limits to thread starts

no. because the threads are many times mindless. But thanks for looking at the situation. I only mentioned it because around 8:30 last night (Eastern time)
I was looking at Current Events - which should be a prime time for posting, and all I saw was BM's or ILA's threads.

It was ridiculous, and I thought to bring it to the MOD's attention. All I really wanted was for you guys to see what i pereceived as something that was inhibiting posting -which is the lifeblood of a message board.

Appreciate the concerns, and the responses.

It is the thought that counts. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We cannot legislate a solution for every problem. Next time around BM will likely be a liberal and you will enjoy him again.
It is the thought that counts. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We cannot legislate a solution for every problem. Next time around BM will likely be a liberal and you will enjoy him again.

Are you pining for the fjords* again?

* Rootbeer has gone
Most of you are too new to remember when he was (\(\/)/) or whatever and would post 'liberal' thread after 'liberal' thread and many Righties said the exact same thing the Lefties are saying now. You guys only care because it goes against your political viewpoint.

Yes, we remember when Rune said Rootbeer was his best mate and how much he loved him!!
Yes, we remember when Rune said Rootbeer was his best mate and how much he loved him!!

I said the same thing thing about you Tom, but then it turned out you were just a lying shill for Big Petro, and yes, I miss the fjords, but what does that have to do with RTBR?
that is a ridiculous amout of threads to start. 5 PER FORUM per DAY??

spiderbots track volume.......volume directs advertising......advertising supports the board.....why would a board limit volume?.....there are more people who's threads I don't read than those I read.....actually, I don't look at most threads until they achieve ten or more is not a complicated task to choose....
spiderbots track volume.......volume directs advertising......advertising supports the board.....why would a board limit volume?.....there are more people who's threads I don't read than those I is not a complicated task to choose....

Liberals always want to be protected by others rather than rely on their own initiative
So I'm on here way too much - just looked... my first page of "started threads" - which is 25 (slightly misleading since they aren't in date order but close) - that goes back to Sept 5.

So in a month, I've started 25 threads.

Who needs to do 5 per forum per day????

you've been here since have 3994 posts and 8006 thanks......who needs to thank people twice as often as she posts?......
spiderbots track volume.......volume directs advertising......advertising supports the board.....why would a board limit volume?.....there are more people who's threads I don't read than those I read.....actually, I don't look at most threads until they achieve ten or more is not a complicated task to choose....
idea was too may spurious threads ( for lack of a better term) inhibit "volume" -why I mentioned the lull in Prime Time - thinking it was because the Current Events section was spammed.

But hey - this is volume right? *might as well try to herd cats as to get agreement on this*
It's about VOLUME, BABY!!
idea was too may spurious threads ( for lack of a better term) inhibit "volume" -why I mentioned the lull in Prime Time - thinking it was because the Current Events section was spammed. was probably just that people thought the thread you started was boring.......I'm sorry no one replied to it.....why don't you bump it yourself and see if anyone looks at it...... was probably just that people thought the thread you started was boring.......I'm sorry no one replied to it.....why don't you bump it yourself and see if anyone looks at it......
isn't about me, though I understand the Afgan war anniversary, and 4 Americans getting blown up in South Afganistan is "boring" for most US citizens -
afterall Dancing with the Stars is on......

Thanks for noticing the stark lack of media coverage, on both events.
isn't about me

So this whole thing was because your threads lost the popularity contest?

Here, fill this out so the moderators can file it for you:

isn't about me, though I understand the Afgan war anniversary, and 4 Americans getting blown up in South Afganistan is "boring" for most US citizens -
afterall Dancing with the Stars is on......

Thanks for noticing the stark lack of media coverage, on both events. there WAS a be honest I was just guessing..... there WAS a be honest I was just guessing.....
ya. I'm really sensitive about it though, don't want to talk about it *sniff* - skulking away to another topic.,,oh look!

U.S. at odds with Afghanistan over the post-withdrawal mission
The two countries have been haggling for months over details of the United States' role after troops are pulled out by the end of 2014.,0,5208289.story

*shamelessly spamming the thread to show the utter futility of this 'transition'
Most of you are too new to remember when he was (\(\/)/) or whatever and would post 'liberal' thread after 'liberal' thread and many Righties said the exact same thing the Lefties are saying now. You guys only care because it goes against your political viewpoint.

LOL, who am I supposed to be next week?
some of the persons threads still get responses. peoples posting styles are different. some like to start threads, others like to jump into existing ones. While a thread cap I don't think is a bad idea in of itself, I can't imagine it would be less than say.. 5 per forum per day or something like that, which is sort of around what this person is doing right now anyway more or less.

I really don't think you need to spank him.

he is already spanked by his own stupidity every day.

I think we should just think of him as our "special cousin" (you know the one that keeps trying to lick the dogs feet).

Just be thankful the dog doesn't mind and ignore it