Liberals will protect you from crime by the awesome power of classical music!

And how the hell are the people voting for them supposed to elect them based on whether or not they're Democrats or Republicans?

Here's what it comes down too: You're a lot stupider and more partisan than I had imagined. You have zero evidence that this entire thing is done by Democrats or Liberals. Zero. Yet you're on here trying to convince us that it was done by Democrats and/or Liberals because you dislike Democrats and Liberals, not because you have any evidence to back it up.
If they are in a race where the ballot does not state it, people are informed through editorials, etc.

Pretending that they can't figure out who their party is supporting is serious disingenuous pretense. "Non-partisan" my ass.

I'm not saying it was done by "liberals" and don't care. It is far more likely that it is supported by the elected officials than you pretend to believe. You asked specifically why he would get the idea that it was "liberals" that did it, I gave you the reason that he most likely thinks this.

And pretending that there is no way to figure out who a party supports just because a ballot doesn't show an R or a D by the name is disingenuous garbage.
Tacoma is right there with Seattle. At least according to my friends that went to Graduate school there.

Well, according to me, who lived in Seattle for a time, Tacoma is filled with yahoos.

And anyway, the point remains, this is not a political issue. We used to have a poster, Sarge, who did this with stuff. It was all Clinton's fault, or he'd find some crazy story and put it up with the title "look at what the dems are doing now". But, he knew it was funny. He was funny. (even though a con). He meant it to be funny.

This crap, not really funny. It's just stupid. I could do the same shit with repubs, and in fact if this is going to be Dano's mo, I will start doing it. And let me tell you this, I am much more creative than Dano.
Well, according to me, who lived in Seattle for a time, Tacoma is filled with yahoos.

And anyway, the point remains, this is not a political issue. We used to have a poster, Sarge, who did this with stuff. It was all Clinton's fault, or he'd find some crazy story and put it up with the title "look at what the dems are doing now". But, he knew it was funny. He was funny. (even though a con). He meant it to be funny.

This crap, not really funny. It's just stupid. I could do the same shit with repubs, and in fact if this is going to be Dano's mo, I will start doing it. And let me tell you this, I am much more creative than Dano.
LoL. Then we'll see if ib1yysguy is "partisan" or if he is as open-minded as he pretended I wasn't.

Seriously, I answer his specific question, "Why did Dano think this was liberals?" And he gets into some big 'people who work in the government have nothing to do with elected officials and can do whatever they want' thing.
LoL. Then we'll see if ib1yysguy is "partisan" or if he is as open-minded as he pretended I wasn't.

Seriously, I answer his specific question, "Why did Dano think this was liberals?" And he gets into some big 'people who work in the government have nothing to do with elected officials and can do whatever they want' thing.

Damo, Dano thought this was liberals, because he didn't think it was liberals, he just hates liberals and emotes, not thinks, that everything is the fault of liberals.
Damo, Dano thought this was liberals, because he didn't think it was liberals, he just hates liberals and emotes, not thinks, that everything is the fault of liberals.
I give him a bit more credit than that. But then I've known him from when he used to be quite libertarian.