JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

You guys can all start lining up to pay me to start managing your retirement portfolios now.

What'd you say, boy? I don't think I heard that clearly.

On a serious note, my contract runs out in June. I'm beginning Certified Financial Planner courses in January, but I'll wind up teaching highschool Math for a couple years (tough to explain) before I segue in.
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You're ahead again. Damn.

One of these days I'm going to buy a stock and its going to hit the floor. Then you'll all be laughing.

And for good (maybe!).

I wouldn't laugh. Seems to me a college kid is ahead of a Big Time MBA, a professional investment guy, and a guy who bombed---twice. At least you didn't screw up your reset.

I should be ahead by more than this; the game fucked me on the buyout by Blackstone. Cost me about $40,000.
LOL, I have a 28% up day, and WM has a 40% down day. Nice, I like my new strat. 5 days in a row of positive numbers, averaging around 11% a day up. At this rate, I will be competing earlier than I expected.

How the hell do you get to buy 132,000 shares of BGS when the total volume for the day is 77,000 and you put in the order sometime in the middle of the day? What the !?!?!
How the hell do you get to buy 132,000 shares of BGS when the total volume for the day is 77,000 and you put in the order sometime in the middle of the day? What the !?!?!

I just put it in actually like 5 minutes ago. Don't know how it went through but it did :)

Is it based on today's current volume or average volume?
Your guess is as good as mine. I thought it was based on the volume and pricing structures in the 'real' market. I had to go look up BGS because I did not recognize the symbol.

A lot of times I feel that the execution is 'spotty.'
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Your guess is as good as mine. I thought it was based on the volume and pricing structures in the 'real' market. I had to go look up BGS because I did not recognize the symbol.

A lot of times I feel that the execution is 'spotty.'

BGS is the symbol for Ortega and a few other food brands. They seemed to have hit a support level for the day, but I'm betting it will spike at least a few cents before it breaks through that support and falls even further this week (as the rest of the market tanks this week). I'll take .02 on 132,000 shares after the gain I had today. Just to tack on a % or two from where I was. Then I have to look for my next 'sure thing' that will net me a few percentage points.

You had a reeal nice day going until you got buried in the Sand trap.

WHOOF! :eek:

You had a reeal nice day going until you got buried in the Sand trap.

WHOOF! :eek:

Yeah, but I'm still shorting it. Should profit from it by tommorow morning. It caught a suckers rally late in the day to ruin my +15.9% gain.

Last figure I looked at, LVS was back down to 4.29 in after-hours. So really I keep my gains from today still if that holds until morning. If it does, expect another 30%+ up day for me tommorow :)
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Yeah, but I'm still shorting it. Should profit from it by tommorow morning. It caught a suckers rally late in the day to ruin my +15.9% gain.

At least you're on the 'right side' of it. I'm thinking short is the only place to be unless you can monitor the position. I think we will see 7500 again.

IMO, we still have most of the risk on the down side, until the good news is good news, not just news that is 'less bad.'

Any little pop or sucker rally is just a chance for the overhanging supply to try to dump out.
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LOL, I have a 28% up day, and WM has a 40% down day. Nice, I like my new strat. 5 days in a row of positive numbers, averaging around 11% a day up. At this rate, I will be competing earlier than I expected.

Yep, I didn't put a bottom limit or stop on my stock, just the limit at my target price, so the bottom fell out all it could once it did. It was stupid not to put safeguards up, I guess. But I'm too lazy for that, and it's just a game anyway.

Really no reason I shouldn't reset again. :)
Yep, I didn't put a bottom limit or stop on my stock, just the limit at my target price, so the bottom fell out all it could once it did. It was stupid not to put safeguards up, I guess. But I'm too lazy for that, and it's just a game anyway.

Really no reason I shouldn't reset again. :)

You reset at this point, I will hand you your ass. I was all the way down to $150,000, and I'm still looking to beat everyone. You wimp out that easily, just don't invest in stocks.. ever!
Well, I set a new limit at the price I started at, and the stock eventually rose that high again. So I've lost nothing on the purchase.

You see what I mean.. if you invest like that you will lose out. You have to believe in the stock if your going to hold it. My strat is good for this market, but once the market recovers, I will be shooting myself in the foot. LVS is one stock I'd love to buy for long term but only after I make a ton of gains on it's volatility :)
Arrrggghhhhh! Where the fuck is the execution on my two day old limit order?!?!?!?! Price & Time priority motherfucker! Opened at my price, dipped under, rose above, back under AGAIN, with sufficient volume.

God Damn shitty execution. MArket Watch, you suck!
Arrrggghhhhh! Where the fuck is the execution on my two day old limit order?!?!?!?! Price & Time priority motherfucker! Opened at my price, dipped under, rose above, back under AGAIN, with sufficient volume.

God Damn shitty execution. MArket Watch, you suck!
Yeah, I've watched them pass several limits. It is annoying.
Yeah, I've watched them pass several limits. It is annoying.
It's even MORE annoying when it fucks you by not executing the limit order, though it should have, and THEN rallying back above your cost!

I wonder if I'm going to get fucked on my Disney limit order, too. There was as much as an 11 cent spread between limit and market prices....
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