Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Hello cawacko,

Gang hatred is only a small part of hatred. Of course it needs to be alleviated.

Racial hatred is our number one hate problem, our biggest problem.

Education, compassion and love are the answer. There's no reason we can't create a country where everyone feels wanted and respected. Just because we can't do it today or tomorrow doesn't mean it can't happen. And even though we may not perfect our society after trying, we must keep trying. We have to have something to look forward to. We must always strive to improve. Remember: A defeatist attitude never created any achievements.

Instead of saying we will never conquer racial hatred, and not trying to, we must wonder if we can, and try our best. Because we will never know what we can do if we don't try.

And the first step is getting as many people aware of the problem as possible.

And that leads us right back to:

Let's Go! Get Woke, America!

This should be the Blue slogan in 2022. Vote Blue in 22.

Please Baby Jesus let that be the Democrats slogan in '22. Talk about a landslide...
Mankind learns

That’s a proven fact

We need to learn that racism only exists because someone begins USING IT to pit people against each other for gain

It’s a simple fact to learn

When someone starts talking racist crap they need to be scorned by society for it

It’s evil and needs to be crushed in its infancy

Just like mankind learned rape was bad

Just like people learned killing your neighbors children was bad

We can learn that being racist is bad

Democrats and commies and the woke are the ones trying to divide us.

"Woke" is racism.
OP doesn't realize that "woke" is racism. :palm:

By the dictionary definition being woke in and of itself is not a bad thing, nor is it racist. How it's implemented is something different and yes there is woke racism as John McWhorter has so eloquently laid out.

Chanting Be Woke America with nothing behind it is just a vapid statement and that's what this thread is.
Tension between areas and/or groups is nothing new of course but so often we think of it in terms of political polarization and red vs blue. Yet Boston votes heavily Democratic. So this Southie vs. Harvard/MIT's etc. tension isn't about politics rather just class?

I'd say so.
Hello cawacko,

Please Baby Jesus let that be the Democrats slogan in '22. Talk about a landslide...

It would expose the foolish misunderstanding of the word 'woke.'

Get people to question just what the word means.

From Merriam Webster:

"woke: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Republicans need to be put on the spot about their racism problem.

If Democrats are going to lose in 22, let them at least expose the glaring Republican racial hypocrisy.

Republicans want to claim to be racially aware and not prejudiced; and make fun of woke at the same time.

That's BS.

That needs to be called out as the BS that it is.
Hello cawacko,

By the dictionary definition being woke in and of itself is not a bad thing, nor is it racist. How it's implemented is something different and yes there is woke racism as John McWhorter has so eloquently laid out.

Chanting Be Woke America with nothing behind it is just a vapid statement and that's what this thread is.

This is an example of trying to have it both ways.

But it's not possible to be not racist and not woke at the same time.

An individual who is not woke is racist.

Perhaps not a blatant racist, maybe just a subtle racist who may not realize their own racism, but racist just the same.

Making fun of woke is racist.

Casting derision on being racially aware - is racist.

It's like this.

Each individual has a choice to make.

Either be woke, or be racist.
LOL. So I suppose you fancy yourself a woke individual. Why then did you vote for Joe Biden? This is a man who played a major role in writing the '86 crime bill and the '94 crime bill. There is little less woke than those two bills. Is ok to not be woke as long as you're a Democrat, is that how it works?

As a woke person I am aware that nobody is perfect and that anyone in the arena as long as Biden has been will have done things I disagree with. I am aware that nobody is perfect. I am aware that any vote is a compromise at some level.
Hello cawacko,

This is an example of trying to have it both ways.

But it's not possible to be not racist and not woke at the same time.

An individual who is not woke is racist.

Perhaps not a blatant racist, maybe just a subtle racist who may not realize their own racism, but racist just the same.

Making fun of woke is racist.

Casting derision on being racially aware - is racist.

It's like this.

Each individual has a choice to make.

Either be woke, or be racist.

Thank you Ibram Kendi. And this is the exact reason McWhorters book has sold like it has.

