Moving is Stressful...

That's because you spent your life as a GI welfare queen. I was a young and dumb kid who had to work in the real world.

Thanks for proving you have a victim mentality. You're blaming me for your life still sucking over 40 years later. You should see a shrink, dumbass. Work that shit out and get a fucking life, Goofy.
Thanks for proving you have a victim mentality. You're blaming me for your life still sucking over 40 years later. You should see a shrink, dumbass. Work that shit out and get a fucking life, Goofy.
More of your welfare collecting career projection. The working class turned The Sons of Liberty from a private club of talkers into a revolutionary movement. The working class in 2022 are tired of you welfare queens running your big mouth in an attempt to quash the upcoming revolt.
We are in the late stages of selling the small ranch and buying a larger ranch... unfortunately ranches tend to be in rural areas and you find that things you can do in the city are not available... like PODS...

They are happy to deliver it to where we are, but will not move the PODS to our new site, too far is what they say.

So, we are in the process of trying to recover from finding out that they lie when they say they'll deliver our stuff to anywhere in the state.

So, we are now looking at paying some movers to move stuff out of the storage PODS into a truck and unloading it into a 40' cargo container on our new property. Movers also do not like going that far, but they'll do it, they just charge you extra...

The stress comes in, that we have a very short time to get all this done now. LOL

Man, I'm going to love living where I am going... But this move may just kill me!

I feel your pain. My wife and I made 13 moves in 24 years. Moving is especially stressful for a woman.
More of your welfare collecting career projection. The working class turned The Sons of Liberty from a private club of talkers into a revolutionary movement. The working class in 2022 are tired of you welfare queens running your big mouth in an attempt to quash the upcoming revolt.

You're free to masturbate all day long and blame me for how badly your life turned out. It's not illegal for you to be mentally ill, wallow in self-pity and blame others for your many life's mistakes. It's not like Pity Parties aren't the core of your friend's two whining threads.

You're free to masturbate all day long and blame me for how badly your life turned out. It's not illegal for you to be mentally ill, wallow in self-pity and blame others for your many life's mistakes. It's not like Pity Parties aren't the core of your friend's two whining threads.
Proving that Damo is tired of your hate porn. You welfare queens have to follow orders.
You're free to masturbate all day long and blame me for how badly your life turned out. It's not illegal for you to be mentally ill, wallow in self-pity and blame others for your many life's mistakes. It's not like Pity Parties aren't the core of your friend's two whining threads.

It's interesting how so many of the toxic psychos hate and disparage the military and those who served. You, EE, and Guno have all had your veteran status attacked by these various losers over the last few years. I guess the posting of patriotic memes on the appropriate holidays is just window dressing and about as real as the fake credentials. Tsk.
It's interesting how so many of the toxic psychos hate and disparage the military and those who served. You, EE, and Guno have all had your veteran status attacked by these various losers over the last few years. I guess the posting of patriotic memes on the appropriate holidays is just window dressing and about as real as the fake credentials. Tsk.

Notice that, except for the traitors STY, Stone and Earl, none of Trump's terrorists served a day for their nation.
Proving that Damo is tired of your hate porn. You welfare queens have to follow orders.

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

You've been a loser all your life, Goofy, and there's not a single reason for anyone on JPP to think you won't die a pathetic loser whining about others. Losers like you are never missed.

I feel your pain. My wife and I made 13 moves in 24 years. Moving is especially stressful for a woman.

Aha! You were an Air Force "homesteader". LOL

I lived in 18 different homes and went to 11 different schools before HS graduation.

In the service, it wasn't as bad, only 11 moves. Four of those were in the same city. I was single for my two Okinawa deployments and just moved my car and belongings into a storage shed: Car on jacks, battery removed, boxes packed in and around it. I changed BOQ rooms/apartments every time. I moved twice each in Jacksonville and Milton.
:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

You've been a loser all your life, Goofy, and there's not a single reason for anyone on JPP to think you won't die a pathetic loser whining about others. Losers like you are never missed.
You are the quintessential welfare queen. You are here because Owl told Damo to ignore your doxxing games.
You are the quintessential welfare queen. You are here because Owl told Damo to ignore your doxxing games.

Posted like the life-long professional victim and loser you've been for over 50 years. You should put it on your tombstone, Goofy.

Notice that, except for the traitors STY, Stone and Earl, none of Trump's terrorists served a day for their nation.

Of course not. Like with the LEOs and "Blue Lives Matter," they're only important when they can be used to virtue-signal. Otherwise they're just props.
Of course not. Like with the LEOs and "Blue Lives Matter," they're only important when they can be used to virtue-signal. Otherwise they're just props.

Sadly I have to agree. It is revealing of the low character of such people to use our military and police as "props".
Posted like the life-long professional victim and loser you've been for over 50 years. You should put it on your tombstone, Goofy.


Funny how he constantly accuses others of doxing him, but details of the alleged crime are non-existent. What a dumbass turkey. He took lessons from the best! :rofl2:
We are in the late stages of selling the small ranch and buying a larger ranch... unfortunately ranches tend to be in rural areas and you find that things you can do in the city are not available... like PODS...

They are happy to deliver it to where we are, but will not move the PODS to our new site, too far is what they say.

So, we are in the process of trying to recover from finding out that they lie when they say they'll deliver our stuff to anywhere in the state.

So, we are now looking at paying some movers to move stuff out of the storage PODS into a truck and unloading it into a 40' cargo container on our new property. Movers also do not like going that far, but they'll do it, they just charge you extra...

The stress comes in, that we have a very short time to get all this done now. LOL

Man, I'm going to love living where I am going... But this move may just kill me!

Ranch? I would absolutely hate living your life, but I imagine that you would equally hate living mine.
Best of luck with the move.
Funny how he constantly accuses others of doxing him, but details of the alleged crime are non-existent. What a dumbass turkey. He took lessons from the best! :rofl2:

Goofy clearly has mental issues although I don't know what they are. Chronic lying is one of his symptoms. Sociopath?
Pathological lying is still being studied, but its cause appears to be a number of conditions. Pathological lying is a symptom of various personality disorders, including antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders. Other conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, may also lead to frequent lies, but the lies themselves are not considered pathological. Finally, some people simply lie pathologically but have no other conditions.
Ranch? I would absolutely hate living your life, but I imagine that you would equally hate living mine.
Best of luck with the move.

Which explains why you hide in a hole. Living in rural areas is great. Very little noise and light pollution. Cities stink. They smell like sewers although I'm sure you are used to it by now, Niblick.
Goofy clearly has mental issues although I don't know what they are. Chronic lying is one of his symptoms. Sociopath?
Pathological lying is still being studied, but its cause appears to be a number of conditions. Pathological lying is a symptom of various personality disorders, including antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders. Other conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, may also lead to frequent lies, but the lies themselves are not considered pathological. Finally, some people simply lie pathologically but have no other conditions.

Quite likely. Hence his instant attraction to and warm welcome by the psychos of the CrazyCuntClub. :laugh: