JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

At 2.28% ahead, I'm currently numero uno. Got there by sitting out the rough and then buying a single stock with all my money and setting a limit on it to sell when it reached a price that was 2.28% higher than its current price.
At 2.28% ahead, I'm currently numero uno. Got there by sitting out the rough and then buying a single stock with all my money and setting a limit on it to sell when it reached a price that was 2.28% higher than its current price.

You are aware that President-Elect Obama has been trying, all fricking day, to get in touch with you in order to offer you a place on his economic advisory committee? Ring early to secure a window seat next to Warren Buffet.
You are aware that President-Elect Obama has been trying, all fricking day, to get in touch with you in order to offer you a place on his economic advisory committee? Ring early to secure a window seat next to Warren Buffet.

I am aware, I'm just trying to keep my options open.
I am aware, I'm just trying to keep my options open.

Just so you know, the window seat with Buffet has gone. All that's left is the aisle seat next to Russian coal magnate Sergei Suckimov.

(if you're interested, remember to ring the airport to confirm your name followed by "aisle - Suckimov")

Thank you for your acceptance of my childishness.
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He's trying to make sure he has time for his kids, just in case somebody lets him have sex with them.
At 2.28% ahead, I'm currently numero uno. Got there by sitting out the rough and then buying a single stock with all my money and setting a limit on it to sell when it reached a price that was 2.28% higher than its current price.

You are #2.

I am not a day trader, but I've had a lot of fun trying different ideas. I've used this nice safe environment to 'play' and to reveal flaws that would prevent me from being a good day trader. Man, I have some bad tendencies!

P.S. can somebody, besides me, post a positive day? Geez!
You are #2.

I am not a day trader, but I've had a lot of fun trying different ideas. I've used this nice safe environment to 'play' and to reveal flaws that would prevent me from being a good day trader. Man, I have some bad tendencies!

P.S. can somebody, besides me, post a positive day? Geez!

I've been posting positive for the last couple days. Had to make some good moves to get there but I've called some really good lows and got in cheap on CALM, LVS, and was .01 off the low on C today. Had it hit 10.50 after I set that as my buy limit, would have had a slightly better day.
SF, man, you're catching up to the suckiness of my first attempt. Don't worry though, I'm not far behind, falling like a brick...
Yea, after two restarts and sitting on your ass the rest of the time, and you still show a loss. True "genius" there.

I've gotten a 10% total return, which is higher than anyone else (Trog goes up and down a lot, sometimes he's ahead of me but usually he's behind).

You, on the other hand, are down 70%.

Your call.
We are only two months into it out of 12... it's still anyone's game. I will be back with a competitive portfolio in a month or two.