Morality is all in your mind.


Morality is indeed a social construct.

Here's a breakdown:

  1. Variability: What is considered "moral" by one might be seen as "immoral" in another. Attitudes vary widely.
  2. Historical Evolution: Standards change over time. Practices that were once acceptable are now widely condemned, and vice versa. This shows that "morality" exists only in the human mind.
  3. Socialization: Individuals learn through socialization processes like education, religion, media, and family teachings. The beliefs one holds are largely influenced by the society they grow up in.
  4. Norms and Laws: Many "morals" are codified into laws or norms that govern behavior within a society. These are constructed by humans.
  5. Relativism: This philosophical perspective reveals that "moral" judgments are true or false relative to some particular standpoint (such as cultural, historical, or personal contexts).



like math, and civilization.

worshipping Satan just makes you evil, not smart.

smart people understand the value of high trust societies.

you're just a war pig devolved imbecile.

^^ Completely dodges and moon-walks away from my question.

How do we know that Christianity has NO PROBLEM with slavery? Just read the Bible:

Ephesians 6:5-9: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and trembling, in singleness of heart, as you obey Christ, not with a slavery performed merely for looks, to please people, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul. Render service with enthusiasm, as for the Lord and not for humans, 8 knowing that whatever good we do, we will receive the same again from the Lord, whether we are enslaved or free.

Colossians 3:22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything

Titus 2:9 Urge slaves to be submissive to their masters in everything

1 Peter 2:18 Slaves, be subject to your masters with all respect
"This sermon, a departure from Reverend Palmer's non-political sermons, was widely puslished as a response to the election of Abraham Lincoln some three weeks prior. The sermon is infamous for it's racist tone, laying claim for the South to be the bastion of Godly care of the black person as a slave to white masters. It is also famous for stating fairly clearly the Southern sentiment regarding Northern legislative efforts thwarting the ability of the South to resolve their own issues in their own time. The sermon is credited with directly leading to the secession of Louisiana and indirectly to the secession of other states as well. THANKSGIVING SERMON"

St. Bernard of Clairvaux and the theology ofCrusade:

“The evil one sees this and is enraged, he gnashes his teeth and withers away in fury.” Thus the Devil inspires the Muslims to attack the Holy Land. Of course, says Bernard, God could stop them without the help of men, but He dœs not do so out of mercy for His people, offering them the Crusade as a path to sanctification. Bernard writes, “For God has pity on his people and on those who have grievously fallen away and has prepared for them a means of salvation.”
“O mighty soldiers, O men of war, you have a cause for which you can fight without danger to your souls; a cause in which to conquer is glorious and for which to die is gain.”[62] And if they do not join the Crusade for the sake of God, Bernard bids them join the Crusade for their own sakes, to obtain everlasting life.[63] Thus in this letter Bernard presents the Crusade as war of justice: to undo the injustice of the Muslims and to aid in the justification of Christians.

Can someone show me in Christ's teachings where God grants salvation for going and killing people in his name?
How do we know that Christianity has NO PROBLEM with slavery? Just read the Bible:

Ephesians 6:5-9: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and trembling, in singleness of heart, as you obey Christ, not with a slavery performed merely for looks, to please people, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul. Render service with enthusiasm, as for the Lord and not for humans, 8 knowing that whatever good we do, we will receive the same again from the Lord, whether we are enslaved or free.

Colossians 3:22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything

Titus 2:9 Urge slaves to be submissive to their masters in everything

1 Peter 2:18 Slaves, be subject to your masters with all respect
Nice cherry picking, and way to practice confirmation bias. Way to studiously and intentionally ignore all other Christian literature and teachings from antiquity to the modern Era.

Did you get that list from an atheist blog?

Openly encouraging a slave revolt, or writing letters encouraging slaves to disobey their masters in the first century would have brought a death sentence to the members of the small Christian cult.

Your knowledge of JudeoChristian literature is rudimentary at best, and strictly operates on the basis of conformation bias. You didn't know Judaism has a concept of the afterlife, you didn't know there was very early extent Christian literature from the time of the the disciples, you didn't know the New Testament was a new covenant that rendered ritual, administrative, and ceremonial Mosaic law obsolete.

Every Christian denomination today says slavery is contrary to God's plan. The Popes of the 15 and 16th century said slavery was contrary to God's plan. Church father Augustine said in the fourth century slavery was against God's plan.
Remember: Religious morality (the belief there are absolute rights and wrongs) drives these people:

If you can't say why murder is wrong without reliance on "God told me so" or "Natural law told me so" then I am guessing that morality has no real value.
Nice cherry picking, and way to practice confirmation bias. Way to studiously and intentionally ignore all other Christian literature and teachings from antiquity to the modern Era.

You keep on with the "modern era" dodge Yet you will NEVER TELL US WHEN SLAVERY BECAME BAD. And who told you it was bad?

Remember: Religious morality (the belief there are absolute rights and wrongs) drives these people:

If you can't say why murder is wrong without reliance on "God told me so" or "Natural law told me so" then I am guessing that morality has no real value.
My life experience and my conscience informs me that gassing Jews is objectively wrong, independent of culture, independent of opinion, or independent of popular consensus.

Intuition and conscience are forms of knowledge, and you seem to be unaware of this.

I'm not mad that you are a moral subjectivist.

Cultural subjectivity and moral relativism were perfectly respectable concepts in 20th century sociology and anthropology.

It sure seems to agitate you that I tend to believe in an absolute right and wrong. If my belief makes you angry, maybe you need to self evaluate yourself for the origin of that anger
My life experience and my conscience informs me that gassing Jews is objectively wrong, independent of culture, independent of opinion, or independent popular consensus.

Intuition and conscience are forms of knowledge, and you seem to be unaware of this.

I'm not mad that you are a moral subjectivist.

It sure seems to agitate you that I tend to believe in an absolute right and wrong. If my belief makes you angry, maybe you need to self evaluate yourself for the origin of that anger

If you weren't so busy cherry picking which Christian virtue you want to practice I'd say you actually do believe in absolute right and wrong.
Intuition and conscience are forms of knowledge, and you seem to be unaware of this.

Actually you are dangerously close to confirming MY POSITION with that sentence.

I'm not mad that you are a moral subjectivist.

Is that why you use constantly emotionally charged nasty insulting language about atheism when you speak to me?

Like I said, it's clear you don't actually believe that all of Jesus' teachings have value worthy of you.