JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

LOL, I at least said it was a gamble. Seriously, a bailout would have kept them safe, because what drove them under was fear, that's it. People began getting scared and pulling funds. Guess what happens then, all those savings accounts that are a source of capital and income turn into liabilities. Now since these dipshits in Congress are sitting around with their thumb in their asses trying to play with the market, they created a ton of fear and didn't return a bill in time to prevent biggest bank failure in US History. Then they force a WaMu sale. I think JPMorgan might be giving me .80 a share on my 150 shares, but im not sure yet. Details are still being worked out. Either way, I totally screwed myself for this game, and if I can't buy anything now, I will create another account and play safe this time. But I gotta leave this account up there just for laughs. I wasn't even going to put that much into it till you assholes started copying me... lol

ROFLMAO.... down 122%..... priceless
What's even funnier is Watermark is trying to sell WM Short now.. lol I tryed to sell my stock in Real life for Market value and it is putting it at .80 a share and won't allow me to sell for .16
What's even funnier is Watermark is trying to sell WM Short now.. lol I tryed to sell my stock in Real life for Market value and it is putting it at .80 a share and won't allow me to sell for .16

that is because the game is over. The last trade was at .16.... there are no bids for the stock at this point.
That is the funniest shit ever... honestly. I would be embarassed but tis too funny to be.

I agree it is really funny.... but you should be embarrassed as well. REALLY embarrassed. Especially since certain individuals kept warning you about WaMu.

But I know.... start up a new portfolio for yourself. REDEEM yourself by putting the two million into NCC. :)
Not a lot just like $750. Still very very very glad I didn't.

Im glad you didn't either now with hindsight. I would have felt reall shitty that I lost you money, but I did say it was a gamble at least. I recommended $400 too because I would never recommend a gambling stock unless you want to gamble.. I was hoping for at least one more ride up.
Yeah, I noticed that, from 1st, 2nd, to last and 2nd to last...

Hmmm.... Maybe we should restart with a specific date and no constant resets...
Geez, the whole market is taking a drubbing today. Seems I shoulda listened to my gut and sold out at the end of Friday.

But resets, from what I can tell of the game rules, are a cheat. What pride is there in that?
When you go to buy a stock, just select "sell short" instead of "buy", and when you want to get rid of a shorted stock make another trade and select "buy to cover".

I'm betting on a market failure.
I just bought my first one. I'll see how it does. I may have selected the wrong one to short...


Who cares, with everybody, even SF, resetting I'm at the bottom of the pile.