(It must feel good to say that though. By declaring yourself woke you think you have put a shield around yourself to prevent being called racist)
I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Synonyms: retarded
Antonyms: genuine
Hello cawacko,

Thank you Ibram Kendi. And this is the exact reason McWhorters book has sold like it has.

(It must feel good to say that though. By declaring yourself woke you think you have put a shield around yourself to prevent being called racist)

Hey, I get it. When attempting to pursue a losing argument, the temptation to make the argument about the other poster is irresistible.

Lame, shallow, unbecoming, yes, but a still difficult habit to break.

The dispute itself, though, leads us to a rather obvious conclusion at this point.

The Republican party is the party of racists.

Those who vote Republican are either blatantly racist themselves, or they refuse to call it out and thus they support racism by voting for it.

Making fun of the term woke is all part of it.
Hello cawacko,

It would expose the foolish misunderstanding of the word 'woke.'

Get people to question just what the word means.

From Merriam Webster:

"woke: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Republicans need to be put on the spot about their racism problem.

If Democrats are going to lose in 22, let them at least expose the glaring Republican racial hypocrisy.

Republicans want to claim to be racially aware and not prejudiced; and make fun of woke at the same time.

That's BS.

That needs to be called out as the BS that it is.

As a point of reference did you just learn about the term woke? I don't mean that question to come across as dickish, and I could be wrong here, but this word has been around for years and I get the sense you just learned about it.

You have this thinking that everything is binary, Republicans all think one way and Democrats all think one way. Prominent Democrats have come out and stated the party has a woke problem. Are you not familiar with that?

We all know what the dictionary definition of the term is. The real world isn't always a dictionary term however. Again, I get the sense you are late to the party here.
Hello cawacko,

Hey, I get it. When attempting to pursue a losing argument, the temptation to make the argument about the other poster is irresistible.

Lame, shallow, unbecoming, yes, but a still difficult habit to break.

The dispute itself, though, leads us to a rather obvious conclusion at this point.

The Republican party is the party of racists.

Those who vote Republican are either blatantly racist themselves, or they refuse to call it out and thus they support racism by voting for it.

Making fun of the term woke is all part of it.


The racist party

Reagan solidified that

His race baiting first campaign made that appeal clearly

The people who didn’t want to have to care wether people of color were treated fairly

It was just too much thinking and growing to ask of his adoring white people

Who didn’t want to think about improving infrastructure in the areas where black people lived

Those people don’t matter to them

Yet they wanted to keep pretending they were Christians

So they pretended those black people like being poor and are lazy

They won’t improve if tax dollars are spent fairly

They will just buy drugs and Champaign if you give them help of any kind

The Republican party does nothing but give tax breaks to the wealthy and defund and deregulate everything while rationalizing racism

It’s an evil philosophy designed to keep the Uber wealthy wealthy and in control of everyone else
Hello cawacko,

You should really consider stopping with trying to make this all about the other person you're talking to.

I am not going to respond to any of that. I've made that clear. You're wasting your time and mine as well with that line. Stripping all of that out of your post left this:

... Prominent Democrats have come out and stated the party has a woke problem. ...

That. That is the only politically functional part of your post. I'll respond to that.

I would suspect those Democrats are in close or losing races. Saying something like that is an appeal to the uninformed who have inappropriately attached a derogatory connotation to the word. That doesn't mean well-informed people think that way.
Hello cawacko,

You should really consider stopping with trying to make this all about the other person you're talking to.

I am not going to respond to any of that. I've made that clear. You're wasting your time and mine as well with that line. Stripping all of that out of your post left this:

That. That is the only politically functional part of your post. I'll respond to that.

I would suspect those Democrats are in close or losing races. Saying something like that is an appeal to the uninformed who have inappropriately attached a derogatory connotation to the word. That doesn't mean well-informed people think that way.

Unless we're all just robots, when having a discussion with someone it's rather hard not to have some personal level of engagement.

And you equate being woke with voting for Democrats. It's nothing but desire for political power. You're obviously free to declare yourself as woke and therefore not racist but words and actions aren't always the same thing.