How else could it exist if not for humans?The word and definition of morality were created by one species of animal on Earth. That doesn’t mean the concept of morality couldn’t exist without humans. We are limited by what we know to exist.
To the degree that I acknowledge that I don't know what I don't know, yes.
Wrong.Morality has to do with the experiences and well-being of creatures who have consciousness, are able to experience joy, pain, suffering, etc.
Very cynical, and wrong.Not really. Acknowledging that I and my miniscule life on this floating rock, am basically nothing, in the grand scheme of things, seems pretty deep.
...because he was taught his morality.I see. You have same beliefs as Christians but are not Christian.
Science has nothing to do with morality.Science tells us how expansive is the universe and how physically irrelevant we are in it.
An atheist cannot tell societies that practice slavery, female genital mutilation, sati, ritual human sacrifice, cannibalism they are objectively wrong and immoral. From their point of view, human sacrifice, burning widows, female genital mutilation, cannibalism serve important cultural norms.
One thing I agree with Hume on is that the genuine atheist needs to live out their atheism to it's logical conclusion, without surreptitiously borrowing religious doctrines of absolute right and wrong and objective morality.
What has atheism done for society? Name something.Hmm. Interesting. You are wrong, of course. But it's nice you have a suggestion for how OTHER PEOPLE should live their lives.
Maybe if you listened to what atheists actually SAID you'd have a different view of atheism. I am so used to hearing the religious blast atheists and mischaracterize every single point about them but I am surprised that an avowed agnostic would do so.
Of course they can.An atheist cannot tell societies that practice slavery, female genital mutilation, sati, ritual human sacrifice, cannibalism they are objectively wrong and immoral. From their point of view, human sacrifice, burning widows, female genital mutilation, cannibalism serve important cultural norms.
One thing I agree with Hume on is that the genuine atheist needs to live out their atheism to it's logical conclusion, without surreptitiously borrowing religious doctrines of absolute right and wrong and objective morality.
So, your argument is, if you have committed robbery, you cannot preach against it? That's patently stupid.It might be your opinion that female genital mutilation and cannibalism is wrong, and that's perfectly fine. But you cannot take your atheism and lecture the cultures in Africa and Papua New Guinea that they are objectively wrong and objectively immoral.
Can you actually claim that one is not taught that murder is wrong? Do you actually and foolishly believe that morality is inherent and we are born with it?
Apparently you do not know that one can be raised to believe that murder is perfectly okay.
Morality exists as a condition of religion. One can only make such absurd claims by believing that morality is somehow inherent in humans. But we know that is not the case.morality doesn't need religion.
Wrong, your claims are wrapped in ignorance.I recognize reality.
What has atheism done for society? Name something.
Wrong; morality is taught.Morality is rational.
Irony from a douchebag that defines valueless with every post.Thank you for your insight. As per usual it is valueless.