packing very little.

Uh, you're living in your own Private Idaho. You have established nothing. Have you ever satisfied a woman, and failed to come to an orgasm yourself? That's what satisfying a woman (or a man) is all about...putting someone else's needs and wants before your own. What are you good for? All of a minute and a half? I don't choose body parts. I choose a person. Another testament to your misogyny. And no need to get all defensive....many men are still able to father children, though they have teeny peckers. Didn't you?