Liberals will protect you from crime by the awesome power of classical music!

I think he is just pandering to Dano to get more cons on the board. A good administrator thing.
It will make things more lively.

Actually, that's exactly what I think he's doing, seriously. But then i start wondering, is that just what he wants me to think he's doing? And that the truth is more insidious. That the truth is, he really is a conservative like Dano is.
Actually, that's exactly what I think he's doing, seriously. But then i start wondering, is that just what he wants me to think he's doing? And that the truth is more insidious. That the truth is, he really is a conservative like Dano is.

If so he keeps the closet door closed pretty tightly. He is a con but not a neo or bushie. He is a reasonable con of which we need some of.
First of all, did you happen to notice the Governer's race? Washington State is very tight. You are thinking of Seattle. There are plenty of yahoos and assorted other conservative areas in Washington State.

Second of all, again, you have no evidence whatsoever of who these nine people are, or what their political beliefs are.

Tacoma really isn't that different from Seattle. They do tend to be slightly more moderate, but still very heavy Dem population.

Personally, I believe BF is pretty close... if they pump out the right classical music... those "ganstas" will learn to like it and incorporate it into "their" music.
Sad to see ib1 and Darla go with the Lorax defense, which is: If you believe in something, but can't defend it without ridicule then just pretend that it could be anybody who pushed it because it's hard to prove who did push for it without Dem and Repub party labels mentioned.

Of course as Damo said this is disingenuous, one look at a political map in Washington quickly reveals that the Conservative Republican part is in the rural center and east parts and the Liberal Democrat voting part is in the heavily populated northwest coast which Tacoma is a part of.
Plus when you factor in that Liberal Democrats push this kind of kooky crap all the time (anyone remember Dems pushing for free classical music for babies?) and that the Liberals here instantly are angry enough to argue against me but can't bring themselves to actually laugh at this stupid shit, then you can reasonably conclude that the left is the ideology behind this.

There was some rural town in Georgia whose city council made it a law to have a gun, they didn't mention if it was Liberal Dems or Conservative Repubs who pushed it but I mean come on, you'd have to be a purposely annoyingly pedantic lawyer wannabe to pretend we really can't be sure where that comes from.

Liberals pushed it, the end.
Now how about the lefties here show some guts and tell me if they agree with this?
Actually Dano, I did laugh.

And no, I don't remember dems "pushing for free classical music for babies". Do you have a list of the dems who "pushed" for this? Did they "push" for it via legislation?

And I can assume that this latest post of yours is more proof that no, you do not know anything about the 9 council members of the Tacoma city council, whom the mayor's office told me are all non-partisan?
No, he follows TheDanold around on the site constantly, they are the only threads he posts in.
Yeah I've noticed, a bit creepy actually, sort of like Lorax. Darla seems to be doing it too, but at least she's a chick (but wait we don't have any proof, it could be a Conservative Republican male, the info was never clarified in any of her posts and we really shouldn't just assume).
I don't live in Tacoma so do not give a rats ass.
Nor can I vote for anyone there to effect the outcome.

In a country where nearly 50 million Americans have no access to health care, what music they are playing in Tacoma is very important. Number one issue!
Yeah I've noticed, a bit creepy actually, sort of like Lorax. Darla seems to be doing it too, but at least she's a chick (but wait we don't have any proof, it could be a Conservative Republican male, the info was never clarified in any of her posts and we really shouldn't just assume).

I follow you around?

You're the one who came to this board, after I left FP. How does that equate to my "following" you around?
Yep. Not even as important as a football player killing and torturing dawgs.
Diversion, desperate diversion.
Yep. Not even as important as a football player killing and torturing dawgs.
Diversion, desperate diversion.
What am I diverting then dolt? If you're talking about the Iraq war then:
A) I already said I have long not supported it
B) Does this forum really need more Iraq war talk?

You didn't seem to have a problem posting in this thread earlier, now when your ass is smoked, you pretend I did this thread as a "desperate diversion".
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
In a country where nearly 50 million Americans have no access to health care, what music they are playing in Tacoma is very important. Number one issue!

Your number is bloated, it is in the 40 million and second you are talking about a snapshot of people uninsured (often in between jobs)

"43.6 million are said to be without health insurance. People often have short spells without health insurance, just as they have short spells being statistically poor or unemployed. Many of those without health insurance in November were different people than those without insurance when the March survey was taken.

To fix such problems, a superior Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) is less frequent but more intense. That survey is conducted four times a year but not every year. In 1998, the latest available, the SIPP survey found only 21 million without health insurance for the entire year — half the number in the headlines.

And remember, don't assume that people without insurance can't afford it. As America gets wealthier and insurance becomes more expensive, many are simply freely choosing NOT to buy insurance and just pay for healthcare when needed.
You may think that risky, but that is their free choice and it's nice to live in a rare industrialized country with the FREEDOM to choose NOT to pay for insurance.
I would say the lefties who came up with the idea are the ones who are desperate. I mean how desperate can you be coming up with as many kooky ideas as possible, all in order to avoid what actually works in deterring crime: harsher punishment.

The US already has harsher punishment than any country except for China and Singapore, and higher crime than any of them. "TOUGH ON CRIME" DOESN'T WORK..
That's a lot of (taxpayers'!) money to spend on what's nothing more than a whim. On the other hand, stores that blast music (which we customers, of course, ultimately pay for!) are very effective in getting me out of the store in record time and inhibiting any desire to return except of dire necessity.

I've actually come to rather love terrible music. It's sort of like me watching an Ed Wood film.
I am more concerned about the 22% of children in Ky living at or under the poverty level than the music they play in Tacoma.

I am also more concerned about the trade imbalance, the debt, SS solvency, medical costs and insurance, even the price of dog food that what music they play in Tacoma.
You are talking about Toyota trucks right ?

If I was elected to the council it would be "non-partisan", but that does not mean that they are not members of a party. That's like saying the Denver City Council is "non-partisan". Rubbish, no Rs get elected in Denver.

True, but they at least don't have the rules beholden to them as they do in a partisan council. I mean, even if someone leans to a certain party, in a non-paritsan situation it at least gives them the choice to go for or against their party, but while they're in a partisan council, if the don't vote with the party leader they are punished severly.