Kerry reverts to his roots

If you deny there were actions aginst civilians and soldiers that were against the Genevia convention, then you weren't there.

How many times did the Vietcong commit war atrocities on the South Vietnamese according to the American media?

They were committing them all the time. So why didn't the American people hear about them?
Another incredibly absurd and stupid comment; but I am sure you will work hard to outdo yourself. Did you support our efforts in Iraq; yes or no? If no, why is it now a concern in Syria?
If you could be honest, which you are not, you would admit that the ONLY difference is due to your hyper partisan political views; nothing more, nothing less. Not to mention your warped perceptions of historical reality and facts.

He likes to wrap himself in the flag when cornered.
Another incredibly absurd and stupid comment; but I am sure you will work hard to outdo yourself.

Yet you didn’t think we should do anything about Iraq; yet now in Syria it is a humane cause; what is the difference?

I am amused when you use the word “fact” in your comments yet desperately avoid them.

Did you support our efforts in Iraq; yes or no? If no, why is it now a concern in Syria?

If you could be honest, which you are not, you would admit that the ONLY difference is due to your hyper partisan political views; nothing more, nothing less. Not to mention your warped perceptions of historical reality and facts.

1. are you saying that we didn't have war casualties in Vietnam after 1973? yes or no.
2. there is a matter of timing. I think we should have done something about Iraq when Saddam was using chemical weapons. Not after we had one war with him and did nothing about it and then, ten years later, and some 30 odd years after the chemical weapons use, try to make that ancient crime a cause for yet another war with him.
How many times did the Vietcong commit war atrocities on the South Vietnamese according to the American media?

They were committing them all the time. So why didn't the American people hear about them?

what do the crimes of the Vietcong have to do with the accuracy of Kerry's testimony. Are you suggesting that, because the Vietcong committed atrocities that we were somehow justified in doing so ourselves?
How many times did the Vietcong commit war atrocities on the South Vietnamese according to the American media?

They were committing them all the time. So why didn't the American people hear about them?

The American people didn't hear a lot of truth about Vietnam.
Just about all of it; it painted a picture of US atrocities based on his less than year service from a patrol boat based on hearsay, hyperbole and innuendo. Only brain dead leftist sheeple can think that his efforts were not partisan based and the building blocks of Kerry's naked political ambitions.

One thing I am certain of when it comes to Kerry; he was too stupid to comprehend or recognize a Communist front like this and was a willing tool.

Just as he lied about his views on Iraq and his vote for the war before he was against it. Now if you desperately wish to wallow in blissful denial and support this ass clown for purely hyper partisan purposes, I cannot change that. But spare me your ineffectual efforts to avoid the truth, the facts and historical record.

John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets?

Newly discovered documents link Vietnam Veterans Against the War to Vietnamese communists

The House Internal Security Committee in its 1971 Annual Report described the PCPJ as an organization strongly controlled by US communists: "There is no question but what members of the Communist Party have provided a very strong degree of influence, even a guiding influence, in the evolution and formation of policies of the Peoples' Coalition for Peace and Justice."

Recently released FBI surveillance reports establish a strong link between John Kerry, Al Hubbard, the VVAW, the PCPJ, and their trips to Paris to meet with Madame Binh. As discussed in Unfit for Command, Hubbard, the Executive Secretary of the VVAW and a hard-line radical with ties to the Black Panthers and the PCPJ, had directly recruited John Kerry into the VVAW's Executive Committee, bypassing the organization's election process. Al Hubbard's own claim to have been a transport pilot wounded in combat was discredited when the Department of Defense released documents demonstrating that, though Hubbard had been in the Air Force, he was neither a pilot nor an officer, had never served in Vietnam and had never been in combat. John Kerry shared the stage with Al Hubbard during the Dewey Canyon III protest in Washington, D.C., and he appeared together with Hubbard on NBC's Meet the Press on April 18, 1971. Hubbard also signed the People's Peace Treaty, a PCPJ document that reiterated the positions of North Vietnam and the Vietcong, on behalf of the VVAW.

An FBI field surveillance report stamped November 11, 1971 reported that the FBI had learned at the Regional VVAW Convention in Norman Oklahoma, on November 5-7, 1971, that John Kerry and Al Hubbard were planning to travel to Paris later in the month to engage in talks with the Vietnamese communist peace delegations. While this document is heavily redacted, other FBI reports make it clear that the Communist Party of the USA was paying for Al Hubbard's trips to Paris.


-- Federal Bureau of Investigations, Field Surveillance Report, filed November 11, 1971. A copy of this report was air-mailed to the Boston FBI office in reference to John Kerry.

so... as I thought, you got nothing. Again... if there was a lie in his testimony, just link to it specifically, please.
the same way we all knew.

Individuals coming home told us about them.

do you think Kerry or ANY person serving NEVER talks to ANYONE???????

You mean Kerry's fake Vietnam Veterans army told you what wanted to hear.

Most of Kerry's group were fakes who never served there or never served in combat.

And that includes the leftist radicals who threw their fake medals over the WH fence.
what do the crimes of the Vietcong have to do with the accuracy of Kerry's testimony. Are you suggesting that, because the Vietcong committed atrocities that we were somehow justified in doing so ourselves?

No I'm saying that the media didn't tell Americans that the VC were committing war crimes all the time, they were too busy looking for American atrocities.

So why didn't the swift boat sailor know that the VC were committing war crimes all the time and why didn't he state it at his winter soldier testamony but he did know that the Americans were committing them all the time which they weren't?
And a note here:

I am not attempting to demean the men who served in Vietnam with the United States Navy. The brown water navy sailors which they were called whom we fought with side by side in the Delta suffered a one in three casualty rate.
And a note here: I am not attempting to demean the men who served in Vietnam with the United States Navy. The brown water navy sailors which they were called whom we fought with side by side in the Delta suffered a one in three casualty rate.

And a group of them exposed Kerry for what he is.

They were his shipmates, so they knew.