Kerry apologizes for 'poorly stated joke'

Once again, we can do both. I know it is very hard for Dems to talk about more than one subject at the same time, but you can learn it with practice...



I just wonder what the fuck they want to talk about? Rush Limbaugh? Mark Foley? How Liberals can do everything better, smarter, faster, than Republicans? It's not like this episode derailed an issue-driven election cycle, since about 2000, the only issue they have had is Bush.
Kerry is not, and never has been president of the U.S...

Thank God, and hopefully this ends his political career!

his mistakes are not costing thousands of American lives.

Well, he DID vote for the war before he voted against it... sooooo.....
Kerry is not, and never has been president of the U.S... his mistakes are not costing thousands of American lives.
It is ridiculous to pretend that those are the only ones y'all talk about. How many "bushism" threads have I read? Come on...

Plus, Kerry's vote helped get us right where we are too. And at least I didn't pretend that such a vote wasn't to go to war...
It is ridiculous to pretend that those are the only ones y'all talk about. How many "bushism" threads have I read? Come on...

Plus, Kerry's vote helped get us right where we are too. And at least I didn't pretend that such a vote wasn't to go to war...

True, and I dont like him much because of it... But come on this is dumb, he is not even the head of the Democratic party!
it was a bad joke, marginally amusing if that, and it was botched. He apologized, end of story.

It was bad, no one got the joke, it wasn't amusing in the least, it was insulting and offensive, he has not apologized for the remark, only that he regrets it was "misinterpreted." And I am afraid a lot of people, including Democrats currently running for Congress, don't think it's the "end of story" as much as it's the "end of Kerry."

Actually Dixie, isn't that you apologize:

"I'm sorry you pinheads don't get it"
True, and I dont like him much because of it... But come on this is dumb, he is not even the head of the Democratic party!
Does it matter? He is a huge figure because of the fact that he garnered so many votes in the last election... Everybody knows him. So, regardless of how much you don't want him in the news, he gets there.
I know but somehow Bush is trying to use this as an election issue?

Hell he was on the Rush Linberger show yeaterday!
I know but somehow Bush is trying to use this as an election issue?

Hell he was on the Rush Linberger show yeaterday!
Bush isn't running... It is an Election issue as he was making the statements at a Campaign stop.
Bush isn't running... It is an Election issue as he was making the statements at a Campaign stop.

While Bush is not running, stoping his agenda, something that is within congress's power, is an election issue when discussing the congressional elections.

If Kerry said he likes to walk his dog it would be an election issue if he said it at a campaign event?
While Bush is not running, stoping his agenda, something that is within congress's power, is an election issue when discussing the congressional elections.

If Kerry said he likes to walk his dog it would be an election issue if he said it at a campaign event?
If he was stating it to promote the candidate like he was with this "joke" then yes it would be. Pretending that his electioneering for this candidate wasn't political is ridiculous.
I did not say it was not political... I said it should not be an issue in the November 7th election.
to claim that Bush is "better educated" than Kerry is ridiculous.
To claim that he is not is exactly opposite to his very own statement. 'Working hard and getting good grades' is vital to the statement. We know that Kerry's GPA was lower than Bush's... Thus, by Kerry's own standards Bush is better-educated than he is.
I'll take what he said, and work logically through it. He couldn't have been talking about the President who is better-educated than himself. That is spin.

so you have flip, flopped, and changed your "tune" ON THIS?

in the beginning you said it was a botched joke and that Kerry would not say this about the troops in a speech?

That was you, wasn't it?

And now you have decided to jump on the republican band wagon with that it?
Bush isn't running... It is an Election issue as he was making the statements at a Campaign stop.

Does it matter? He is a huge figure because of the fact that he garnered so many votes in the last election... Everybody knows him. So, regardless of how much you don't want him in the news, he gets there.
so you have flip, flopped, and changed your "tune" ON THIS?

in the beginning you said it was a botched joke and that Kerry would not say this about the troops in a speech?

That was you, wasn't it?

And now you have decided to jump on the republican band wagon with that it?
Nope. Read my statements from the beginning, and read them now. They are the same.
Does it matter? He is a huge figure because of the fact that he garnered so many votes in the last election... Everybody knows him. So, regardless of how much you don't want him in the news, he gets there.
My point was that both of them were using it as an election issue. Kerry as a campaign stop to help another, Bush pretty much the same. Kerry handed Bush a good one by joking about the troops.
If you're referring to his latest gaffe, the intended butt of the joke wasn't the troops, it was Bush - the complete opposite of "the troops"
Right, Kerry is so retarded he couldn't realize he was insulting himself worse than Bush....