philly rabbit
Verified User
then its a good thing your the one trying to lead him out.
you cant lead
How about you?
Do you confirm Kerry's actions at the winter soldiers meeting?
then its a good thing your the one trying to lead him out.
you cant lead
your assertion was that the people voted against Kerry because of his opposition to the Vietnam war. Please provide some documentation that would support that assertion or be a man and admit you had no evidence to support it.
dude are you PRETENDING every thing was completely honorable in that war?
So you're calling the American fighting men in Vietnam a bunch of war criminals then.
That's confirmed.
All I know is they weren't his.
Answer the question please.
I guess all that whining about "Swifboating" was based on a false premise that it hurt Kerry politically and cost him the election.
there were American soldiers who did some VERY bad things and were prosecuted for them.
Kerry was an HONORABLE man.
why hate on him when there were PROVEN bad actors in our military?
because your a lying hack is why
absolutely. I lost too many schoolmates in that horrible war. It was a total failure of our foreign policy and, much like the Iraq war, was started on a lie.
And that ALL is on LBJ's head for getting us in there, and the extension of the war after the '68 election, where Nixon ran as a peace candidate who had a secret plan to end the war, is all on Tricky Dick.
Vietnam was a failure of Democrat Presidents and their efforts to conduct the war from Washington.
Many who died there died believing in what they were fighting for; many were volunteers. Kerry's testimony impugned their efforts.
Vietnam was started on a lie, Iraq was not. That is unless you want to pretend you have never read the Joint Resolution on Iraq, ignore why Saddam was ejected from Kuwait and pretend that Saddam had not defied UN resolutions and agreements for a decade that he made to stay in power and pretend that Iraq was ONLY about WMDs.
But your grasp of historic facts appears to be colored by a Leftist ideology that forces you to avoid the truth, deflect from the facts and invent your own version of history.
I could have sworn that Kennedy got us into Vietnam, a Democrat; LBJ lied about the Bay of Tonkin and significantly accelerated our involvement while the so-called “tricky Dick” actually got us out of the war by the end of his first term.
That silly “tricky Dick” also helped ease the tensions with Russia and China where the beloved and naïve JFK almost got us into WWIII with Russia during the Cuba Missile crises.
I am constantly amused by the Liberal version of history which always requires the suspension of disbelief and facts. It is about as amusing as their efforts to denigrate Dick Nixon whilke celebrating the failures of Kennedy and Johnson.
But back to the thread premise; Kerry is now a war hawk and wants to lob missiles at Syria’s Assad. Are you supportive of the war like bluster of Obama and Kerry now in support of suspect freedom fighters at best?
fucking A dude read the link about the My lai
I do not. I support action only if approved by congress and I sincerely hope that more members of the community of nations support it beyond those who have already voiced their support.
That is correct.
So your against bombing Syria before you will be for it if approved by Congress; another Kerry like response.
Did you support Iraq? It had overwhelming approval from the public and Congress?
stopped reading in your first sentence because you cant even name the Democratic party correctly