Kerry reverts to his roots

No I'm saying that the media didn't tell Americans that the VC were committing war crimes all the time, they were too busy looking for American atrocities.

So why didn't the swift boat sailor know that the VC were committing war crimes all the time and why didn't he state it at his winter soldier testamony but he did know that the Americans were committing them all the time which they weren't?

because his testimony was about OUR involvement in Vietnam... the atrocities of the VC had nothing to do with the flawed rationale for our involvement there. We ought not to have gone there... we ought not to have stayed there... and there were MANY people in uniform at the time - myself included - who felt that way. Kerry was trying to get congress to realize then what we all know now... that the war was a horrid waste of American blood and treasure.
And a group of them exposed Kerry for what he is.

They were his shipmates, so they knew.

That's exactly right. Kerry started his political career lying about the men he briefly served with in Vietnam and his presidential aspirations were ended by those very same men in an ironic twist of fate for him.

Kerry will never be president on account of it.
I don't think anyone hates him; more like despise his blatantly partisan political bullshit.

I despise him for lying about his fellow soldiers for purely naked political ambition during the Vietnam War. I despise him for being an incredibly massive hypocrite by voting for the war in Iraq before he was against the war in Iraq for purely naked partisan political purposes. And I despise his current level of naked partisan Political hypocrisy by sounding like and making similar arguments Bush made on Iraq to justify a unilateral inneffective nakedly partisan attack on Syria with the flimsiest of arguments and evidence.

But what really baffles me is when Libtards who unabashedly tried to destroy a good man like Bush over a justifiable war in Iraq now whine and rant about any attempts to prevent the current Administration from randomly lobbing a few cruise missiles at Syria to back up his moronic self induced bluster with opinion polls showing vast opposition for it contrasted by the vast support Bush had on Iraq and Afghanistan merely because the libtards guy is in charge.

The hypocrisy would be comedic of not for the increible damage this buffoon of a President has wrought and continues to reap for this nation.

"Justifiable war in Iraq?" What planet are you living on?
Lying and smearing is part of the Democrats DNA. Just look at the last election and the incredible distortions of a fine man like Mitt Romney.

The right isn't dying in this country; it is evolving. The left is shooting itself in the foot with the help of buffoons like Obama and idiots like Hillary and Kerry.

We are closing in on our fifth year of malaise with this idiot of a President and his Marxist notions about economics. Only complete and utter fools can continue to defend this Adminstration and its blatant hypocrisy and denial. Benghazi, the IRS, Mexican gun running and Egypt to name a few.

When Kerry talks, people with brains laugh. Low information voters gullibly shake their heads yes.

Newsflash, rmoney's incredible hubris made him his own worst enemy. He only has to look in the mirror to see why he lost the election.
And a note here:

I am not attempting to demean the men who served in Vietnam with the United States Navy. The brown water navy sailors which they were called whom we fought with side by side in the Delta suffered a one in three casualty rate.

Kerry's shipmates were nearly unanimous in their praise for his courage and his leadership there. There were hardly ANY swifties who were his shipmates, and, among those are two confirmed liars that I can name, right off the top of my head: George Elliot and Larry Thurlow.
Did your party LIE about Kerrys medals?

fucking A yes.

did atrocities take place in veitnam?

fucking A yes.

Did atrocities take place in Iraq?

fucking A yes.

You assholes tried to cover those ones up too

How quickly they forget that Abu Ghraib was only "the equivalent of fraternity hazing." These lowlifes will always rewrite history. :mad:
I didn't say that you dope.

I asked her and I'll ask you to justify what Kerry claimed, that they were occurring all the time which they were not.

do you think My Lai was the only incident? or were there others? two others? three others? twenty others? maybe not as bad as My Lai but instances where US forces intentionally killed innocent women and children on the false overall assumption that everyone in a particular village was an enemy? No? My Lai was the only one??? really??
You mean Kerry's fake Vietnam Veterans army told you what wanted to hear.

Most of Kerry's group were fakes who never served there or never served in combat.

And that includes the leftist radicals who threw their fake medals over the WH fence.

You're the one who sounds like a fake? Ever hear of the phrase, "kill anything that moves".