Kerry reverts to his roots

there were American soldiers who did some VERY bad things and were prosecuted for them.
Kerry was an HONORABLE man. why hate on him when there were PROVEN bad actors in our military? because your a lying hack is why

Kerry lied. Is that "honorable"?

You demeaned Bush's wartime service even though he committed no war crimes in Vietnam.

Are you a lying partisan hack?
Vietnam was a failure of Democrat Presidents and their efforts to conduct the war from Washington.

Many who died there died believing in what they were fighting for; many were volunteers. Kerry's testimony impugned their efforts.

Vietnam was started on a lie, Iraq was not. That is unless you want to pretend you have never read the Joint Resolution on Iraq, ignore why Saddam was ejected from Kuwait and pretend that Saddam had not defied UN resolutions and agreements for a decade that he made to stay in power and pretend that Iraq was ONLY about WMDs.

But your grasp of historic facts appears to be colored by a Leftist ideology that forces you to avoid the truth, deflect from the facts and invent your own version of history.

I could have sworn that Kennedy got us into Vietnam, a Democrat; LBJ lied about the Bay of Tonkin and significantly accelerated our involvement while the so-called “tricky Dick” actually got us out of the war by the end of his first term.

That silly “tricky Dick” also helped ease the tensions with Russia and China where the beloved and naïve JFK almost got us into WWIII with Russia during the Cuba Missile crises.

I am constantly amused by the Liberal version of history which always requires the suspension of disbelief and facts. It is about as amusing as their efforts to denigrate Dick Nixon whilke celebrating the failures of Kennedy and Johnson.

But back to the thread premise; Kerry is now a war hawk and wants to lob missiles at Syria’s Assad. Are you supportive of the war like bluster of Obama and Kerry now in support of suspect freedom fighters at best?

Tricky Dick got us out of the war by the end of his first term? you need to go back and bone up on your history.

Regarding Syria... there is no right answer... there is no course of action we can take that will improve our foreign policy objectives... we can only stand for the innocent people being slaughtered by banned weapons and try to do something to stop that slaughter.
I did not support the invasion, conquest, and occupation of Iraq. It had nothing to do with 9/11 which ought to have remained our primary focus.

I am amused that you think Iraq had anything to do with 9-11. But this is consistent with low information voters who fabricate their own version of history, invent their own reality and support their partisan politicians even when they wallow in hypocrisy as John Kerry constantly does and as evidenced by this thread.

But Bush had Congressional approval and he had immense popular opinion behind the effort; that is, until morons like Kerry started denigrating the mission and the soldiers carrying out that mission for purely hyper partisan political purposes and naked political ambition.

Yet you defend him here; your views are the definition of irony, or ignorance.
I am amused that you think Iraq had anything to do with 9-11. But this is consistent with low information voters who fabricate their own version of history, invent their own reality and support their partisan politicians even when they wallow in hypocrisy as John Kerry constantly does and as evidenced by this thread.

But Bush had Congressional approval and he had immense popular opinion behind the effort; that is, until morons like Kerry started denigrating the mission and the soldiers carrying out that mission for purely hyper partisan political purposes and naked political ambition.

Yet you defend him here; your views are the definition of irony, or ignorance.

you are one fucking huge pile of weasel vomit who cant stop fucking lying huh?

Dude why do you want the weapons system in Syria to be a spoil of war for Whomever wins the civil war there?

tell me in detail how that will help our country?
I don't think anyone hates him; more like despise his blatantly partisan political bullshit.

I despise him for lying about his fellow soldiers for purely naked political ambition during the Vietnam War. I despise him for being an incredibly massive hypocrite by voting for the war in Iraq before he was against the war in Iraq for purely naked partisan political purposes. And I despise his current level of naked partisan Political hypocrisy by sounding like and making similar arguments Bush made on Iraq to justify a unilateral inneffective nakedly partisan attack on Syria with the flimsiest of arguments and evidence.

But what really baffles me is when Libtards who unabashedly tried to destroy a good man like Bush over a justifiable war in Iraq now whine and rant about any attempts to prevent the current Administration from randomly lobbing a few cruise missiles at Syria to back up his moronic self induced bluster with opinion polls showing vast opposition for it contrasted by the vast support Bush had on Iraq and Afghanistan merely because the libtards guy is in charge.

The hypocrisy would be comedic of not for the increible damage this buffoon of a President has wrought and continues to reap for this nation.

Lying about his fellow Vietnam veterans, in what way?
I know the party line about the invasion of Iraq... the fact of the matter is that Americans were scared and angry and wanting some payback for 9/11. Bush constantly trumpeted the supposed connection between AQ and Iraq...the Prague meeting... all which was a lie... and then the lie about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMD's... not to mention the innuendos about "mushroom clouds over American cities"... it all played on the fear of AMericans... our President was telling us that he was absolutely certain that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's (maybe even the kind that made "mushroom clouds"..YIKES!) and that Saddam's people had met with the 9/11 hijackers before their attacks. YIKES! Saddam's got WMD's for CERTAIN, and he's buddy buddy with OBL... his folks were palling around with the 9/11 hijackers before the attack... if we don't invade him this NANOSECOND and quickly find all those stockpiles of WMD's, then Saddam will certainly give some to OBL to use against us. YIKES! Mushroom clouds over American cities! YIKES.

Bush lied and he MISled Americans with fear. What a disgusting president.
Tricky Dick got us out of the war by the end of his first term? you need to go back and bone up on your history.

Perhaps it is you who needs to review your history:

As President, Nixon began the phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. He achieved (1973) a cease-fire accord with North Vietnam

Read more: Richard Milhous Nixon: First Term |

Nixon was elected in 1968 and began his Presidency in January 1969. He forced a cease fire agreement in 1973, at the end of his first term and beginning of his second term.

