Just watched the first half of Gone with the Wind

This one actually has the ability to communicate and isn't as knee jerk dumb as I thought when she's flirting with the other troll, her sorta male half, fellow south hater.

Leon, did you teach football shirt that it's OK to cry when he gets emotional and do you give him a little prize when he obeys you?

The south was wrong.
That's why you lost.
The south was wrong.
That's why you lost.

Wrong about what, Marxist Leon?

If the southerners wanted one confederacy, five confederacies, ten confederacies, twenty confederacies, why is it any of your business - you stupid knee jerk, dumbed down brainwashed idiot? Why is it any of football shirt's business?
My fav was Brent Tarleton played by George Reeves (TV Superman)

Who's the faggot Leon, I never heard of him.

Isn't he the lead role on queers gone wild on showtime?

You know Leon, you have very low questionable social habits. Your favorite was Brett boy and you social network with TD football shirt.

I'm really worried about you, Leon.
Wrong about what, Marxist Leon?

If the southerners wanted one confederacy, five confederacies, ten confederacies, twenty confederacies, why is it any of your business - you stupid knee jerk, dumbed down brainwashed idiot? Why is it any of football shirt's business?

Unlike you, we are Americans.
The south was wrong. Treason is a crime for good reasons.
That is why you lost.
Unlike you, we are Americans.
The south was wrong. Treason is a crime for good reasons.
That is why you lost.

The southerners lost because they were up against twenty two million to their five million. It took your glorious central government that was controlled by a minority party four years to beat them. And after two years when they couldn't beat the southern men, they turned their guns, their bayonets, and their cannon on southern women and children both black and white.

Does that turn you on, Leon? All that blood and carnage? All those dirty white Christian civilians being exterminated?

Half the men in my platoon in Vietnam were southerners and I thank God for it. They were the best fighters over there.

But Leon, you've got TD football shirt to flirt with when you're social networking on JPP and who needs men such as these, right Leon?
The southerners lost because they were up against twenty two million to their five million. It took your glorious central government that was controlled by a minority party four years to beat them. And after two years when they couldn't beat the southern men, they turned their guns, their bayonets, and their cannon on southern women and children both black and white.

Does that turn you on, Leon? All that blood and carnage? All those dirty white Christian civilians being exterminated?

Half the men in my platoon in Vietnam were southerners and I thank God for it. They were the best fighters over there.

But Leon, you've got TD football shirt to flirt with when you're social networking on JPP and who needs men such as these, right Leon?

The United States kept her wayward racist children in line when they too uppity and got out of hand.
Vietnam was a complete waste of life, just like the war against the Union was. No wonder you felt so at home, fighting for a losing cause.
Wrong about what, Marxist Leon?

If the southerners wanted one confederacy, five confederacies, ten confederacies, twenty confederacies, why is it any of your business - you stupid knee jerk, dumbed down brainwashed idiot? Why is it any of football shirt's business?

They should have been allowed secede peacefully, the Civil War was not worth the suffering.
They should have been allowed secede peacefully, the Civil War was not worth the suffering.

Your Limey opinion is noted, Tommy, and will be given the deference it deserves.

Remind me...how many internecine struggles has perfidious Albion indulged in down the centuries?
The United States kept her wayward racist children in line when they too uppity and got out of hand.
Vietnam was a complete waste of life, just like the war against the Union was. No wonder you felt so at home, fighting for a losing cause.

You were old enough to be drafted, so how did you get out of it? As for Vietnam, maybe you ought to go there and ask people in Saigon what they think about the war? It is easy to pontificate about something that is thousands of miles away from you!!
Maybe you should visit the the nations that have been invaded or attacked by formerly-Great Britain and ask the inhabitants how they feel about it, Tommy.

You were old enough to be drafted, so how did you get out of it? As for Vietnam, maybe you ought to go there and ask people in Saigon what they think about the war? It is easy to pontificate about something that is thousands of miles away from you!!

High lottery number. Sometimes luck can be your best friend.
Pontification is for limeys and Popes.
I know we had no business there.
Poor Borbo
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Thilly Wabbit probably loves the part in GWTW with the happy darkies singing in the fields, calling the white folks "massa"...the rest of the film, not so much.