Perhaps it is you who needs to review your history:
As President, Nixon began the phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. He achieved (1973) a cease-fire accord with North Vietnam
Read more: Richard Milhous Nixon: First Term |
Nixon was elected in 1968 and began his Presidency in January 1969. He forced a cease fire agreement in 1973, at the end of his first term and beginning of his second term.
But then, I find this to be a consistent issue when debating Liberals, they seldom get their facts right, seldom get math correct and wallow in blissful ignorance when it comes to economics.
That’s a fascinating argument coming from someone who didn’t support the Iraq effort even when there was evidence that Saddam had gassed his own people and the Iranians during the war.
I don’t remember Liberal Democrats denouncing Saddam and demanding that we lob some ineffective missiles at him to teach him a lesson. But I do remember Liberal Democrats using the Iraq War for purely political purposes and denigrating the efforts of our men and women in uniform and their Commander In Cheif; Kerry leading the charge.
Yet you support this inept moron and his buffoon like President.