JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

I contacted them about SF and his DXO. Yeah, that was a crappy pick, but it wasn't negative returns...

It wasn't their fault, it was Reuters. They had about 50 stocks (at least) misquoting yesterday morning. They were trading fine, but some "computer glitch" was causing them to all post at zero.
Ouch, Trog just took a huge hit! Back in the negative... playing with bank stocks again... tsk tsk.


yeah, you probably should refrain from making fun of the guy who was leading up until today. Now the two sitting on the sidelines are up front.

No worries though, a lot of year left to go.
Well at the moment, I'm prevailing.

At least if you don't count Grind and WM's dumb asses who are just leaving theirs in cash.
Hey, does anyone know how to buy COW, the iPath AIG Total Livestock ETN, so I can enlarge the menagerie? I need to look up COD, BIRD and FISH as well, I suppose.
Wow, I had the interesting phenomenon of watching the ticker go to and through my stops and limits, and NOT EXECUTE the order at least three times today.

Let the total recklessness continue!

I would NEVER do this shit in real life! :cof1:
Limits won't execute if you go past your limit. Stops should execute regardless.

So if you set a bottom limit of 100 on one, then it went right past that and down to 95, it would not sell it until it hit 100. If you put a stop on it, it would execute once it passed your bottom even if it was at 95 or lower....
Limits won't execute if you go past your limit. Stops should execute regardless.

So if you set a bottom limit of 100 on one, then it went right past that and down to 95, it would not sell it until it hit 100. If you put a stop on it, it would execute once it passed your bottom even if it was at 95 or lower....

I know the difference between stop orders, limit orders, stop limit orders, and their uses in buying, selling, selling short, and buying to cover.

If I have a limit order to buy at (say) $14.00 while the shares are currently at $15.00, when the shares dip to $13.xx the order should execute (depending on volume). That was one of the cases I was speaking about.

Similarly, when I have a long position with a sell order at $16.00 limit and the shares go up past the limit then the shares should sell (depending on volume).

This simulation only offers stops, but not stop limits. And you are correct, a stop should execute at the market when the trigger "stop" is hit.
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I need an error correction in my portfolio.

Apria Health Group (AHG) was purchased by Blackstone group for $21.00 cash and closed yesterday. It was not a share swap. So, I should have been cashed out of the position (4000 shares at $21.00 cash).

Currently, the board shows that I have 6000 AHG long at 12.39. The quote for AHG is now picking up the quote for BX (Blackstone). An old uncancelled order for 2000 AHG at $14.00 limit (which did not trigger when the real AHG shares dipped under $14.00 a few days ago - see above) was triggered off the BX price today.

In summary, I should have no shares of either AHG or BX.
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I am speaking directly to the rules. While you may know how limit orders work in the real world I have specifically given information as to how they say it works in the game.

If you give a limit of 14, and it drops well below it (or above it) within a certain time period, it will not execute until it again reaches 14.
I figured it was some flaw in the simulation. I was right. The only 'rules' I have access to is the simple one page that comes up under the overview / rules tab. Lacking specification to the contrary, one is led to believe that the game mimics real world.

So, let me see if I have this straight per 'the rules'. I place a buy limit order and, after the requisite time delay, it becomes active. Then the price has to drop through the limit 2x to execute? I certainly understand that during the time delay, if the price drops under and then goes back above that it wouldn't execute; that is to be expected. But I'm talking about an active order - it should trigger first time around.

I still need the correction on AHG.
I figured it was some flaw in the simulation. I was right. The only 'rules' I have access to is the simple one page that comes up under the overview / rules tab. Lacking specification to the contrary, one is led to believe that the game mimics real world.

So, let me see if I have this straight per 'the rules'. I place a buy limit order and, after the requisite time delay, it becomes active. Then the price has to drop through the limit 2x to execute? I certainly understand that during the time delay, if the price drops under and then goes back above that it wouldn't execute; that is to be expected. But I'm talking about an active order - it should trigger first time around.

I still need the correction on AHG.
No, if you buy a limit it has to maintain a price within a set parameter in the game to your set "limit". This means that if you set 108 as a limit, it drops to 104 from 110 it will not set off your limit as it fell below the parameters where the limit would be set off. If you had put a stop there rather than a limit it will execute regardless.
No, if you buy a limit it has to maintain a price within a set parameter in the game to your set "limit". This means that if you set 108 as a limit, it drops to 104 from 110 it will not set off your limit as it fell below the parameters where the limit would be set off. If you had put a stop there rather than a limit it will execute regardless.

On a buy limit order? A buy limit is "buy at (limit) or better" with better meaning lower in this case. Provided the order is active (past the time delay), then the order should execute as soon as the price dips to, or below, the limit - depending on volume* (If the price dips under my limit, but I have an order for 100,000 shares and only 50,000 trade under that price, then it will not execute - not possible. But if I am looking for a small position in a large liquid stock, then I would expect execution depending on my position on the book.

I believe you are describing a sell limit and a sell stop thinking I have confused the two. I have not.

Sell limit - "sell the position at this (limit) price or better" You can apply this to a stock that is moving up to a target price, or to a decliner that you are willing to hold longer term if you can't get your price.

Sell stop - "when price moves through (limit = trigger, price = market), sell at the market. Get me the hell out!" I LOOOOVe my trailing stops.

Thankfully this game does not have sell stop limit orders (e.g, sell stop 24 limit 23.50) like the real world, otherwise it would get really ugly.
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