limits to thread starts

if the shoe fits... notice i tried not to mention anyone.
This isn't about personalities/it's a General Theme - 15 thread a week should be more then enough -OK make it 20..that's almost 3 a DAY

Personally I don't think it is any of your business. You have choices

1) accept it
2) go to another forum
3) start your own forum and create nirvana
Personally I don't think it is any of your business. You have choices

1) accept it
2) go to another forum
3) start your own forum and create nirvana
or just put up with your crap ( you especially), and deal with it, 'till I get sick of it.

You are angling for my very first ignore feature - aren't you so special....
You are angling for my very first ignore feature - aren't you so special....

I thought I was your special one.

that is a ridiculous amout of threads to start. 5 PER FORUM per DAY??

How about 20 in a week?? even that is giagntically bigmoneyenourmous? I mean i live on this place, and I prolly don't start but less then 10 a week.

Less is more..if ya get my drift.. food for thought - this ain't working too well.

there is no telling what news events may happen or what new things people may want to discuss. it's ebb and flow. not to mention that different forums have different styles associated with them. to have an arbitrary number cap just means that sometimes you are going to have people that are being prevented from starting a legitimate topic because they posted about some random thing in off topic.
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Oh damn, I forgot I was supposed to throw curses at you and then divert onto a totally different topic.... sorry! (grin)

It sucks having to wade through his bogus threads to get to stuff worth answering.

i think the ultimate solution would be to make it so those that are on ignore don't even have their threads show up for you. that would pretty much solve everyones problem. i dont know if something like that exists though, but we'll look into it. that way you can fully ignore those you think spampost too many threads.
So I'm on here way too much - just looked... my first page of "started threads" - which is 25 (slightly misleading since they aren't in date order but close) - that goes back to Sept 5.

So in a month, I've started 25 threads.

Who needs to do 5 per forum per day????

again everyone has different posting styles. why not we make posts per day caps as well? some like posting a lot, some post less. everybody is different. you can't just compare someone to yourself and use yourself as a baseline for what the "correct way" of posting is
annata I understand your concerns but I don't think thread caps is the way to go, at least not with a number as low as 20 per week. It would need to be at least... 40 or something like that.

this may all be moot though as I don't know if a feature like this even exists.

but i'll look into the ignore option where maybe even thread topics get blocked. I think that would be useful and solve most of peoples problems
So I'm on here way too much - just looked... my first page of "started threads" - which is 25 (slightly misleading since they aren't in date order but close) - that goes back to Sept 5.

So in a month, I've started 25 threads.

Who needs to do 5 per forum per day????

Desh and your buddy Jarod are two that readily come to mind. Of course, you'd probably ask for exemptions to made for them.
BM's thread spamming is symptomatic of how desperate he is.

That alone is worth a chuckle.

Most of you are too new to remember when he was (\(\/)/) or whatever and would post 'liberal' thread after 'liberal' thread and many Righties said the exact same thing the Lefties are saying now. You guys only care because it goes against your political viewpoint.
Most of you are too new to remember when he was (\(\/)/) or whatever and would post 'liberal' thread after 'liberal' thread and many Righties said the exact same thing the Lefties are saying now. You guys only care because it goes against your political viewpoint.
no. because the threads are many times mindless. But thanks for looking at the situation. I only mentioned it because around 8:30 last night (Eastern time)
I was looking at Current Events - which should be a prime time for posting, and all I saw was BM's or ILA's threads.

It was ridiculous, and I thought to bring it to the MOD's attention. All I really wanted was for you guys to see what i pereceived as something that was inhibiting posting -which is the lifeblood of a message board.

Appreciate the concerns, and the responses.
i think the ultimate solution would be to make it so those that are on ignore don't even have their threads show up for you. that would pretty much solve everyones problem. i dont know if something like that exists though, but we'll look into it. that way you can fully ignore those you think spampost too many threads.

Yes it must be such a burden for the lonely housewife with nothing else to do.