But then, I find this to be a consistent issue when debating Liberals, they seldom get their facts right, seldom get math correct and wallow in blissful ignorance when it comes to economics.

Regarding Syria... there is no right answer... there is no course of action we can take that will improve our foreign policy objectives... we can only stand for the innocent people being slaughtered by banned weapons and try to do something to stop that slaughter.

That’s a fascinating argument coming from someone who didn’t support the Iraq effort even when there was evidence that Saddam had gassed his own people and the Iranians during the war.

I don’t remember Liberal Democrats denouncing Saddam and demanding that we lob some ineffective missiles at him to teach him a lesson. But I do remember Liberal Democrats using the Iraq War for purely political purposes and denigrating the efforts of our men and women in uniform and their Commander In Cheif; Kerry leading the charge.

Yet you support this inept moron and his buffoon like President.
Liberals claim that Bush was a "retard" and then assert that all the "smart" Democrats were fooled by him...irony abounds.
Quote Originally Posted by Truth Detector View Post

The man is an ass clown of the highest order and is now our Sec Defense and arguing for a war with Syria's dictator to support terrorists trying to overthrow him; irony knows no bounds with this

A strong case could be made that you must be toking too much on that bong of yours in Maine and now Mexico to make post such a confused and dense response to mine.

But if your goal was to avoid substance and engage in childish schoolyard insults; you have succeeded.

Run along now and leave the debating to adults who can put together at least two coherent sentences. :rolleyes:

Where dd you serve in Vietnam?
I posted his testimony earlier; if you cannot follow a thread or the facts, I can't help you.

Did you vote for Obama? Do you support a military attack on Syria?

No, I would like specifics from you, what did Kerry lie about? Were you there? Did you serve in 'Nam.
I know the party line about the invasion of Iraq... the fact of the matter is that Americans were scared and angry and wanting some payback for 9/11. Bush constantly trumpeted the supposed connection between AQ and Iraq...the Prague meeting... all which was a lie... and then the lie about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMD's... not to mention the innuendos about "mushroom clouds over American cities"... it all played on the fear of AMericans... our President was telling us that he was absolutely certain that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's (maybe even the kind that made "mushroom clouds"..YIKES!) and that Saddam's people had met with the 9/11 hijackers before their attacks. YIKES! Saddam's got WMD's for CERTAIN, and he's buddy buddy with OBL... his folks were palling around with the 9/11 hijackers before the attack... if we don't invade him this NANOSECOND and quickly find all those stockpiles of WMD's, then Saddam will certainly give some to OBL to use against us. YIKES! Mushroom clouds over American cities! YIKES.

Read the Joint Resolution and become informed rather than a parrot of the moronic talking points of the DNC.

Bush lied and he MISled Americans with fear. What a disgusting president.

Bush lied??? Here is what Kerry said, was he lying too?

“I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force — if necessary — to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime … He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation … And now he is miscalculating America’s response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction … So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real…”
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

Were these Democrats lying when they made these claims?

“One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line.”
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

“If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program.”
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

“We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction.”
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998

“He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983.”
- Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

“[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.”
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998

“Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.”
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

Funny how election year politics change Democrat rhetoric isn’t it? I call it hypocrisy combined with naked political ambition with a complete disregard of the truth, facts or anything remotely connected with honesty.

Back to the thread topic; we are hearing the same "mushroom cloud" rhetoric from Obama and Kerry, why is it that Liberals are suddenly okay with it? Is it because THEIR guys are in charge and they are incredible hypocrites of the hyper partisan political persuasion?
Liberals claim that Bush was a "retard" and then assert that all the "smart" Democrats were fooled by him...irony abounds.

dear fucking idiot,

he had the entire intel people lying for him.

Cheney was the evil master mind.

The day that man dies will be a national holiday in my book.

I will celibrate it EVERY year of my life afterwards.
Liberals claim that Bush was a "retard" and then assert that all the "smart" Democrats were fooled by him...irony abounds.

This is the most amusing irony of all; yet they are too dense to even comprehend the incredible ignorance of their own rhetoric, let alone remember what they said yesterday. ;)
Perhaps it is you who needs to review your history:

As President, Nixon began the phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. He achieved (1973) a cease-fire accord with North Vietnam

Read more: Richard Milhous Nixon: First Term |

Nixon was elected in 1968 and began his Presidency in January 1969. He forced a cease fire agreement in 1973, at the end of his first term and beginning of his second term.

But then, I find this to be a consistent issue when debating Liberals, they seldom get their facts right, seldom get math correct and wallow in blissful ignorance when it comes to economics.

That’s a fascinating argument coming from someone who didn’t support the Iraq effort even when there was evidence that Saddam had gassed his own people and the Iranians during the war.

I don’t remember Liberal Democrats denouncing Saddam and demanding that we lob some ineffective missiles at him to teach him a lesson. But I do remember Liberal Democrats using the Iraq War for purely political purposes and denigrating the efforts of our men and women in uniform and their Commander In Cheif; Kerry leading the charge.

Yet you support this inept moron and his buffoon like President.

you should tell the families of the service men and women whose names are on the black wall and who died after 1973 that their loved ones didn't really fight and die in the Vietnam war. I am sure they would appreciate it.

And I have been against the use of chemical weapons by anyone for my entire life. The fact was, after the Iranian hostage crisis, we didn't much give a shit about Iranians and, if Iraq was gonna kill them for us, by whatever means he had at his disposal, our government was all for it. I disagreed, but as an active duty military officer, I certainly was constrained in my opportunities to voice that disagreement.

yeah Bush was really smart.

stick with that one you fucking brain dead sloth minds