LMAO, Jack just destroyed Scowlwoman

Thanks, Mr. Spud!

Looks like the video was accurate.

Nobody owns a word!

He means in the sense that they took what is a slur, an insult, and now they use it proudly -- with each other. Very much the same way feminists have taken the word "bitch" and turned it from an insult to something to be proud of.
He means in the sense that they took what is a slur, an insult, and now they use it proudly -- with each other. Very much the same way feminists have taken the word "bitch" and turned it from an insult to something to be proud of.

So when a Black man is angry and referring to another Black man, he's calling him a "n****r "PROUDLY"??

So when a Black man is angry and referring to another Black man, he's calling him a "n****r "PROUDLY"??


It is what it is. Black comedians use it all the time as part of their schtick. I'm sure you've heard black ppl giving each other shit and using the n-word. Or do they not allow them in your 'hood?
It is what it is. Black comedians use it all the time as part of their schtick. I'm sure you've heard black ppl giving each other shit and using the n-word. Or do they not allow them in your 'hood?

That doesn't answer what was asked; because you're the one who said they use it "proudly" and now you seem to be backpedaling and are referencing Black people giving each other shit.

So "Fuck you n****r, when said it anger by a Black man, was uttered by him proudly giving the other guy "shit"??

He means in the sense that they took what is a slur, an insult, and now they use it proudly -- with each other. Very much the same way feminists have taken the word "bitch" and turned it from an insult to something to be proud of.

Bitch was never a good insult. If you know literal bitches, they are such sweethearts. I consider it more insulting to dogs, considering what people using it, think a bitch is. Could you see a sweet angel doggie, being used as slander for one of those spoiled, and disgusting Real Housewives? You'd be complimenting them by that standard.
Bitch was never a good insult. If you know literal bitches, they are such sweethearts. I consider it more insulting to dogs, considering what people using it, think a bitch is. Could you see a sweet angel doggie, being used as slander for one of those spoiled, and disgusting Real Housewives? You'd be complimenting them by that standard.

Words meanings evolve and change,
Bitch rarely means a female dog,same with words like,gay,cool,do me a solid,etc
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