JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

In case someone was wondering about the rating for this thread, me and my troll voted 1 star - terrible, but someone else came along an voted 5 stars, so it is sitting on a comfy 3 stars right now...
Well, I gotta love this! I'm going to be the butt of jokes for the next year, until after I beat al of ou with only a quarter of my portfolio.. lol

WM Shareholders wiped out. Thank goodness I only had 150 shares and made a profit before I took another gamble with them. But i look real bad in our little game. REAL BAD. FDIC took over the fuckin bank and said 'Fuck you!' to all the shareholders. While the government created more panic as they have their little circle jerk, they pretty much scared people with deposits and created a run on the bank large enough to wipe them out. FDIC takes over then sells the good parts of the bank to JP Morgan for 1.9 Billion. Leaving all of the shareholders with.... nothing but bad loans and I don't even think you can sell your shares. I'll check in the morning with my 150 shares. To think, I had $1700 sitting aside for tommorow to throw at this to gamble again. Damn glad it didn't happen over the weekend and happened tonight.
I'm pretty sure WaMu common stock is completely worthless right now. That literally takes more than all of my equity, so I'm restarting. I told you that this had the risk/return ratio of the lottery. A lot of suckers thought that they would make a ton on this, and anyone with sense could tell you it was retarded and foolish to buy that stock. That's right! I called you foolish DW!
Jesus Christ that was close. The only thing that saved me was E-Trade having a 1-day verification period for new accounts. Christ Allmighty. I could have been stuck with some of that worthless junk in real life.
I'm pretty sure WaMu common stock is completely worthless right now. That literally takes more than all of my equity, so I'm restarting. I told you that this had the risk/return ratio of the lottery. A lot of suckers thought that they would make a ton on this, and anyone with sense could tell you it was retarded and foolish to buy that stock. That's right! I called you foolish DW!

don't come back and make any of your usual gay daddy boy allowance claims, is this a video game we can restart. LOL:clink:
Jesus Christ that was close. The only thing that saved me was E-Trade having a 1-day verification period for new accounts. Christ Allmighty. I could have been stuck with some of that worthless junk in real life.
Wow. I've been telling people to stay away from WaMu for over a month now.

Penny stock time.
Geez. All the losers restarted and because I am barely below the original million I'm fifth now... All the late starters and losers...

it's all the gerber babies that don't own stock.
they own video games, what they know is if the game suck hit reset. LOFL
I'm pretty sure WaMu common stock is completely worthless right now. That literally takes more than all of my equity, so I'm restarting. I told you that this had the risk/return ratio of the lottery. A lot of suckers thought that they would make a ton on this, and anyone with sense could tell you it was retarded and foolish to buy that stock. That's right! I called you foolish DW!

LOL, I at least said it was a gamble. Seriously, a bailout would have kept them safe, because what drove them under was fear, that's it. People began getting scared and pulling funds. Guess what happens then, all those savings accounts that are a source of capital and income turn into liabilities. Now since these dipshits in Congress are sitting around with their thumb in their asses trying to play with the market, they created a ton of fear and didn't return a bill in time to prevent biggest bank failure in US History. Then they force a WaMu sale. I think JPMorgan might be giving me .80 a share on my 150 shares, but im not sure yet. Details are still being worked out. Either way, I totally screwed myself for this game, and if I can't buy anything now, I will create another account and play safe this time. But I gotta leave this account up there just for laughs. I wasn't even going to put that much into it till you assholes started copying me... lol