limits to thread starts

I really don't think you need to spank him. he is already spanked by his own stupidity every day. I think we should just think of him as our "special cousin" (you know the one that keeps trying to lick the dogs feet). Just be thankful the dog doesn't mind and ignore it

Irony abounds.
BM when have you born out to be right about your predictions on the outcome of policy?

I have repeatedly
again everyone has different posting styles. why not we make posts per day caps as well? some like posting a lot, some post less. everybody is different. you can't just compare someone to yourself and use yourself as a baseline for what the "correct way" of posting is

Sure I can. Didn't you know I'm dictator of the world? (grin)
no. because the threads are many times mindless. But thanks for looking at the situation. I only mentioned it because around 8:30 last night (Eastern time)
I was looking at Current Events - which should be a prime time for posting, and all I saw was BM's or ILA's threads.

It was ridiculous, and I thought to bring it to the MOD's attention. All I really wanted was for you guys to see what i pereceived as something that was inhibiting posting -which is the lifeblood of a message board.

Appreciate the concerns, and the responses.

Annata, I look at "today's posts" rather than the forums - then threads that aren't getting any responses tend to drop off the page while the active forums are on top.

And yes, I appreciate the responses and willingness to look at hiding threads from people we ignore.
I appreciate the responses and willingness to look at hiding threads from people we ignore.
