Macca Sucks Corporate Cock

ps usc you shell of a man, that was the BP refinery not Chevron.
Let me know the next time you go a day without using oil you little hipocyte.
1. legalize pot
2, no more wars, give me a woman pres she'll be much less likely to start a war.
3. way less military spending, to be used on easier access for college and votech.


1. Invest in marijuana growers
2. & 3. Short defense stocks

$$$$ Boo Yah!
Oh, I'd invest or buy a farm if legal.
Not smart enough to short anything, to easy to clean up going long.:clink:
Your definition of a loser is pretty strange Spin, 85 K or so salary (have to figure out the exact amount). Around 100% annualized profit on my stock market gaming so far, Only about 100K debt, which I expect to have paid off in 3 years... Yep a real loser.

I will just keep smiling while you keep on spinning :D

BP or Chevron, they got what they paid for ;)
usc so you have enough to put you in the top 40% you talk like your in the bottom 30%.
I just may more positive and optimistic than you.
I'm also a lot younger too!!

Ps your talking shit about a company and you don't even know which one it is.
Not unusal for the bitter anti corp crowd at all.
Oooooh how terrible.. what a sell out ... gimmie a break ... Starbucks is in partnership with Concord Music... big deal.

MUSIC: McCartney becomes first artist signed to new Starbucks label
By CURT WOODWARD/Associated Press Writer
Associated Press

SEATTLE (AP) - Sir Paul McCartney was introduced Wednesday as the first artist signed to Starbucks Corp.'s new record label.

The former Beatle made an appearance via a video feed from London at the company's annual meeting.

The world's largest specialty coffee retailer announced earlier this month that it was partnering with Concord Music Group to launch the Los Angeles-based Hear Music label.

The McCartney announcement is another big step for Seattle-based Starbucks' attempts to spin part of its consumer appeal into the entertainment business. The coffeehouse chain already has produced and sold some albums, markets books, and helped develop a feature-length movie.

Hear Music has been used as a brand on other releases developed for sale in Starbucks stores. The coffee giant also has a branded page on Apple Inc.'s iTunes digital music store, and a handful of hybrid music-and-coffee stores that allow customers to burn tracks to CDs.

Concord, which controls several other labels, helped Starbucks sell the Grammy-winning "Genius Loves Company," an album of Ray Charles duets.
usc so you have enough to put you in the top 40% you talk like your in the bottom 30%.
I just may more positive and optimistic than you.
I'm also a lot younger too!!

Ps your talking shit about a company and you don't even know which one it is.
Not unusal for the bitter anti corp crowd at all.

Younger and dumber :D

I don't wan't to talk like you spin, can't bring myself down to that level.

Live in your own world and welcome to it , I like my world.
USC, your two degrees short of being able to do a lot of reading and be close to be able to talk about business like me.
Oh, you can talk ufo's and conspiracy's a lot better than me.
I don't have nearly as many trailor trash buddies and you do.:clink:
USC, your two degrees short of being able to do a lot of reading and be close to be able to talk about business like me.
Oh, you can talk ufo's and conspiracy's a lot better than me.
I don't have nearly as many trailor trash buddies and you do.:clink:
You're basically a good guy, PropellerBeanie, but you have this weird psychosis that seems to lead you to believe rich people are an oppressed minority. Not all minorities are disadvantaged, you see. :cool:
we are most certainly oppressed from holding on to our hard earnd dollars. Only lefty dipshits slam starbucks.
USC, your two degrees short of being able to do a lot of reading and be close to be able to talk about business like me.
Oh, you can talk ufo's and conspiracy's a lot better than me.
I don't have nearly as many trailor trash buddies and you do.:clink:

Big shit Top. And you don't know jack-all about Dostoevsky and couldn't last two second discussing his Christ figures or his pity/love conflicts. I further doubt you know jack shit about To Fulfill These Rights, who gave the speech, the history behind it, or, what well-known, and very contraversial policy it was the prelude to.

Everybody has their thing, the stock market is yours.

Grow up, you sound more and more like a little boy every day.
dumbla, slamming starbucks is not about coffe.
It's anti corp dribble from dissenfranchised losers.
Someone takes the procorporate side so you say they have to grow up. LOFL
that's mature.

P.S. who publishes you writing, HMMM ????
I'm guesing a corporation.:pke:
I didn't mean to imply they were as influential as the beatles.

I meant to suggest that they were not some footnote in history, that will quickly be forgotten.

Musical virtuosity, and complex song writing and productions doesn't have much to do with rock. Dylan never wrote a song with more than three chords, and he could neither sing nor play well. Rock is not "art". Maybe ELO considered themselves artists, and that's fine. But, rock grew out of a tradition of the Delta and Chicago Blues. Elvis knew this. Its wasn't about being a virtuoso or being an artist. It was about being genuine. About rebellion. About being on the outside.

OK, I know for a fact that this is wrong. "The times, they are a'changin" had four chords. "It's all over now, baby blue" had like 7 or 8.
dumbla, slamming starbucks is not about coffe.
It's anti corp dribble from dissenfranchised losers.
Someone takes the procorporate side so you say they have to grow up. LOFL
that's mature.

P.S. who publishes you writing, HMMM ????
I'm guesing a corporation.:pke:

My mother "slams" starbucks, and she is nobody's idea of a revolutionary. So your thesis is easily proved wrong. Many people do not like Starbucks, and "slam it" because they hate their coffee.

You see life in very Bush-like terms. I'm actually surprised you're not a fan. You are either with us, or you are with them. You are either "Pro-corporate" or you are "Anti-corporate."

Now, if I see a person commit a murder, and I "slam them" for it, and even report them to the authorities, does this make me "Anti-people"?

I am neither "pro-corporate" nor "anti-corporate". I am for responsibility, both personal, and social responsibility. Corporations should no more be beyond or above the law, than should people. It's really all very simple, though, not quite simplistic, and that Top, is where I think I lose you.
USC, your two degrees short of being able to do a lot of reading and be close to be able to talk about business like me.
Oh, you can talk ufo's and conspiracy's a lot better than me.
I don't have nearly as many trailor trash buddies and you do.:clink:

About what I expected from an elitist jerk.

"Oh, you can talk ufo's and conspiracy's a lot better than me."

Where have I done that ? Just inventing lies spinner ?
Ohh just spinning as your handle indicates I see :D
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If it was art before Starbucks sold it, it is still art.

Unlike Led Zeppelin that stole their music from others, "Macca"'s music is still the same regardless of what label sells it.
It's anti corp dribble from dissenfranchised losers.

I'm neither disenfranchised nor a loser. Some people see a bigger picture than mere economics. I argue on principle rather than through some jealousy. I argue against the inevitable monopolisation end-game that is inevitable with capitalist economic models.

You are an example of why I insist that economics should never be taught as a stand-alone subject.