Kamala Proves Again Why She is Not a Better Candidate Than Grandpa Joe

watching libtards trip all over themselves is hilarious


is now

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On Thursday night, from the convention in Milwaukee, former President Donald Trump held the attention of the world.

Trump’s account of the attempt on his life one week ago was honest, poignant and unforgettable.

His successful efforts at unifying his party and his promise to unify the country reverberated far beyond the Milwaukee convention center.


On Thursday afternoon, she addressed supporters at Westover High School in North Carolina.

Never mind the world watching — it’s not clear that all the people at Westover High school were watching.

So how did she do?

In a word: terribly.

From the moment she bounded onto the stage, Harris reminded people of why this November’s election is Trump’s for the losing.

First came the fake hysteria of finding herself on a stage in front of all these people: the almost-hyperventilating note Kamala hits when she wants to sound as if she is really excited about something.

more at link
Wait a minute, you are using a personal opinion narrative from a Murdoch employee as a character judge on Harris? For real?
When are you going to wake up and acknowledge that the emperor should be in memory care?

"...Trump has shown a "decline from baseline" since he first announced his run for the presidency in 2015. He argued that while the 45th president of the United States used to speak "in polished paragraphs with a sophisticated vocabulary," he now is exhibiting a "shocking decline in verbal fluency" and "often can’t finish a sentence or even a word."

Typical of dementia patients, he repeats himself and overuses superlatives and filler words," Gartner said. "Based on his current accelerating rate of decline, it seems very unlikely that Trump could see out a second term without falling off the cliff and becoming totally incapacitated."

Second, Gartner pointed to Trump's failing memory as evidence of cognitive decline. He noted that earlier this year, he mistook former UN ambassador Nikki Haley for former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), saying "Nikki Haley" was in charge of security at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The third sign of Trump's dementia is, according to Gartner, Trump's "disordered speech" that he said is typical of "organically impaired dementia patients." He observed that in 2024, Trump has exhibited a pattern of using "non-words in place of real words," like "saying 'mishuz' instead of missile, or 'Chrishus' instead of Christmas." Other examples he listed include "'President U-licious S Grant' (For Ulysses S. Grant), 'space-capsicle' (for space capsule), 'combat infantroopen' (for combat infantry), 'sahhven country' (for sovereign country) [and] 'renoversh' (For renovations)."

Lastly, Gartner referenced Trump's pattern of poor "motor performance" as another reason for his decline. He pointed out that the former president has "shown deterioration in his fine motor coordination," noting that Trump sometimes "swings his right leg in a semi-circle as if it were dragging a dead weight." He added that he sometimes has "difficulty drinking a bottle or a glass of water without two hands."

So, a hit piece posted on Alternet, a ultra radical Leftist site in its own respect, using material from a site called Duty to Warn composed of, by their own admission, Trump hating Leftist psychologists, says Trump has dementia. Even The New Yorker calls these quacks loonies.

And they are no lovers of Trump.

But "Dr." John Gartner, I use the term loosely, doesn't stop at dementia with Trump. He's also a "malignant narcissist" and "antisocial sadist." Gartner can't find negatives about Trump that are sufficiently vile to describe him. For Gartner, he's evil incarnate, the Devil himself.

Gartner is clearly unhinged merely by the presence of Trump on the planet meaning that whatever he says should be taken as the ravings of a Trump hater in full blown TDS mode.
So, a hit piece posted on Alternet, a ultra radical Leftist site in its own respect, using material from a site called Duty to Warn composed of, by their own admission, Trump hating Leftist psychologists, says Trump has dementia. Even The New Yorker calls these quacks loonies.

And they are no lovers of Trump.

But "Dr." John Gartner, I use the term loosely, doesn't stop at dementia with Trump. He's also a "malignant narcissist" and "antisocial sadist." Gartner can't find negatives about Trump that are sufficiently vile to describe him. For Gartner, he's evil incarnate, the Devil himself.

Gartner is clearly unhinged merely by the presence of Trump on the planet meaning that whatever he says should be taken as the ravings of a Trump hater in full blown TDS mode.
Hard to deny that Trump is a narcissist, he displays several common traits of any narcissist: Self-importance, Expecting praise, Being preoccupied with success or money, with a need to be “great,” Craving power, wanting to be around high-status or high-achieving people, Requiring lots of attention/praise from those around him, Entitled behavior, Expecting special treatment or for others, Exploiting others, Lack of empathy, Envy, Arrogance

What makes him threatening is that he is not only narcissistic but also lacks any sense of a moral compass
Hard to deny that Trump is a narcissist, he displays several common traits of any narcissist: Self-importance, Expecting praise, Being preoccupied with success or money, with a need to be “great,” Craving power, wanting to be around high-status or high-achieving people, Requiring lots of attention/praise from those around him, Entitled behavior, Expecting special treatment or for others, Exploiting others, Lack of empathy, Envy, Arrogance

What makes him threatening is that he is not only narcissistic but also lacks any sense of a moral compass
I don't disagree with that, but when you string a whole litany, even a dictionary's, worth of negatives and evils about someone like Gartner does regularly about Trump it loses its impact.
as expected, the delusional gymnastics of liberal mentality is on full display with this announcement.

I am not disappointed in the level 10 cognitive dissonance i'm seeing here.
Don't pretend that age matters to you. You, just a few days ago, were willing to vote for an 81 year old man with dementia, so spare me the BS about age.
And just where IS Joe? He resigned using a PDF with a wacky signature on it, and he hasn't been seen since he deplaned in Delaware. Does Joe even know he resigned?
Hard to deny that Trump is a narcissist, he displays several common traits of any narcissist: Self-importance, Expecting praise, Being preoccupied with success or money, with a need to be “great,” Craving power, wanting to be around high-status or high-achieving people, Requiring lots of attention/praise from those around him, Entitled behavior, Expecting special treatment or for others, Exploiting others, Lack of empathy, Envy, Arrogance

What makes him threatening is that he is not only narcissistic but also lacks any sense of a moral compass
And just where IS Joe?
Good question.
He resigned using a PDF with a wacky signature on it,
I noticed the same thing. I also noticed the lack of official letterhead on the document that "he" signed. It was all rather strange. Something is amiss.
and he hasn't been seen since he deplaned in Delaware.
... conveniently "testing" "positive" for "covid"...
Does Joe even know he resigned?
Given his condition, and the odd PDF document with the odd signature, I'd say that he doesn't.

My guess is that his health is rapidly deteriorating..... and Demonkkkrats were willing to vote for him for a SECOND "term", and aren't even bothered by the media and the White House Physician lying to them about Biden's (lack of) health.
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Trump sycophants think Trump is honest, poingnant and unforgettable.

The majority of Americans see him as an old man that has little grasp of reality.

The choice will be between a man almost 80 who is a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist and a younger non felon on the Democratic side.
O look!! The Big Lie Biden Coverup Liars are now lying that Trump is Biden.