Meet the Martians

Isn't that the difference between research and application as previously mentioned? The same difference between theoretical and Applied physics?

I think so. Anyone who is using mathematics and scientific and engineering principles to solve practical problems/creating consumer products, etc. is doing engineering and applied technology.

The engineers I worked with would be the first to tell you they are not scientists
Wow interesting. Isn't the atmosphere extremely thin? :whoa:

Right, if I am remembering correctly Martian atmosphere is about one percent density of Earth's. The Ingenuity helicopter is consequently an experimental design which hopefully can get airborne on Mars

You are free to avoid discussion. Are you a Russian or Chinese cocksucker? God Bless America.

I just hope that they discover Republicans there. Perhaps we can send Republicans there since they don't give a crap about Mother Earth anymore!

Republicans don't even live on the same planet as everyone else anymore! So they might as well be on Mars!
I just hope that they discover Republicans there. Perhaps we can send Republicans there since they don't give a crap about Mother Earth anymore!

Republicans don't even live on the same planet as everyone else anymore! So they might as well be on Mars!

Where's my ticket? :)
Where's my ticket? :)

The only thing Science is going to prove is that Mars is a dead planet that possibly never had life of any kind on it.

It's too cold for anything to live there. Temperatures vary between 81 degrees below 0 to 220 degrees below 0 F.

Nothing can live in that kind of cold climate with no atmosphere to speak of.
The only thing Science is going to prove is that Mars is a dead planet that possible never had life of any kind on it.

It's too cold for anything to live there. Temperatures vary between 81 degrees below 0 to 220 degrees below 0 F.

Nothing can live in that kind of cold climate with no atmosphere to speak of.

Wasn't Israel a dead desert without the hand of man? Utah? California?

Controlling temperature is a simple engineering matter.

Not without tech. How long would human beings exist in Earth's northern latitudes without proper equipment? The depths of the oceans? The Moon?

Are you anti-science?
The only thing Science is going to prove is that Mars is a dead planet that possibly never had life of any kind on it.

It's too cold for anything to live there. Temperatures vary between 81 degrees below 0 to 220 degrees below 0 F.

Nothing can live in that kind of cold climate with no atmosphere to speak of.

Yet we have lifeforms here on this planet that thrive in even more extreme environments. There is not much O2 at the bottom of our oceans.

The science we're doing on Mars is not to prove that there is current life, but maybe there was once life. To know the past is to predict the future.
Hello Cypress,

My brother worked at JPL, and I have to admit, the enthusiasm and geekishness of those nerds was infectious.

If this bloody robot does find evidence of extinct life in this dry Martian lake bed, it will literally be one of the greatest and most profound discoveries in human history.

But we might not know for a decade...

It is so advanced, yet it feels like such baby steps.

We can go and collect samples; we just can't analyze them or bring them back to do it on Earth.

That will require another mission.

So amazing - yet so limited.
