JPP Experts

Boasting about your undergrad geology class and your little pens and pencils, is like a teenager boasting about his first science faire project.

But actually it shows I'm not googling. There is no Wikipedia post for "what undergrad geology majors had to do in the 80's". That's why YOU don't know anything about it. you spoiled young kids did everyone on the computer. That's fine. But if you go to your fake geophysics job tomorrow and ask one of the older folks they'll tell you.

No professional career geoscientist is patrolling obscure message boards and bragging about their pen, coloring pencils, and crayon collection.

LOL. I did it so you couldn't claim I googled it. The fact that you don't know about this aspect of geology indicates you are either a LIAR (most likely) or too young to know better.

You little shits aren't worth much in the discipline.
Plagiarism. You know better than to take the works of others, in this case of King Juán Carlos of Spain, and pass it off as your own.

p.s. Into the Night isn't anyone's sock, nor is gfm7175. If you really aren't smart enough to discern the difference, at least you'll know that your problems are all on your end. Don't let others do your thinking for you.


You're hilarious.
You sound like a 15 year old. Staedtler pens can be googled.
I never said I didn't know what Stadtler pens were.

I said it was embarrassing for you to boast about using your little Straedtler pens and coloring pencils, because professional geologists for decades have been using advanced computer software to do stratigraphic analysis and mapping.

Everyone in this thread is onto your act.

You're an idiot. You are too young to know better. Are you a teenager living at home with your folks so you think it has ALWAYS been done with computers? You are ASTOUNDINGLY dumb if you think that.


Go ahead, ask one of your older Geophysics pals at your fake job. Make sure to hit some up over the age of 55. They'll tell you.

And, no, you can't google that bit. Or you would have. But you are such a liar you knew that didn't you?
Boasting about your undergrad geology class and your little pens and pencils, is like a teenager boasting about his first science faire project.

No professional career geoscientist is patrolling obscure message boards and bragging about their pen, coloring pencils, and crayon collection.

Here's why you are a dishonest piece of shit:

You complain when people post technical stuff you don't understand. You have to go to google and then you think EVERYONE is googling like you are. So when someone TRIES to find something that CAN'T be googled you complain that it is beneath you.

You are a dishonest piece of shit.

And if you actually ARE a scientist you probably suck so bad you are a detriment. Anyone who can't understand basic and simple logic tests is probably not useful in the field.

And while many of the mouthbreathers on here don't know any better, you and I both know the truth. ;). (But since you are so dishonest you will never admit it.)
But actually it shows I'm not googling. There is no Wikipedia post for "what undergrad geology majors had to do in the 80's". That's why YOU don't know anything about it. you spoiled young kids did everyone on the computer. That's fine. But if you go to your fake geophysics job tomorrow and ask one of the older folks they'll tell you.

LOL. I did it so you couldn't claim I googled it. The fact that you don't know about this aspect of geology indicates you are either a LIAR (most likely) or too young to know better.

You little shits aren't worth much in the discipline.

For somebody who supposedly only joined here a few months ago, you seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time lurking my posts and stewing in latent resentment about me.

Some here tell me you have a lingering inferiority complex.

I don't care what it is, that's between you and your psychologist.
For somebody who supposedly only joined here a few months ago, you seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time lurking my posts and stewing in latent resentment about me.

Some here tell me you have a lingering inferiority complex.

I don't care what it is, that's between you and your psychologist.

You will be surprised by this but I actually like the threads you start. You actually mention topics of interest to me. It's only when I start posting science that you get nasty and insulting and rather than discuss the science I just posted you go out and try to figure out if I plagiarized it somewhere.

That's because YOU don't have any science background and so you can't engage on a topic. That's why you only ever just list names of authorities and never talk in depth.

So you call it "stalking" but actually it's called an attempted conversation which you immediately turn into a battle royale.

And yes I join in after you insult. You insult and I respond. You can't handle it (you are probably a teen which is why you are so defensive about your lack of technical knowledge).

Try actually addressing people with something like respect and you won't wind up with people insulting you back.

Just an FYI. It'll come in handy when you grow up and get a real job.
One other thing: The reason I mentioned the stadtler pens was because it is something all geologists over the age of 50 know but you can't "google" that sort of info.

The fact that you missed it tells me either you are young or you are not a geologist. :)

You are not a geologist either.
LOL. You still don't get it do you? You could (and probably did) google all the terms you put down. But I actually said something that cannot be googled. LOL.

If you are a geologist you probably suck pretty badly because even simple logic evades you.

Some buzzwords aren't on Google yet, because YOU made them up.
Plagiarism. You know better than to take the works of others, in this case of King Juán Carlos of Spain, and pass it off as your own.

p.s. Into the Night isn't anyone's sock, nor is gfm7175. If you really aren't smart enough to discern the difference, at least you'll know that your problems are all on your end. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

A tall order. He's been plagiarizing so much from wacky websites he lost the ability to think for himself anymore. It's obvious he belongs to the Church of the Noosphere, and has a desperate need for puffing himself up. That kind of problem isn't easy to quit.
Here's why you are a dishonest piece of shit:

You complain when people post technical stuff you don't understand. You have to go to google and then you think EVERYONE is googling like you are. So when someone TRIES to find something that CAN'T be googled you complain that it is beneath you.

You are a dishonest piece of shit.

And if you actually ARE a scientist you probably suck so bad you are a detriment. Anyone who can't understand basic and simple logic tests is probably not useful in the field.

And while many of the mouthbreathers on here don't know any better, you and I both know the truth. ;). (But since you are so dishonest you will never admit it.)

You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy.
Why don't you stop making shit up about yourself?

Oh...I already know why.
