LMAO!!! Im on FAKE ignore by the nutter lefties.


You continually embarrass yourself on this topic. Yet, you’re too fucking stupid to even realize it.

Typical Trumper, though, so nothing new in the world.

Dickhead, you will never attain the knowledge of firearms I have.

And, as you say, you’re too fucking stupid to even realize it.
Dickhead, you will never attain the knowledge of firearms I have.

And, as you say, you’re too fucking stupid to even realize it.

I bet he's got a story about potatoes to rival the Tropical Fruit Shoot...:laugh:
Dickhead, you will never attain the knowledge of firearms I have.

And, as you say, you’re too fucking stupid to even realize it.

That you can change the oil in your car, idiot, does not make you a master mechanic.

Take your Glock and 5 others. 10 others. More, I don’t give a fuck. I could tell you which weapon a projectile from one of those came from. And then back it up in a courtroom. Try that with your “knowledge”.

Fucking moron.
That you can change the oil in your car, idiot, does not make you a master mechanic.

Take your Glock and 5 others. 10 others. More, I don’t give a fuck. I could tell you which weapon a projectile from one of those came from. And then back it up in a courtroom. Try that with your “knowledge”.

Fucking moron.

And guys like RB and myself can shoot the ass off of a house fly at a hundred yards. Guess who wins in the real world? ;) Unless you think the fly is going to suddenly resurrect and demand to know who shot his ass off. IF that ever happens we will tell him to call you! :cool:
And guys like RB and myself can shoot the ass off of a house fly at a hundred yards. Guess who wins in the real world? ;) Unless you think the fly is going to suddenly resurrect and demand to know who shot his ass off. IF that ever happens we will tell him to call you! :cool:
I believe this to be an exaggeration.
I believe this to be an exaggeration.

Thats ok. Makes no difference really. Believing or disbelieving something doesnt make it any more true or less true. To say nothing of the fact that we all KNOW the phrase is a common metaphor.
Thats ok. Makes no difference really. Believing or disbelieving something doesnt make it any more true or less true. To say nothing of the fact that we all KNOW the phrase is a common metaphor.
The common phrase is a “gnats ass”, or at least it was amongst our Alaskan hunters.
And guys like RB and myself can shoot the ass off of a house fly at a hundred yards. Guess who wins in the real world? ;) Unless you think the fly is going to suddenly resurrect and demand to know who shot his ass off. IF that ever happens we will tell him to call you! :cool:

Yeah, good for you Jethro.

Years ago, I had some classes with Fish & Game wildlife biologists. The guys in charge of game management. They always had to laugh at hunters who thought their mighty ability at killing Bambi made them experts in wildlife biology. Truly ignorant fucks. No self awareness.

That’s you two fucktards.
Yeah, good for you Jethro.

Years ago, I had some classes with Fish & Game wildlife biologists. The guys in charge of game management. They always had to laugh at hunters who thought their mighty ability at killing Bambi made them experts in wildlife biology. Truly ignorant fucks. No self awareness.

That’s you two fucktards.

Life not going too good huh? Take heart,...things cant be THAT bad. Hang in there,....things will get better.
Hmmmmmmm,.....for people who CLAIM to have no interest in my posts this thread sure did get to TWELVE PAGES long pretty fast. :thinking: :laugh: I seem to be getting the distinct impression that "some" folks arent being completely honest about things here at JPP. ;)
Like I said earlier,......Being on fake ignore sure can be a LOT of fun! :laugh: JPP Left= Damned if they do,....Damned if they dont. :cool:
Well, if it's the post I'm thinking of, Goat brought it on himself. I told him it was a bit much, spousal abuse is never funny.
CO/goat and the other members of their KKK clique always bring it on themselves then blame others for it. This is why they are losers; they never take responsibility for themselves.
Like I said earlier,......Being on fake ignore sure can be a LOT of fun! :laugh: JPP Left= Damned if they do,....Damned if they dont. :cool:

This sure has been a fun thread! Who coined that term? Genius...pure genius...