Saint Guinefort
Verified User
Boasting about your undergrad geology class and your little pens and pencils, is like a teenager boasting about his first science faire project.
But actually it shows I'm not googling. There is no Wikipedia post for "what undergrad geology majors had to do in the 80's". That's why YOU don't know anything about it. you spoiled young kids did everyone on the computer. That's fine. But if you go to your fake geophysics job tomorrow and ask one of the older folks they'll tell you.
No professional career geoscientist is patrolling obscure message boards and bragging about their pen, coloring pencils, and crayon collection.
LOL. I did it so you couldn't claim I googled it. The fact that you don't know about this aspect of geology indicates you are either a LIAR (most likely) or too young to know better.
You little shits aren't worth much in the discipline.